Caelia...wake up,please! Meliodas shouted while holding her bloody head. Everyone heard his cries and went to see what's wrong. I can't lose you again! Wake up,damn it! Meliodas cried. What's wrong with her? Estarossa said in distress and carried her to her room. I don't know,we were going to fly but then she fell from the sky,he answered frustrated. I'll heal her wounds,Elizabeth stretched her hands over her frail cold body and used her Druid power to heal her. When she healed her,she looked at her and started crying silently. Why...why must I suffer like this? Elizabeth thought. A girl said from a distance,Tristan! Please come back! Then a young boy slammed the door open and ran to Caelia's body and started crying and said,Aunt Caelia! It's me,Tristan! You have to wake up so that teach me how to do lots of things,okay! After an hour of waiting,she still didn't wake up. I'll go get some air,Estarossa said and Zeldris followed him. Tristan cried himself to sleep while holding Caelia tightly then Nimüe took him to his room.
Please wake up! Elizabeth knelt beside her then interlocked her hand with Caelia's and then she was able to connect with the fragments left of her core.
Inside her core.....
Where am I? Elizabeth studied the place. Then pieces of dark red crystals levitated and Caelia's fragments of her soul appeared. Caelia! Are you alright? Elizabeth asked. Caelia kept quiet for a second then continued,Ellie...I'm going to die....permanently. No reincarnations,no nothing. What?! Why? She asked. It's a curse that Mother and Father inflicted on me decades ago a few centuries before I died.
Father,Mother. I called you here so that I can discuss something very important. Why can't we just call a truce? The Holy War has been going on for millennials now...and no one has been declared the victor,the ones that are suffering are us,damn it! Insolent girl! How dare you question our judgement. I let it slide that you were not going to pick either of the races because you were from both of them. But have become spoiled,The Supreme Deity said. It must be because of Meliodas and that Goddess Elizabeth. You left me no choice. This is your punishment, daughter,They said together. Then they cursed her with two curses. Every time she regained her memories,every time she would meet her loved ones,she would die a very painful death and be reincarnated again,That curse was from the Demon King. The love of her life was going to die over and over and over again infront of her because of her disobedience,That curse was from the Supreme Deity.
Recap over....
So,you see. It's no use trying to break the curse. Meliodas can't break it,Caelia explained. Then the connection was cut. When she returned back,Meliodas realized what was happening and did it too and connected with the remaining fragments of Caelia's soul. Meliodas,don't you dare try to cry over me. Even though I'm weak,I'll still punch you,she smiled weakly. You're still cruel even though....Then it grew silent. Can I tell you a secret? She said. Yeah. What is it? he asked. I can be saved... Wait a sec.....what! He said shocked. Who told you?!
Well...Father told me....accidentally,she answered bashfully and coldly at the same time. It's a female, so he said. Who and where is she? He asked. Well,if you want to find her,you have to read the Purgatory's forbidden scrolls and you'll find her record there. There's only one scroll. I couldn't even open it. Once you find the scroll,chant the spell while looking at the constellation that looks like a scythe,that's all I know, Caelia explained.
Hey.....Can I ask for a favor? Yeah,what is it? he asked. I want you to get out,hold Ellie's hand and her to hold mine and kiss her and you'll see what happens, she said. Okay....but....a question. What's a comstellation? Meliodas asked. *sigh* Your hopeless. Zeldris will explain it for you,now go. Then the connection was cut. Meliodas and Ellie did as they were told and Caelia woke up. Everyone was happy that she woke up but she stopped them and said, It's temporary so don't get your hopes up. My lady! I'm a failure as your maid, her maid Ana cried. It's okay. Don't cry,smile for me. Now,take us to my hideout,she said weakly as she stood up. Then Ana teleported them to where Caelia was specifying.
What is this place? I've never seen it before, Ellie said. It's where I come to unwind when Father and Mother blow my ears off,Caelia said as she walked towards the huge dark red gates with golden floral printings. She went to the corner where there was a golden lotus and she whispered,Open the doors for your master. And they opened magestically. The blue moon's light was shining down from above,cherry blossom petals danced around with the gentle wind and black and red roses with thorns danced harmoniously with the wind. It looked like an opera stage.
It's beautiful,Elizabeth said in awe. Caelia walked to the piano in the middle of the stage and sat on the chair. She caressed the keys first then she started playing a mellow and beautiful piece. What is she playing? Meliodas asked. She named it Eriones. She made this piece when she was 500 years old and it describes the pain and suffering she felt over the past decades deep within her heart,Ana explained. This is rare,only a tea spoon full are able to play this instrument well,Gelda said. As she continued playing, the petals of the cherry blossoms and the roses surrounded her in perfect harmony.
