Chapter 34.

Where's Caelia? Hestia grumbled. I'm here. Calm down, would you? She said. Hestia gritted her teeth and targeted her and said,*screams* Damn you,Lia! Brutal Judgement of the Twelve Kings of the Underworld! Meliodas went in front of Caelia and repelled the charges. Calm down, would you? He said. Yeah, please calm down, big sis, Elizabeth consoled her. As she was aiming again, Estarossa appeared out of nowhere and gave her a big bag full of liquorice and another bag full of sour candy and showed them to her. I forgive you for today, Lia. But if you do that again, I'll send you to Merlin and Ellie with a broken core, Hestia said with a smile on her face. Let's go now, Hestia, Estarossa said. H-How did you do that?! They asked. I know Hestia better than she knows herself, of course I know what she would want in this kind of situation, He said. Let's go, Nimuë said that she'll make me some coffee cake. Take me, Hestia said. Then they flew off.

Don't take what Hestia said about hurting you to heart, she was just worried sick because you didn't come back, Ellie said. And who is this boy, Caelia? She asked. Oh...Hey, Tristan. It's been a while, Zeldris said. Hi, Zel. Good to see you again, He said. Hi, I'm Tristan. The heir to the throne of the vampire race. It's nice to meet you. You must be Elizabeth, Lia told me about you but only a little, He introduced himself. Yes..... She's anti social, I wonder how you feel in love with her, Ellie said. Meliodas tapped Ellie's head and talked through the teeth, Ellie, you airhead. Think before you talk. Oops, sorry, Ellie panicked. It's okay. I love just the way she is. But.... how did you know about....? I know my sister. And those books and that school made my suspicion correct, She said.

Night time passed as midnight arrived. Hestia smiled as she saw them laughing and disappeared while the mood was still high and called out Ban and Elaine. She pulled Elaine aside and whispered, Hey.... Can I kiss Ban? W-What?! Why?! She shouted while blushing. Shhhh.. Keep it down would you? I was sent to relay a message to him by someone important to him. I promise to that I'm not trying to take him away from you! She whispered.

Well.... You have some things in common. You both like to sleep, eat, you like booze like crazy and you like when a great challenge comes your way, Elaine sighed. Well..... okay.

Hestia turned around and stood in front of him and said, Hey, Ban. I wanna tell you something really important. Come here. You're acting weird, Hes but okay, He sighed. When he got closer, Hestia kissed him. What the hell? Elaine will misread this situation! He thought. Then his spirit was transported into a quiet but full of crystal like rocks. Wait.... where am I? Wait a sec... This is Necropolis, The Land of the Dead. He started wandering around then he heard a man saying, It took Hes long enough to relay my message. When he turned around, tears started forming in his eyes. Zhivago, he said shakily. Then he hugged him.


Hey. Elaine, you too, Hestia said. Hey hey hey, I'm a girl! You can't kiss me! She blushed. Of course I can, Hestia said then kissed her on the cheek and her spirit was transported into the Necropolis. Ban.... Ban! Where are you? Where are you, Ban? Elaine started looking for him.

Zhivago, But how..... is this possible? Ban said while wiping his tears. Then, they heard Elaine's voice nearby. The Elaine spotted them from above and whooshed down and hugged him. Whoa ho ho.... So this is the Guardian of the Fountain, A.K.A, My son's girlfriend. Would you quit it already? Ban said blushing. Anyway, Hi. I'm Zhivago, I'm Ban's Dad. Nice to finally meet you, he said. He's so nice, just like Ban said, Elaine thought. Hi, My name is Elaine, she said.

You finally reunited, well... good for you,Zhi, Hestia came out of nowhere.

Oh, Hes, Thanks a lot by the way for this favor, Zhivago said. You.... two..... know each other? They said fumbled. Nevermind that.... You were the one who made Necropolis?! Ban said shocked. Come to think of it,It was said that millennia ago,a young goddess with the power that can be equalled to the Supreme Deity made this peaceful place for the innocent souls that are wandering in this country and beyond and those still tainted and didn't repent were sent to Purgatory,which I found too weird. How can a goddess have a connection to their rival so well? So I can say that I am really surprised, Elaine explained. course we do, ever since I died, She helped me find Selion's spirit and more, Zhivago explained. It suddenly dawned on me now, where is Selion? Hestia asked. Oh.... He's somewhere. He's so shy that he doesn't want to meet his brother, Zhi sighed. I'll go look for him, bye. Then she flew off. If I finally made contact with Ban and Elaine, that means she doesn't have much time left here, Zhivago thought. Well.... kiddo, let me see you two smoochy smoochy each other, come on, come on, Zhivago said with a sly smile on his face. Elaine and Ban blushed so hard. No.... Nonononono No! It's too embarrassing! Elaine covered her face. Then they heard grunting and grumbling and giggling in the air. Stop..... It hurts.... Hestia, It's too ticklish! A boy's voice said. No! I won't! I will if..... you go and say hi to your brother and his girlfriend, now! Hestia chuckled while tickling him midair. Okay okay okay? I will! Just stop! If you continue, I swear I'll die! Selion laughed. They held hands and then went down. Now.... say hi, right now, Hestia said while twitching. She is cute but very scary, Selion thought. H.. Hi, I'm Selion. Dad has told me a lot about you. How you drank from the fountain was so cool and how you save other people as a Sin, so awesome! He said. Good boy, Hestia patted his head and ears. Hey, you are able to have your beast man ears and still be in human form, impressive! Elaine said. Yeah! Pretty cool, right? He smiled while he twiddled with his ears. I'm Elaine, nice to meet you. You too, he said then his ears stood up and twitched, meaning he's happy.

You got to talk but we have to go now, Hestia said while looking at Zhivago. Okay, bye, they said. While Ban and Elaine's spirits were gone, Hestia said, I promise that I will come back, okay? Then she disappeared. While she was walking, Ban said, Hey, Hestia, thank you for letting me see Zhivago again. It's okay. He's an old friend that asked for a favor. And his you can't say no when he makes that puppy face of his, she sighed.

She felt a very sharp pain in her heart and at the same time in Purgatory, beasts and all living things were killing and slaughtering each other, whether friend or foe. She vomited a lot of blood. What's wrong? Elaine asked panicking. Both if you... go and call Meliodas and Elizabeth for me, She said while vomiting more blood.


Zeldris and the others felt something weird. Hey... Do you feel that? He asked his brothers. Yeah... something's wrong, Meliodas said. Elaine and Ban rushed in and said, Hestia.... she's vomiting alot of blood and she was murmuring that it was time and bloodshed in Purgatory or something. Oh no..... Zeldris, go and stop the bloodshed in Purgatory, we'll go and stabilize Hestia's heart, Meliodas said and they dispersed. When they went out, they saw Hestia in her demonic form and The Supreme Blade that she uses as a goddess near her heart. No..... don't do it, Hestia! Meliodas shouted. It's... the only way... She said while blood was dripping from her mouth. Then she pierced herself seven times where her hearts were and gouged them out. Hestia! He shouted.

Take the core of... Purgatory and place them there. After.... the bloodshed... place my body there as well. Don't waste your tears on me.... we'll meet again and drink booze until we can't take it anymore ...... Then she quietly drew her last breath.