Night Stroll

:: Everyone gets out of their car, and heads to the lobby of the Heinzoushin Hotel, a five star hotel that is located in the famous Fujumi Village of Onshitsu. Onshitsu, a city in the mountains, surrounded by the beautiful hills. It is well known for the beautiful scenery and cold weather.

Merissa: We're finally here!

Logan: Yeah that was quite a long drive.

Liquen: Great thing I have a wife that drove all the way here!

Perry: You owe me a trip to the spa.

Aegis: Dad! You slept the whole way, you even snored so loud.

Helios: Great thing, I also have a wife that drove for me.

Jiro: What? Who is your wife exactly?

Logan: It's really cold here.

:: We see Helios and Jiro hugging each other.

Helios: *giggles* Sorry, but a good thing is that my prince is here to hug me.

Logan: "Prince" "Prince"

Merissa: Aww…Is someone jealous? Come here!

:: Merissa hugs Logan too and laughs at him.

Aegis: Alright, everyone, stop hugging, I'm single, and I'm Hungry!

Liquen: Yeah I'm hungry too, But! This time… Dinner is on me guys!

Everyone: Yay!

:: They all head to the Masayoshi bar and restaurant, one of the oldest and most well known restaurants in Onshitsu.

Jiro: I'll have the bento box meal A with the green tea.

Helios: I'll have Tempura with green tea too.

:: Everyone orders their meal and eats.

Aegis: Wow! This is really good.

Merissa: You're right! Even their water tastes different.

Logan: Merissa…

:: After finishing their meal, they walk through Fujumi Village. A place full of history and beautiful night lights.

Helios: Mom! Dad! We should go to the park and look at the oldest tree in Onshitsu.

Merissa: Great plan! Let's go!

:: They all walk to the Fujumi Central Park to look at one of the oldest trees alive in Onshitsu. At night the park is full of lights, and even has a light show.

Jiro: Wow~ It's really pretty here *points to Helios*

Helios: Jiro! Our parents are here.

Perry: *giggles* You two won't stop flirting huh?

Jiro: But mom, it is really pretty here *points to Helios again*

Perry: *giggles* Whatever, come here let me take a picture of you two.

Helios: Aunt Perry but you really don't have to.

Perry: I insist, say cheese!

Helios, Jiro: Cheese!

:: Everyone takes pictures and they wait for the light show in Fujumi Central Park. The light show then starts.

Aegis: Woah this is so cool!

Helios: Yeah!

Liquen: Look over there! It's Mt. Otomoyuiko.

Perry: Woah! It has lights at night?

Aegis: That looks so cool too!

:: Everyone enjoys the light show and they head to the night market where people sell food, souvenirs, and small gifts. Helios sees something that he wants.

Helios: Oh! Prince look! We should get these.

Jiro: What's that?

Helios: It's a couple necklace!

Jiro: Oh! We should get one.

Helios: Ok, how much?

Seller: 20 dollars for one pair, for you two?

Helios: Uhmm, Yeah.

Seller: Oh wow! I rarely get male couple customers.

Jiro: Oh really?

Seller: Yeah, that's why when I get one, I feel really happy for them.

Helios: Aww…Can we get the blue one?

Seller: Here *passes item* that would be 20 dollars.

Jiro, Helios: Thanks!

:: Helios then puts on the necklace on Jiro, and Jiro does the same for Helios.

Jiro: Let's take a picture.

:: They take a picture and continue walking around the night market. They eventually get tired and decide to go back to the hotel.

Merissa: Woah I'm really tired.

Logan: If you didn't buy all these things you wouldn't be tired.

Merissa: But they were really cheap.

Perry: Good thing I have my little helpers here.

Aegis: Mom, this is too heavy!

Liquen: Aegis, don't you give that to me, I'm already holding 5 bags.

Perry: *giggles* That's what you get for sleeping on us the entire way here.

Liquen: Whatever, let's go back to the hotel. We're going to the foothills of Mt. Otomoyuiko tomorrow.

:: They all walk back to the hotel. Jiro and Helios are in room 503, Merissa and Logan in room 506, and Liquen, Perry and Aegis in room 505.

Jiro: See you guys at 7 am tomorrow.

Perry: Goodnight son! Don't be too loud.

Jiro: Mom!

Helios: Don't worry aunt Perry, I'll make sure he stays quiet.

Perry: *giggles*

Jiro: Let's just go to our rooms now, Goodnight mom! Goodnight dad! Goodnight Aegis! Goodnight aunt Merissa! Goodnight uncle Logan!

:: They all go to their rooms and sleep to get ready for tomorrow's adventure.