

10 minutes ago



I look behind me, the entrance disappeared as well as Yi Kai and Ru Bao.

After finding the space under the rubble, I plunge in and this is where I end up.

Below me is an array that I assumed teleported me to this area. There is glamouring blue light shining in the corridor I am in.

Pillars after pillars stand to my left, it seems to be a balcony.

I walk to it and look out of the balcony, it is nothing but a spectral, blue space. Part of the rock railings have disappeared or crumbled onto the balcony, everything here is made out of rocks and is... Decomposing, collapsing at any given moment.

Where the fuck am I?



It's...the smell of blood...


Moreover, the glowing green rock I got from the bandits that attacked Xie Li's cabin is vibrating. Something is happening to the rock, it's being affected... No, attracted to something here.

I follow the scent of blood

Throughout the place, the subtle scent of blood lingers in the air. I've never realised this familiar smell could be so suffocating.

Deeper and deeper.

The scent gets stronger as the neverending corridor continues to be endless.


Suddenly, I hear something. Someone is talking.

Upon closer analysis, it comes from the staircase to my left. I walk down the stairs while concealing my presence as I stick to the wall. My venture finds a huge space with a bunch of women tied up unconscious lying in a giant pool of blood.

However, a woman is awake and she is talking to a man dressed in black from head to toe.

Wait, White hair, that's Li Xing.

"Kekeke... Looks like all of the male participants are dead."

"What..." Mumbles Li Xing.


The space they are in looks like the remnants of a gigantic ballroom, ballroom shouldn't exist in this era...? At the end of the ballroom on the other side, there's a malicious giant double door, covering almost three-quarters of the wall.

The floor of the ballroom has an array engraved. I draw Zi Mi's sword. I prepare the sword I got from killing that noble

System, extract Xie Mo's martial technique, Sword of Reign.


-90,000 points

Successfully extracted Xie Mo's Martial technique: Sword of Reign

Your understanding of the Sword has been enlightened.

(Sword Cultivation) have been added to [Sub-Cultivation] menu

Current Sword Cultivation:

Sword Intent Stage 7


"The ritual will soon begin so don't be anxious my little jade beauty. You will witness the birth of the ancient blood tomb being erected from the womb." Says the masked man.

"Tomb?" I say.


"Who are you!" The masked man says.

I appear behind him instantly and attempt to decapitate him, but all I slice through is some red blood.


A pool of red blood materializes in the man behind Li Xing.

"Bastard! How did you get in here? No, how are you even alive! I made sure that everyone marked with the blood curse is dead."

I smile.

"Wait! Is Yi Kai and Ru Bao okay?"

I ignore Li Xing and go after the man. He materializes a bloody sword and it clashes with my sword.

"Impressive strength but!"


I jump back as a blood spike erects at the area I stood.

Many particles of blood float up and form countless swords, all of which fly towards me.


I take a deep breath and grip the sword tightly, channelling Qi into the sword. The sword starts to glow.

The tsunami of red swords crashed into me.

"HAHAHAHA! I don't know how you got in but this should be-"


The blood engulfing me explodes as a blinding light shoots out.

I am unscathed, not even a single scratch can be seen on my robe.

A fiery white aura surrounds my sword, bits of the aura at the edge of the sword are dispersing into the air.

"S-Sword Qi?! You are a martial expert?!" The man exclaims. "No no no! Fuck! I need to quickly activate it!"

The man runs toward the giant double door as he controls the surrounding blood. Every single droplet of blood in the room rush at me in a desperate attempt to slow me down.

I raise the sword over my shoulder and slash diagonally at the blood, an elegant bright crescent energy shoots out from the blade and cut through every single droplet, disintegrating it.


The man, unable to run away from my attack, braced for impact by casting several barriers. The crescent breaks through every single one and decapitated the man.

The blood-stained room is now clean, I walk to the headless corpse. He was very close to reaching the door.

I touch the corpse.

System, infect this corpse and give me information related to this unknown dimension and gigantic door.


-5000 points

This domain is created using a space altering technique. The creator must manually create the infrastructure, atmosphere, and time, allowing the technique to be very deadly if used in certain situations.

To send people into this domain, an array or another technique is used. As for the array at the entrance, unless given special permission, it automatically kills anyone with the curse mark from the curse array. Thus, killing both Yi Kai and Ru Bao who tried to follow the host.

Inside this domain lies an ancient artifact engraved into a tomb in the "womb" of the domain. To summon the tomb, a rock that contains pure Yin energy must be placed in the door, which will then open itself to allow access to the artifact. Since the outer disciples of the Blood sect failed to retrieve the yin stone from Xie Li, they have resorted to using the competition as an alternative, killing every single man and sacrificing every woman participant.

The blood sect has a hidden spy in the Majestic Array Sect, the sect that owns XianFei, the patriarch. The original, real, patriarch was killed and replaced by someone identical-looking from the Blood sect. Thus, the patriarch helped set up the stage for the ritual. The elders and disciples of the Majestic Array sect are innocent and do not know about this.

As for the mastermind behind this domain, not much information is known except that it was created by the ancestor of the Blood sect, whose location and status are unknown even to the current patriarch of the Blood sect. All they know is that they must wreak havoc and fear across Murim before the ancestor returns to dominate the entire lower realm.


I have a hypothesis... The ancestor of the blood sect might belong to the world I come from. A ballroom shouldn't exist in this world, much less in a world where western design shouldn't exist.

The Murim seems like a completely different world from mine where different nationalities like Korea don't exist. Everything here is reenacted as ancient China...


The rock in my pouch starts to vibrate vigorously. Taking it out, I realise it is glowing very brightly. 

The door?

I walk to the giant rock double door. Below the door is a small crack just large enough to fit the glowing green rock.

I throw a glance at Li Xing, her eyes are wide open, stunned by what she saw.

Taking the wrist of the woman nearest to me, I check for her vitals and realise they are still alive, just unconscious.

I take a breather before inserting the rock into the door.


The infrastructure starts to tremble as the door is forced open. Remnants of sand and stone fall from the ceiling of the ballroom and only stop when the door is opened completely.


What the...

Red Tissue, red bloody tissues...the muscle of humans can be seen as the floors, walls and roof of the cavern behind the door. Every piece of muscle is tainted with red blood, the roof is dripping blood from somewhere...

Is this the...


I've never felt so disgusted in my life...

Not beating around the bush, I reluctantly walk in. The "walkway" extends for about 3 minutes before a dead end shows up.

In the end, a sword can be seen pierced into a rectangular rock.

Is that the ancient artifact the blood sect was searching for... It's a bit...

It's a bit...

The sword has an eyeball as a pommel with a crimson red blade.


The eyelid suddenly slid open when I step near.