11 ~ The Mystery Door

I ran

I ran

I ran

Trying not to overthink and sink in my thoughts.    

I ran back to my Dorm as the fest was going to proceed in a few hours.

Linda had left before me.

To my surprise, no one was there inside our dorm room; and my study table was messed up.

My eyes caught the pink box.

I quickly took it and sat on my bed.

All my letters were cluttered inside it - some were missing, some were scattered around in the room. It was overwhelming to be caught up in such a mess.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I sat helplessly with my letters.

The door opens and the three were there along with Matt.

"See I told you she never loved you back. She is still into Drake. She hid this box from all of us, " Flare blurted out loudly, accusing me in front of them.

"I believed you would trust me more than Flare," I said facing Matt (tears rolling down my cheeks).

"Oh please! we all know you are a liar Grace; save this drama for later, " Flare spoke for Matt.

Betty was also in favour of Flare.

I looked over to Linda to find support.

But, Linda looked away. She always took me as her best friend,  I should have told her.

Matt was speechless and kept staring at me.

I couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry I let you all down, but those letters were written a year back, they hold no significance now; it was my privacy and I hoped you all would understand it but you couldn't.  So let it be," I splurted everything I could say and left hastily slamming the door (teary-eyed).

In anger, I threw The Pink Box inside the corridor dustbin.

It was disappointing to see how my friends never trusted in me. I felt lonely all over again. I ran past the corridors, up the multiple staircases.

Everyone standing there was staring, laughing and mocking me. The news had spread so fast.

"She played with two boys," someone commented.

I kept running until there was no one except me.

I realized I had reached the fifth floor.

Yes, I was in the restricted area of the medical department. 

I noticed the fifth-floor corridor had a single room, guarded by a shabby huge brown door. A passcode was required to enter the room. Also, there was a diamond-shaped engraved space on the left side of the door, which made me wonder what four pieces would complete it. I could see all of this from roughly five feet distance.

Wiping my tears; curiously I went closer to the door.

My locket began to shine.

A strong force commenced; pulling me and my locket closer to the door. My energy started to drain again. I felt hopelessly tangled in a situation I cannot get off from.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," my voice deepened and faded. My throat ached. Due to the constant pain, my legs gave way; I was on the floor now.

The last thing I could say before my eyes became too heavier to keep up was - "Matt!!!"

I heard footsteps from behind.

I quietly hoped someone saved me.

I knew that it was my wishful thinking.

"Grace!!! What happened? " Matt yelled.

He came running and held my head on his knees sitting down.

I could vaguely see his expression - maybe he was worried for me.

But, why? He never confessed and he had just taken Flare's side.

Thoughts swirled in my head as I slowly lost consciousness.

The locket had stopped shining when Matt appeared on the fifth floor.

"Take me home," I responded (breathing heavily).

My eyes shut down eventually.

Everything turned black in front of me. There was peace.

"Those things those people and those places constantly reminded me of how different I used to be then I'm now, " I thought to myself.


[Inside The Hospital Wing...]

I opened my eyes slowly. I looked around the room.

I figured I was in the Highway Hospital Wing. It was a spacious room with an air conditioner and a tv. Everything was well arranged and neat.

I tried moving my head but it would begin to hurt. My right-hand vein was on a glucose drip and my left leg was plastered.

My condition freaked me out.

How would I dance again?

With time will this locket lead me to doom?

My energy gets depleted so fast, why?

Will Matt ever talk to me again?

I hope Drake will not keep a grudge against me, will he?

Will Linda and Betty ever trust me again?

How do I stop Flare from fulfilling her bad intentions?

Too many questions. Ahh, I'm tired of all of this.

The glass in my left hand dropped down. It smashed on the floor and shattered into a thousand pieces - a perfect metaphor for the state in which my heart was.

The doctor, who was standing near the door rushed over as soon as he heard a commotion.

He closed the room door.

"What's wrong dear, you seem alright physically ?" he asked after examining my body.

"I just feel lost; also who brought me here doctor?" I asked trying to recollect my memory.

"Vincet dear, one of your friends brought you here on his carry back. He stayed up all night to take care of you. You are indeed very lucky to get treated at the right time. Your left leg is too weak to walk so you have to put a plaster on it for a week. You are on a drip to energize. It seems you've been low on stamina, " the doctor said calmly explaining everything to me.

I simply nodded.

"Where is 'He' who helped me last night ?" I asked.

"He must be out there to buy medicines for you, " the doctor replied.

Shortly then,

A nurse entered the room with the medicines and a note. She said a boy left this note for me.

I sat up erect on my bed to read the note from this mystery guy.

Dear Grace,

                     I hope you are feeling better than before. I know we didn't finish things on good terms yesterday and I'm partly responsible for that. The show must go on, but it didn't. You couldn't dance and I couldn't sing yesterday. Suddenly all the sad songs were about you. I felt solely lost, confused and lonely. When I first met you, everything about you was mesmerizing and so I hope you give me some time to figure things out. Let's keep ourselves busy in studies for a while. Take care. I won't always be there to save you.

Friendly yours,


"When can I come back to you then? " I mumbled.

I fell asleep right after, as my questions became void enough to give me the answer.

In the evening my Grandparents had come to visit me.

I saw Mr Fisher greet them closely outside the hospital wing.

I wondered why?

"Vincent, how are you doing my dear child, I knew you would get in trouble if I wasn't there to take care of you," Grandma said in a motherly tone, hugging me warmly in her embrace.

She sat beside me.

Seeing them again after the countless things happening around me, I felt they were always constant in my heart.

I smiled at them.

"Vincent you should take care of your body more. Balance study and health always little gem, " Grandpa said in a caring way.

"I will take care of myself more from now on," I promised them.

Grandma told him to wait outside. 

"Grandma! I wanted to ask-" and before I finished the statement she asked worriedly, "Has your locket shined anytime in your university ?"

"Yes, how do you know? What is this all about Grandma? I need answers please," I requested her in a perplexed state.

" Vincet all you need to know is that you cannot disclose this locket to anyone. This is your mystery to unlock," she said.

"But Grandma how am I related to it, this was mom's right? " I pleaded again.

"Yes but that's all I can say today. Take care dear, " she said and left hastily.

I was again on square one in the search trail of the mystery locket.

Sometimes I felt like throwing the locket inside an ocean, but then again I recollect how it had been a sole companion to me for the past 18 years of my life; and if my mom had something to convey to me through this locket, then I must be persistent enough. I will be!