Ch 2 Random (2)

"For now, I'm gonna use this Jisoo's voice."

"Ah yes, the deep and husky voice..."

"Mai mee tang ka! This keeps coming out in your mind, why is that?"

"...before we go any further, what exactly are you?" He ignores her question and goes straight to the point.

"Nae~ I'm a system named Random, that's created to help you master! In your words, I'm like an A.I."

"First, who created you and why me?"

"I can't find any details about my creator in the system database, it shows error when I tried to search for it, so I can't answer that question. I do know that you were chosen randomly among the 8 billions human beings, is this what they call fate?! Is this what they call love?!"

"...are you sure you are not just some random dude sitting in front of a computer?"

"That's rude master! That's not the way to speak to a lady like me!"

"Do you even have a gender in the first place?"

"I've decided to be a 'female' after going through master's memories, I think that would benefit us both moving forward." (^-^)/

"Can't argue with that, it's certainly better than having to listen to a dude's voice in my head all the time. Well, you said you are here to help me, how?"

"About, I prefer to show you in more direct way, you will know everything about it when we return to the present. For now, aren't you curious about the new 'you' at all?"

"Oh right! What happened to the previous owner of that body?"

"Dead, his soul left his body instantly after he was hit by truck-kun trying to save that little girl called IU. Look at the big screen, this is 'you'."

"15 years old, an above average look, wait, why am I a brunette, with light blue eyes even."

"That's simple, your 'father' was half-korean and half-american, your 'mother' was british, so:-

Father - brown and blue alleles

Mother - blue and blue alleles

Both your parents passed down the blue alleles to you, that's how you get the blue eyes."

"What about my nationality?"

"Your mother moved to Korea a long time ago and settled down after he met your father, you were born and raised in Korea, so your nationality is automatically Korean."

"I see, by the way, I noticed you kept using past tense when talking about my parents, why is that?"

"You know the previous owner was hit by the truck-kun trying to save IU right? Well, his parents tried to save him, in the end, she was saved, but the other three didn't."

"I see..."

"By the way, I forgot to mention that your soul is currently in that body, and if we don't do something about it, your soul will be bounced out soon."

"What do you mean?"

"Too much blood loss, failing organs, broken bones, that's not a very good body to be in."

"Can't you choose another target then?"

"Nope, if your soul get bounced out from the body, you will die for real this time, and so will I, you won't let me die will you?" T_T

"What should I do then?"

"First, take this gift, it's what they call a newcomer's pack in the game, open it."

"Let's see, 30% recovery potion, korean mastery book and 10 free base attribute points..."

"Let me start explaining with your status bar, please look at the screen."

Name: Jay Kim

Birthday: 14 Feb 1986

Age: 15 (using korean age system)

Health: 5/100 (critical)

Base attribute:

1. Strength - 25

2. Agility - 30

3. Dexterity - 30

4. Endurance - 20

5. Stamina - 30

6. Intelligence - 70

Hidden attribute:

1. Luck - ?

2. Charisma - 50


1. Martial Arts - Expert (locked)

2. Weopon mastery - Advanced (locked)

3. Gunshooting - Expert (locked)

4. Assasination - Expert (locked)

5. Singing - Basic (10/20)

6. Acting - Expert (45/60)

7. Cooking - Advanced (22/40)


"I would recommend you to use the recovery potion immediately, it will instantly heal 30% of your max health. And... just a reminder, do not use any potion when someone is watching you."


"Imagine someone seeing your wounds or organs just miraculously heal in 1 second."

"...I understand."

"As the time outside this dimension is currently paused, this is your best chance to use the potion. Just think of using it in your head, you don't have to drink it physically."

"Got it, by the way, will the time outside always be paused when I come into this dimension?"

"Nope, this is a one time experience, think of it like a tutorial."

"I see... about my attributes, is that normal? I feel like they are kinda high for a 15 years old boy."

"It's not normal at all, an average adult's attributes would 50, so yours are actually very elite. Well, that's mainly because you were a master assassin."

"What about the skills, why are some of them locked?"

"That's because even though you have knowledge, your current young body wouldn't be able to perform the action. But don't worry, they will be unlocked once you reach a certain age or meet a certain requirement."

"Okay last question, is there other being like you in this world?"

"In this world, no, other universe, yes."

"Got it... so I guess I should say, looking forward to work with you, partner."

"Likewise master!" :D

"...can you drop that master thing and call me something else?"

"Hmm? What should I call you then? Oppa? Jay oppa!"

"...can't believe that the first 'person' I heard the word oppa from is an A.I..."


"After using the potion, your health is currently at 35%, but it's still dropping gradually, let's hope you get the treatment as soon as possible."

"Erm, can't you just resume the time outside right now?"

"I can but why?"

"Well... if I get back into that body right now, I'm gonna feel a lot of pain, I would rather stay here until everything is over."

"That's really smart oppa, but you are gonna miss out a good chance to raise your endurance stats."

" I look like a masochist to you?"

"Nope, I was just giving you an advice. Speaking of stats, why aren't you using the 10 free attribute points yet?"

"Hehehe... real gamer keeps those points and use it when it's really necessary, plus, you said my stats are already very elite among the kids, so I don't wanna go too overpowered just yet."

"Right, right... I still think you should go out and raise your endurance stats oppa, you never know when you are gonna need it, my calculation says that you are able to raise it to 25, that's a lot! It's not everyday you get to be in a car accident."

" just wanna see me suffer don't you?"


P.s MC brought all the stats from his previous life to this world, but most of them are capped at 30 for now except 'intelligence' because the body is still a child's.

P.p.s MC needs to personally experience it (in this case the pain) in order to raise his stats (except when using free attribute points of course).

P.p.p.s I always thought a k-pop artist with blue eyes would be so cool and unique.

P.p.p.p.s About the skill level, if we count it like 1-100, it would be like this:-

Basic 1-20

Advanced 21-40

Expert 41-60

Master 61-80

Grandmaster 81-100