Crazy Bastards

"What? I don't- uck!!"

Kai Fei grasps his throat as he falls onto the floor.


Zheng Cang, someone who just started on the martial path, used killing intent to shut Kai Fei?

His infection status confirmed my speculation on Zheng Cang, he is a mortal.

"Ants should comply with the strong. This is my final warning, do you want to join us or not?" Says Zheng Cang, his soulless dark blue eyes gazing at Kai Fei on the floor.


"I will take that as a yes. Your group mates should join as well."

Zheng Cang's group mates surround my group, they've become his subordinates.

"Uh..." The mischievous outer disciple attempts to step in and Zheng Cang glares at him.


"What's wrong? Do you not want to share?" One of Zheng Cang's subordinates says as he puts his arm over the mischievous outer disciple.

"No no..."

Zheng Cang smiles and all of them pull us into the small cabin. They push aside the bed and create a large space in the middle of the room.

The mischievous outer disciples are forced to unleash his stash to the ground.

"Haha!! Boss, look at this! It's rice wine!" His subordinates exclaim as they raise the bottle.

"Oh, there is white wine as well." Zheng Cang says. He points to the mischievous outer disciple. "What's your name?"

"L-Le Tian(Carefree)." He says.

"I see...that explains your behaviour. As for the rest of Le Tian's group, get out and keep a lookout alright?" Says Zheng Cang.

They rapidly comply without resistance.

"We are family, aren't we? Drink up, family bonding time is very important." Says Zheng Cang, pouring the wine into a small cup.

All of us stared at the small cup until Zheng Cang points to He Zhou "You, drink up."

I grab the cup from him and finish it in one gulp.


Bitter, this body isn't used to drinking.

"Do you like it?" He asks. "Drink more."


I smile. "Don't mind me," I say.

I take another shot down. Soon after it became 3 shots, 4 shots, but I held my liquor.

"Wow...he knows how to drink." Says his subordinates.

Zheng Cang continues to stare at me.

An expert cultivator can relieve the effects of wine by "flushing" it out using Qi.

"Hey! What's going on inside?!" Gaining shouts from outside.

He pushes the door open and widens his eye. "You bastards...WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHO SNEAKED WINE INTO THE SECT?"

His shout echoes throughout the room.

Zheng Cang clicks his tongue. "Sorry, sir." He throws a glance at me. "This is my introduction, mind your own business. Especially you, Kai Fei." He says and left the room with his subordinates.


Kai Fei didn't introduce his name to Zheng Cang.

Gaoming grabs Zheng Cang's shoulder. "Where are you going?"

Zheng Cang retaliated with a glare. "I apologized, didn't I? Shouldn't there be a first warning for new outer disciples? I didn't know that wine isn't allowed in the sect."

"That...Fine." Says Gaoming.

Gaoming is used to rowdy disciples but against cunning ones like Zheng Cang, he felt the loss of power.

I was right... My instinct was right. Zheng Cang is someone who can establish himself at the top of the hierarchy. How did he do it? His talent was pretty average.

Gaoming glares at the remaining. "Get back to your room! This is the first and final warning I will give."

As we walk past him, he sighs.


"Just 5 more minutes!" Gaoming shouts. The disciples are all trembling uncontrollably. My group have already given up and collapsed on the floor.

Zheng Cang was eyeing my group the whole time.

At lunchtime, my group sat together at a table.

Kai Fei sighs. "We managed to survive 10 seconds more today. Let's keep it up." Says Kai Fei.

None of us replied.

As Minghe walks back with a bowl of rice and vegetables with meat, Zheng Cang took notice and takes the bowl of rice from the nearest outer disciple before throwing it on the ground.


"What are-"

His subordinates smirk at the bullied disciple who quietens and backs off. No one steps out to help.

The elder isn't here.

Kai Fei clenched his fist and walks up to Zheng Cang, grabbing his collar.

"You bastard!!" Kai Fei shouts.

"Oh? It's you again."

