
Jiro: Mom, Dad.

Liquen, Perry: Yes son?

Jiro: Thanks for everything! Thank you for accepting me and letting me be who I am.

Perry: Of course son! We are always here to support you.

Liquen: Yeah, and remember son, you can like anyone, marry anyone, kiss anyone, as long as you love them and care for them.

Jiro: *smiles* Aww thanks mom and dad!

:: Jiro then hugs his mom and dad and Aegis enters the room and sees them hugging, without any hesitation he joins them without even knowing why they're hugging.

Jiro: Oh! Hi Aegis!

Aegis: Why are you guys smiling and hugging?

Liquen: Guess who has a boyfriend…

Aegis: Hmm… I wonder, maybe it's… You dad! *giggles*

Liquen: *giggles* you silly boy!

Aegis: I'm just kidding, It's… Jiro!

Jiro: Yeah *giggles*

Aegis: I wanna meet him! Who is it?

Jiro: Take a guess.

Aegis: Hmm…I don't know, cause the only friend that you ever brought to our house is Helios.

Jiro: *smiles* Then I think you know who it is.

Aegis: *gasp* HELIOS?

Jiro: Yeah!

Aegis: Oh My Gosh! Finally! When they lived here, Helios always asked me questions about you.

Jiro: Really?

Aegis: Yeah!

Jiro: Anyways, I'm gonna go to my room and get changed, me and Helios also promised each other that we would play some games.

Perry: Ok! I'll just call you when I need you.

:: Jiro heads to his room and changes his clothes, he also sent text messages to Helios.

~ Text Messages: Jiro, Helios ~

Jiro: Hey! I'm home. Wanna play some video games?

Helios: Yeah! Sure!

Jiro: Ok I'm going online.

Helios: We should call each other.

:: They call each other.

~ Call ~

Jiro: Hi Helios!

Helios: Hi boyfriend!

Jiro: That doesn't sound right.

Helios: Then what should I call you?

Jiro: Hmm… "babe" is too common.

Helios: Oh! I know!

Jiro: What is it?

Helios: I'm not telling you yet, you have to wait for it.

Jiro: Ok Fine! Anyways, I already miss you.

Helios: We literally just said goodbye to each other this morning.

Jiro: But I already miss my boyfriend.

Helios: Jiro…

Jiro: *fake sobbing noises*

Helios: Are you crying?

Jiro: No, but I miss you.

Helios: Whatever, Isn't my mom going there tomorrow to plan the Onshitsu trip?

Jiro: Yeah I think she is.

Helios: I'm coming with her then!

Jiro: Speaking of, I thought we're gonna play some video games today?

Helios: Oh, yeah right.. What game do you want to play?

Jiro: hmm… You choose..

Helios: Same for me… How about… Dead By Daylight.

Jiro: That game is paid though.

Helios: Oh, wait, you didn't get it? It was free 2 months ago. And don't you still have credits to buy it?

Jiro: Really? Uhm, I don't feel like wasting money again, can we play another game?

Helios: Sure… CS:GO?

Jiro: Meh, I really don't like that game, It's too original.

Helios: Then what do you wanna play then?

Jiro: Can't we just go play "Apex"? Or "VALORANT"?

Helios: Which one?

Jiro: Hm.. Let's go "Apex".

Helios: Alright…

:: They launched their "Apex Legends" and start playing

Jiro: Queue up.

Helios: Alright, I'll use "Seer".

Jiro: I'll just go for "Octane".

:: In-Game… 4 out of 20 squads remaining.

Helios: Okay. One of 'em is cracked, red evo, they're probably regenerating their shield.

Jiro: I'll go rush them, come with me, I have my jump pad.

Helios: Alright, I'll follow you.

Jiro: They're dead.

Helios: Nice!

:: In-Game… 2 out of 20 squads remaining.

Jiro: Last squad, c'mon.

Helios: I can use my ultimate for info.

Jiro: Use it.

Helios: They're beneath us. Wait for them to come up.

Teammate: 'Nading! Play off my contact, we'll rush them!

Jiro: Sure!

Helios: I can scan, downwards.

Teammate: Can you do it now?

Helios: Sure!

[ 3 Enemies Revealed ]

Helios: One, only has grey evo, rush them!

Jiro: Wraith, cracked!

Teammate: Dead!

Helios: Mirage, cracked, he's regenerating his shield!

Teammate: I got him!

Jiro: Last one, has gray evo!

Teammate: Rush 'em!

Helios: Go!

Game Announcer: Winner Announced!

Jiro, Helios, Teammate: LET'S GO!

Jiro: That was an intense game…

Helios: You popped off..

Jiro: 10 Kills, damn…

Helios: My boyfriend is so good at playing games, I really thought you're just a geek.

Jiro: Hey! I can do stuff too!

Helios: *giggles* Alright, wanna go for one more?

Jiro: Sure…

:: Jiro and Helios, played "Apex Legends" for 4 Hours straight.

Jiro: Alright, I think we need to rest-

Perry: Jiro! Dinner time!

Jiro: Coming, Mom! Helios, I'll go eat dinner, I'll be right back

Helios: Oh, Okay!-

Merissa: Helios!!! Dinner!

Helios: Coming Mom!

:: After they ate, they continued to play…

Jiro: *sigh* We have been playing this for almost 6 hours, can we play another game?

Helios: Sure, do you wanna play Genshin Impact?

Jiro: Sure…

:: They continue to play several games for hours, and eventually…

Jiro: It's getting late, and I'm feeling sleepy… I think I'll go to sleep… See you, Helios. Love you~

Helios: Oh… Okay… I'll see you tomorrow… Love you too…