Chapter 1.

Um...Arthur,I....I'm pregnant,Elaine said.

What?! said Arthur.

Um,yes,she answered while looking down.

They stood there looking at each other and then Arthur hugged Elaine and said,'I'm gonna be a father! Hell yeah!

But then he got all serious and said,'You have to take a break from work,all the running and swordsmanship,what if the water breaks mid way? Huh? What then? he said with worry.

There was a pause.

Elaine said,'It's okay, when the belly starts showing,I'll stop. And I know sometimes you won't be there to watch over me so I won't do a lot of running,okay?

He hesitated and then said,'But you have to quit drinking wine,vodka,tequila and....

Elaine cut him off and said, it's okay,I know that.

But I still can't believe that I'll have a mini you calling me father,he smiled.

She chuckled and said,We'd better go to sleep because it's already sunrise and we don't wanna get a sunburn.

Okay,he said.

Arthur...I'm hungry,Elaine said,Remember I'm eating for two now.

Okay,I'll make you something,go and change and tuck yourself in.I'm coming with something delicious for my two delicate flowers,he said.

She blushed and went upstairs.

Now.....what am I gonna make for them?he thought.Oh yeah,a mixed berry yoghurt with dragon fruit on top,that's her favorite snack. She might be a little anxious so this will cheer her up,I know it,he thought.


I'm pregnant.....with a baby, I wonder which genes she or he...or it might be they will inherit,Elaine pondered while sitting on the bed.

Will they have vampiric genes like us or wolf-like genes like my mother?she thought.

So,Arthur,what snack did you bring me today?she said.

One of your favorites,he said. Close your eyes and have a taste,I'll feed you,okay?he said.

Embarrassed Elaine said,Okay...Ah.. Mmm.

It's....mixed berry yoghurt with diced dragon fruit,am I right?

Yeah,you got it right. Now eat up and we'll go to sleep,it's half past five in the morning,he said.

Elaine ate the snack thrice because she was so hungry.

Did you forget something,El? Arthur asked. said. You forgot to drink blood remember?You don't like drinking it from humans or animals so I drained some of mine for you,he said looking sideways.

Elaine jolted out of bed and kissed him and said,Thank you,Arthur.You're the best. I....I love you.

I love you too go to bed,I want you to go to bed and sleep because you won't have enough sleep for tonight's job.

He kissed her forehead and they both went to sleep.