9 ~ My chaotic day

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! "

I was sweating and out of bed.

It was midnight and my golden locket was sparkling in bright yellow light. Magic was involved and I was sure of it. An unusual force of power started to pull me towards it. It wasn't in my control. It made me more wearied and restless. The pressure on my head seemingly increased. My hands began to shiver.

"Linda, help me-" I said (my voice fading away).

I was almost unconscious. Shortly the locket lost its sparkling golden light.

Linda, whose bed was below mine, heard my voice and stood up quickly to see what happened. She woke up the others too. All the girls stood by me like birds of a feather.

Betty placed her hand on my head and said, "It's burning hot; you have fever Grace ".

My eyes were now half-closed until they got fully shut. Everything blackened in front of me. My subconscious again took over me. But this time, I was on a stage dressed in my usual black one-piece, there was a spotlight on me and I couldn't help but dance. Even if it wasn't real, it felt real and soothing to my soul. I danced and danced.

Friday (noon)...

"Grace! Grace ! " someone said shaking me.

I could feel a sensation as I jolted back to reality.

"Are you okay ? " said a comforting voice; I opened my eyes slowly.

I could see Betty and Linda near me. Flare was not there. I peeped towards the window and saw that it was already morning.

What was I still doing in bed? Why am I seeing worried faces? Did something happen to me? As I raised, I could feel an ache in my body.

Betty pulled me down, " You have fever Grace just lay down for now," she said.

"Don't you remember anything; what exactly happened to you? " asked Linda, perplexed seeing my current state.

"It was about midnight and I guess I had a strange dream so I woke up sweating. My hands were shivering and then I knocked off-, " I said slowly, having a slight headache while recollecting. I remembered the previous dream... It almost gave me goosebumps.

"Oh! Don't worry it was a bad dream, don't tire yourself too much today," said Linda in a caring tone.

"Yes, thank you for taking care of me, "I said gratefully. We three shared a smile.

I then recalled the sparkling yellow light and the strong force pulling me to the edge. But I wasn't sure to share this magic stuff with my roommates. Hearing about this might scare them off or they might think - 'I had lost my brain or something stupid'.

It was new for me too.

I had no idea - what was happening to me. This locket was the closest thing I had of my mom, and so I decided not to tell them. A lot of things had started to arise inside my head.

It's amazing how our 1350 cc brain works so quick with ideas, emotions and picturesque. We can rewind old memories and also dream about our erratic future.

"Side girls, I need to put more wipes on her forehead," said Flare as she entered the dorm along with a small vessel containing cold water and a towel.

Betty and Linda moved aside, as Flare laid the wet towel on my forehead after checking my temperature.

"You have a slight fever; it's better than last night. How are you feeling Grace ?" asked Flare in a gentle tone.

This was so unlikely of her.

"Flare was awake all night to take care of you. All credit goes to her," Betty said.

I was more than surprised.

"Thank you Flare, "I said with gratitude.

Her eyes spoke differently - as if she wished I repaid her kindness someday. 

In the end, we all united to take care of each other; even if there was a little jealousy and hatred among some of us.

I drank some hot soup which Linda had prepared for me and ate vegetable sandwiches for lunch.

I realized I had skipped my morning biochemistry lectures (I was sleeping at that time). It was okay; as I had to memorize most of the definitions and diagrams which I could cover up after I got well.

Health first - after all, we were going to be the future generation of doctors, right? 

Linda shared her notes with me, so there was nothing much to worry about. I spent the rest of the afternoon time completing my notes laying on the bed.

It was evening time now and I felt a lot better. My fever had gone down, so I stepped out for some fresh air. I sat on the corridor staircase (of the third floor) and starred at the dark bluish sky. I wondered if it would rain.

I took out my locket from beneath my blue top and starred at it constantly to find a clue - what exactly this magic was about? I'm able to feel it but it isn't visible. It's powerful enough to pull me with it but I'm unable to control it.

How can this be even possible?

Am I dreaming?

Why did it shine at midnight?

Was my dream related to it?

Endless questions and negligible answers. If this mystery was to be solved by me, then there must be something I'm missing out on. There must be a loophole. I thought deep.