Zheng Cang grips Kai Fei's arm firmly before executing a headbutt to Kai Fei's nose.


Zheng Cang slips a wide grin and throws a punch at Kai Fei. "Your group is the weakest. Yet you are being so cocky, know your place."


Another punch. All aiming at Kai Fei's broken nose.


The sound of his punch startled some disciples.

It knocked Kai Fei out.

However, his assault didn't stop. He sits above Kai Fei and grasps his fist together, lifting to slam at Kai Fei's face. The sight of blood splattering at Zheng Cang and the wooden tile broadened his smirk.


Gaoming shows up in time to kick Zheng Cang away. The commotion alerted him.

Zheng Cang collides against the wall and coughs while grasping his stomach. All of that and he is still smiling in pleasure.


That is the only word to describe him. Among all the outer disciples, a handful showed no negative hostility against his actions while another minority ignited interest. Haha, I don't expect sane people in the Murim but...

Zheng Cang stands up and even attempts a counterattack.

Xiang Hou burst in at the right moment to grab Zheng Cang's head, bashing him into the ground.

"huff...Take him away! Lock him up in the prison! Li Xing, take the man to the infirmary."

Li Xing runs in to nod. She carries the man on her back and quickly fled.

"Ugh...I've heard much bullying occurs in sects. I didn't think there will be any here." an outer disciple whispers.

"What do you expect? But he crossed the line, I hope he gets expelled. " His friend replies.

Our group stays silent during the incident.


"Bastard! Are you crazy!" Gaoming says as he whips Zheng Cang.

He sighs. "I already have my hands full from training the inner disciples and now I have to settle this bastard."

"How about expelling him?" Says Zhong Bu Feng, an elder that is in charge of the prison.


"Pfft..." Zheng Cang smiles. "Idiot..."

"This crazy bastard. Look at him! Do you not want to expel that bastard?" Says Bu Feng.

"...The Patriarch will be the one to decide that." Says Gaoming.

"Hong GuiMei, she is your sister." Says Zheng Cang.


Gaoming shoots a beam of energy at Zheng Cang, barely missing his face. It pierced through Zheng Cang's ear yet he showed no response of pain and simply smiled at Gaoming.

"Are you threatening me?" Gaoming asks.

"Hahaha... You can kill me if you want, there will be consequences though."

Gaoming glares at him. He doesn't know what he should do with the mentally disabled Zheng Cang.

Gaoming sighs. "I think, in the end, we still need to await the Patriarch's decision."


Gaoming quickly left the prison.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Says Bu Feng.

"Going to do something for a while. I will be away for a few days."

It's something related to his sister. At least Bu Feng can figure this part out.

Being a practitioner, declaring your opponent's loved one is essentially dirty and unjust. But it is very effective.

Later in the day, we had free time where we could roam around the sect compound. He Zhou was seen walking alone in the mountains nearby while concealing her presence. I follow her discreetly.

We arrive at the top of a cliff, the view here is incredible, one could see the entirety of Nielong and the Heavenly Divine Dragon sect.

"What are you doing?" Says He Zhou.

"Hm? I was curious as to where you were going."

"But I was concealing...?" She mumbles.


"I saw you."

No matter how much one hides their presence, it's useless if they can be seen.


He Zhou sits on the floor and meditates. The cool breeze of night blows past us but the aura she emits burns away the frost.

"If you have nothing else, please leave." She says.

System, infect her with the second virus.


Puppetry and Mind Control failed.

Infection successful



"Ugh!!" She grasps her head from an abrupt headache.

"Hm? Are you..."

"No... I am fine." She says. That doesn't sound convincing.

I take out a yellow pill from my pouch and give it to her. "I have an alchemist license, this pill subdues headache," I say showing her the plate.

"An alchemist becoming a martial artist?" Says He Zhou. "You are biting off more than you can chew."

She takes the pill and circulated Qi in it to check for malicious contents.

Gulping the pill, she absorbs the content and sighs.


With no more reason to stay, I left He Zhou alone.