When she finished,she played another piece called Lilium then she stood up and walked towards them then said weakly,Hey! How was it? Terrible, right? Anyway,I have to tell you....something..... Before she could finish,she fainted. Estarossa carried her and they flew out but then massive armies of possessed spirits and curses appeared infront of them. What are those? Elizabeth asked. I knew this would happen. She said when we found out about her curse,we would be stopped by dark beings of every caliber until she dies completely,Meliodas explained. We don't have time for this! Gelda said frustrated.
Ana gritted her teeth and folded her fists until they removed blood. She spat on the ground and went infront of them. You idiot! What do you think your doing? You think you can defeat that? Estarossa said. Wait...Meliodas said.
Damn you! How dare you interfere! Ana shouted. Then the spirits and curses merged into one very powerful being. She's gonna get killed,Estarossa shouted. I said wait... Meliodas said. She rose her hand and black and silver butterflies surrounded her and changed her attire,she unbraided her hair and they changed into a spear. My lady granted me the name Anaisa. And you will die today for doing as much as interfering,she said. As they were charging for her, Ana said coldly,Critical Slash of the Netherworld! And it was slashed to a thousand pieces by a single slash. The spear changed into the butterflies, surrounded her,made her return to her plain clothes and long braided navy blue hair tied with a blue bow.
We can go now,your majesties,she said cutely. Whoa! Estarossa said in awe. They all went to Purgatory and the three brothers searched for the scroll and found it. They chanted the spell at midnight and there was silence for a minute. Then Purgatory was engulfed in darkness. I can't see even if I wanted to! Who is she? They all thought. Then the darkness formed a body that stepped down. I was summoned. How can I be of help to you,she said coldly. Our sister,is about to die and only you can save her,Meliodas said. Caelia,huh. Fine but I have two conditions I'd like you to fulfill for me,nothing much,she said. Fine. But why are you cloaking yourself? Why can't we see what you look like? Zeldris said. You'll know everything in due time, she answered.
First,I need you to escort me to Istar. I need to take something really important from there,she said. As long as you don't hurt anyone,okay,Ellie said. Fine,'re no fun,she pouted. Okay,the second condition is.....I need the three of you to give me Gelda,Elizabeth and Anaisa,she said smiling. The three brothers held the girls close to them and said, No one can have her apart from me. If you touch her, I'll kill you. The girls turned beet red and then Ana said bashfully,Y...Your majesty?! When have I ever been yours! Do you know what you're saying! The girl chuckled and said,It was just a joke. I was kidding. Then she teleported them to Istar,the land of the Druids.
The gateway was locked but when the girl went to touch the pillars her hand turned into blinding light as she opened it. Did you see that? Ellie whispered to Meliodas. Yeah,he answered. They entered and then she followed. Yo! It's been a while since you came here,Jenna, one of the Druid Chiefs said. Yes,we have awaited your visit for some time,Zaneri said. Who is that girl cloaked over there? Jenna asked. We knew you would come but for some unparticular reason,we don't know why,Theo said. She said she had some business with you especially with Jenna and Zaneri,Gelda said. She went infront of them and Jenna said,Who are you and why are you here exactly! Oh,Jen Jen,you don't remember me? That's pretty harsh coming from you. Wow! Zan! My,look at how tall you've grown! Since you forgot me,I'll give you a clue,she said. Then she covered her eye section and uncovered them so that they can see her eyes. *gasp* W...W...What the? How can alive! Jenna shouted as she stumbled and looked up to her. But they.....sealed you! I saw them do it! Zaneri said.
Then she covered her eyes again and said sweetly, Hey.....I would really appreciate it if you would give back what you stole from me because I need to save a precious life that can't be replaced. Why are they so flustered? Meliodas asked. I don't know,Ellie said. Fine! Jenna stood and huffed. She chanted a spell and two shards of crystals appeared infront of her,one was as dark as the Purgatory sky and the other was as bright as the sunshine that lights up the Celestial Realms. What are those? Ana asked. They're the most advanced Goddess Ambers that seal powerful amounts of energies than any other,Zaneri explained.
Then Zaneri said a spell and they broke,both darkness and light mixed together,it overwhelmed the whole world. Then a being came out of that form.....

A girl with silver hair with a small white crown that was tainted by darkness at the tips,a white dress and darkness shrouded all over her. She had a pair of red and blue eyes that were glowing every time you look into them.
She stepped down and said,You can call me by my Goddess name,Hestia.
Name;Hestia (Goddess name).
Age; 14,679 years old.
Family; Meliodas,Estarossa,Zeldris and Caelia of the Demon Race and Elizabeth and Athena of the Goddess Race.
She was sealed by her own parents,The Demon King and The Supreme Deity.
Wanna know why and her past? Look at the next chapter.