In my dream, I had seen a lady braiding my hair and then placing a necklace around my neck. Her soft embrace was similar to Mom's. The face wasn't quite clear. Then we both heard indiscrete voices of people. The lady faced me promptly and said "Run! Run! " She pushed me out of the room. I didn't expect such a response and so I woke up from the strange feeling of distress.

Was this dream an indicator or was I overthinking yet again. 

This locket was my mom's; it may be related to her but grandma never spoke to me in more detail. I need to ask her about it; I concluded in my head.

A shadow appeared in front of me; I slowly turned back and saw a boy without specs. His eyes looked worried. It was Matt. News spreads faster than I could imagine.

"And in the middle of my chaos,  there was you," I mumbled.

He couldn't hear it.

"Hi Grace, heard you got fever last night; let me see, " Matt said placing his hand instantly on my forehead.

It felt nice to be pampered when you are ill (even if it was temporary). You know that you are loved.

"You seem to be perfectly fine," he said giving me a high five.

"Yes, I feel a lot better now, " I faked a smile.

Although my health was sufficient - the locket mystery was making my mind sick.

"So what happened exactly? You were fine yesterday,  how come everything changed midnight ?" he asked confused.

"I don't know; I had this nightmare and when I woke up I was down with fever, " I said (hesitating).

"Also this locket-"

His eyes were then focused on the necklace dangling at the centre of my chest.

Before I could complete my sentence the locket began pulling me, a strong force again taking charge over me, my energy-depleting, preventing me to disclose its magic and the secret behind it. I quickly turned around covering the locket with my hand; and placed it beneath my top (before Matt could notice anything strange).

"What about it ?" he asked.

"Nothing, let's walk towards the auditorium," I said directly standing up.

I felt weak again, my legs couldn't support me further. This was all the locket's doing. I paid the price for almost letting out about the locket.

Matt saw my current state; he gave me a hand and said, "You better stay in bed today, we'll walk tomorrow, " and then softly patted on my head.

I smiled.

He was quick at understanding my unsaid words.

I was lucky to have my friends support me on my "Not so great" days.

As he helped me to the girl's dormitory, we saw Mr Fisher (our dean) taking his monthly rounds in the university. He was ten steps ahead of us.

He approached us. I noticed him starring at my neck chain. It was weird. Now he was starring at me. Matt saw how uncomfortable it was becoming, so he stepped in front of me and shook hands for the both of us.

"Hello students,  hope you are enjoying your stay here and studying well for the weekly tests !" said Mr Fisher.

"Yes sir!" we both spoke together.

"What happened to your left leg dear?" our dean asked me.

I was limping.

"She is a bit unwell sir, so I'm taking her back to her dorm, " Matt answered for me.

"Yes sir, "I said tiredly. 

"Okay take care students; I must leave," said our dean.

He gave me a vivid stare and went his way.

We continued towards the girl's dormitory.

"Matt you don't need to enter with me inside the girl's dorm corridor, " I asserted.

"Are you okay on your own then?" he teased.

I took off his hand which supported me. I realized I was too weak to walk and I could barely stand properly.

"I will manage," I said (still in high spirits). I didn't want to trouble anyone.

"You don't need to when I'm here, " he smirked; and without a second thought, he retook my hand around him and carried me in his arms.

Shit!?!  I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I just can't ---

Everyone standing in the dormitory began staring at us. I covered my face as much as I could. I loathed too much attention. I guess Matt knew this and so he hurriedly took me to room 300 and knocked on the door.

Linda opened.

He put me down and told Linda that I wasn't doing well.

Later, he purchased some medicines for me, which he handed over to Linda and left.

"You called Matt?" I asked her.

"Yeah," Linda said rubbing her forehead.

I drank some honey water and took Anacin; I prayed to God before I slept to avoid nightmares.

"Today went by so fast!" I whispered to myself as I closed my heavy eyes.

***Author's note -

So far, are you enjoying Grace's journey? How she faces her daily adventures and moves on with hope...

Do comment down your reviews for this chapter. Feel free to point out any of my grammatical errors. This is my first book and I'm learning every day how to make it better 😄.

Happy Reading 😇

***Spoiler Alert

Are you ready for the revelation of the mystery door? Will Grace be able to face her past? Is the locket a direct link to her mom?

Stay Tuned 💬