Chapter 18.

Where am I,Alisa said while looking her surroundings.

It was a abandoned kingdom that was destroyed in a war,blood shed and swords everywhere.

(In the outside world,she was sitting firmly on the chair and looked as if she was sleeping.)

Then winged creatures with dreadful magical power started flying towards the kingdom,where a confused Alisa was standing.

When the stood infront of her,she heard a voice inside her. When she connected with her vampiric aura she saw a shadow of a girl. Who are you? Alisa asked. I am someone who you know better than anyone else,if you continue like this,you'll die and that's that. You can't defeat those armies of monsters with your powers,the girl said. But that's all I have,Alisa said. Then the shadow entered her aura and took control of her body completely.

This is the Valley of Fossils,why were you transported here? The girl said while in Alisa's body.

Urgh....It hurts,Don't....let.....the...darkness....take over.....she mumbled. Then a dark crest appeared on her forehead while she was struggling to keep the untamed power under control.

Let me eat your soul,those monsters said while rushing for Alisa's body and the shadow controlling her. Ahhh....she shouted in agony. It's....impossible..

she said. Then she gave up trying. Then Alisa's blonde hair turned to silky raven black hair and her navy blue eyes turned to emerald eyes.She slashed and burned the whole army to a thousand pieces using A Thousand Divine Cuts combined with Enchant Hell Blaze.

I can't control it.....Urgh,I can't,the girl said.(Alisa's spirit was rendered uncouncious by the shadowed girl.)

Then a boy came flying swiftly and hugged her from behind then she calmed down and lost all her strength to even stand.

What happened? What caused you to go rampant and look you destroyed the whole place,the boy said.

I don't know,Meliodas,I don't know what happe..... Before she could finish,she fainted.

I'll take you to Elizabeth,she'll heal your wounds in no time.

In the outside world.....

*yawn* Mommy still awake? Ming thought while carrying her black bunny. Mommy,come on, what are you doing? Go to sleep,she said then she saw Alisa in a trans like state. She dropped her bunny on the sofa and ran to her.

Mommy,Mom! Wake up! What's wrong with you?! Answer me! A worried Ming said. Xia,Xuan,wake up! Something's wrong with Mommy! Ming said while connecting with them telepathically.

They woke up and ran to the study room. What's wrong with Mom? Did you do something? Xia asked while trying to find out what the problem is. What the hell? Why would I try to hurt Mommy? When I came in,I found her like this! Ming answered.

Who are you? Ming said while noticing someone while she was invisible. Oh,you saw me,well it's too late! I'm here to kill your mommy! Then she cut Alisa's hand with a dagger. Mommy! Ming shouted. What did you do to our Mom? Xuan said while helping Xia.

I poisoned her. Buh bye. Then she teleported infront of an army of mages,vampires and poison masters.

Ming,take care of them,will you,I'm trying to.....Wait a sec,the poison,it's gone and the wound just healed itself.

Without a second thought,Ming jumped out of the window and stood infront of that whole army. You think she's gonna be okay,Xuan exclaimed.Meh,she'll be fine. That army made a grave mistake trying to kill someone she loves and cares about,Xia shrugged.

How dare you? How dare you hurt Mommy! I'll kill every single one of you! Ming shouted with tears in her eyes.

Hahaha.....You? The leader girl said.

Then a massive wind blew and then Ming changed drastically. A black and silver ring appeared on her neck,her clothes changed into a one shoulder black and silver short dress and black heeless boots. Her silver eyes shined like the stars then a long sword came out of nowhere.

I said I'll kill you for hurting my Mommy! The nice cute adorable Ming turned into a malicious bloodlust scary girl.

When they were about to attack,Ming shouted while pointing her sword at the moon,Lightning Beast Chase! then a silver lightning dragon came out of her sword and swallowed them whole apart from the three leaders.

Now,now,please let us go little girl,the mage said. Yes,please,said the vampire. It's too late to regret what you've done to my Mommy,Ming said while drawing closer. Then she said,An eye for an eye,then she poisoned them with her black ring fangs.

After that she teleported back to the study room. Shockingly,she went back to the way she was before with her black,silk pajamas,her fluffy silver flip flops and she held her black bunny and said,Is she okay now? She said with her normal cute voice.

Both Xia and Xuan looked at her then blinked with surprised looks on their faces. No,we can't find out what's wrong with Mom,both Xia and Xuan said.

In the book.....

Another scenario happened after a massive wind blew.....

So,where am I again? Alisa said. Then she saw eleven people infront of her. Are these....demons?she asked herself. Stop! Don't do it! A man said while struggling to stop a man from killing someone else. Is that....that blonde boy in my dream? Alisa said then she heard a spirit crying. It's that girl with the emerald eyes and black hair...but why is she crying? Is she related to that boy and why do I suddenly feel a deep heartache! Alisa said while holding her chest.

The girl shouted and cried,Stop! Stop!Stop hurting your own brother,your own flesh and blood! Stop!Estarossa,please! Zeldris! Stop him!

Then that man with the silvery hair said,Seven. That's a total of seven hearts. Stop! The man who was holding him shouted with tears in his eyes and he was blown up into bits. Quiet down! Estarossa said. I only did this because I love you,elder brother. There I killed Meliodas,he said.

No! The girl said. Big brother,wake up! Please open your eyes! I promise I'll do anything,just wake up please! How could you leave me like that,you dumb blonde asshole! Elizabeth will be all alone now! She said slumped next to his body,crying.

Why? Why? Why am I feeling like this? And why am I crying? I'm not related to them,am I! Alisa said while holding her chest.

Then Alisa heard a faint voice calling out,Mom! Mommy! Mom!

Then her spirit returned to her body and she found her body sweating and tears flowing.

Mommy! I'm so glad you're okay! Ming hugged her.

Yeah,what happened to you? You look pale,Xuan said with a worried look on his face. I tried to find out what was going on,but I failed,I'm sorry for my incompetence,Mom,Xia said with a slightly sad look on her face.

Alisa stood up,patted Xia's head and said,It wasn't your fault,now,I'm going to eat some coffee tiramisu,you coming? Before she stepped outside, Alisa looked at them and said,You killed someone, didn't you? I can both sense it and smell the scent of blood.

No....we didn't,I swear,Ming stuttered.

Nevermind. I'm going to the kitchen,see ya,then she left.

They must never open the Demon and Goddess Books or they might die,Alisa thought with a worried look on her face. And it's a shock that I'm caring for them and they haven't died. Oh,it's because they drank my blood.