Letter From A Friend


As humans, we possess a certain amount of self-control- a strong handle on our conscious actions and reactions in order to blend in with society. We follow a certain unsaid code of conduct in order to live as freely as we are allowed: From birth to death. The majority of society complies with the way things are, while the minority who stray try to limit themselves from straying too far. Those limits are what keep them human.

To be human is to have a limit.

Nothing is unlimited, we just never notice until we try to pass the lines which were already drawn. Nobody will live forever, no one person can do everything, and no creature can comprehend all information.

While these limits are necessary, it has always been fascinating to watch others try and break them. Some may succeed and create a new boundary while others will fail and suffer proper consequences.

There are also personal limits, and lines that one should never cross. Those boundaries are the ones that keep us in check. They're the rules that keep us from doing things one should not do unto others or themselves. However, if you were given the opportunity to expand those boundaries and do the things that any normal person would never even dare do, would you do them?

Of course, everything is circumstantial. Some things are simply not morally or ethically correct. There are laws for this very reason. Fortunately, in this particular book, we'll see different ways a person could answer this question in one of the worst circumstances.

This book is a game of perspective and ideals, each character being the representation of a different kind. In this story that we'll read together we will explore what it means to live and die. Just like you and I, these characters will all die eventually.

Everything is set in stone. There is no way to change their future.

-Warmest Regards,