Even More fortifications hunting Tier 2s

After unlocking her innate she retreats back getting the quest to kill 5 Zombies For a Converter

[Liliyana] [Can somebody tell me their Graveyard position.]

She panicking having killed 1 about to have a breakdown and Freeze

jack looks at it before his Father answers,

[George] [(insert Random coordinates)]

She uses her ability to teleport George gets a notice.

[Alypius Lillie Mesal Would like to teleport her Graveyard to your location

"Huh" He Looks over the notice and presses, yes a Graveyard appearing above him before turning into Light particles and merging with his Liliyana lands in the now 2 people Large cabin as the first team She Sprints out And Sees her Husband "Lily?" his eyes Widen

Emilia Read her brother's comment already Having figured out status long before but not unlocking her innate ability

[Username: Lyleane Aurora]

Experience. 0/100

[Name: Emilia Roscoe]

[Location: Canada: Nova Scotia.]

[Intelligence>Int: Above Average]

[Strength>STR: Average

[Agility>AG: Highly trained

[Stamina>ST: High]

[Constitution >Con: Fleshy. . ]

[Innate Abilities: Locked 1 Locked 2 ]

[Hint you Must Kill 20 Zombie with any Light weapon.]

"why so many Whatever." Opening the package a Spear Appearing much like with Jack appears along with 4 Loves of bread 8 water and a bandage. "Seem I'll have to kill things." She Gets up bracing and preparing herself to be able to kill them."

Jack having taught them how Stops Looking at the Chat instead Focusing On what is in front of him Looks at the many Barracks Infront of him before starting production on Rangers And more Shield Guards the Spikes Outside having finished the Spikes they return Inside The ranger exit having created A lot he Sets up multiple Archer towers on the outside Close enough to the wall that the Ranger can Jump from said tower to the wall in case the Zombies attack them they Line up In large Groups nodding to Jack "Lord Akiyama" he Looks a them "you've been bought her in trade for souls your to guard his graveyard with the assistance of myself this dummy and these Dudes. The labour Workers will be in charge of forming your archer towers these Archer towers will be an outer Line of defence you will be able to jump between them and the wall in case of emergency if these walls Fall pull back to the fortified Home I will Defend it Personally."

Chen Looks at him "I'm not a dummy" Smack. he skits across the ground in a comedic way. "it was A Joke your dumb alright but you're a tolerable dumb. I have to get you to armour now" Chen nods before Jack walks into the fortified house Looking through the Archive he Pulls up and buys all the armour plates Before Pulling out the ability Upgrader a cruel-looking Red Liquid having tinges of purple in it held in the same Syringe as the other liquid just a new 1 "I hope this isn't nearly as painful as the previous. " He inserts the syringe walking towards the living room again pressing the Plunger flange as soon as he hit the couch the Blood like liquid spreads from his neck all through his body and head his eyes emitting a demonic Red Twitching and Spasming he holds it back gritting his teeth much less then Before the liquid finish before Jack sits their allowing it to transfuse throughout his body the circulator system returns to normal the veins returning to their regular colour.

[innate talent upgrade located Upgrade: Upgrade Multiple Conceptual Construction Translator]

[Innate talent upgrade, Upgraded. can now upgrade Items to Dimond tier]

( Dimond 6 trait 1 innate magic 4 rune sockets

(Gold 5 Traits 3 Rune sockets )

(Silver 4 traits 2 rune sockets)

(bronze 3 traits 1 rune socket)

(Purple got 3 Traits)

( Blue 2 Traits)

(Green 1 Trait)

(White 0)

(rune socket Hold runes that have built-in Spells of any type of magic allowing for easy use at the expense Of Stamina Innate magic is something that comes with the weapon and is pretty rare In generally)

"hmm Rune Sockets and innate magic"

[Rune sockets this allows a weapon to possess a rune stone socketed Into the weapon somewheres on it when wielding a rune socketed Weapon you will have the ability to cast that spell.]

[Innate magic some weapons majority at Dimond tier possess innate magic that when wielded give you an understanding on how to use said magic]

"Oh, so I can break things even further So much fun. I really need to Upgrade the house." He gets up being a bit tiered not too bad. "And I need a new halberd this 1 didn't pick up any traits because it was the weapon from my starter pack."

he sighs before accessing the achieves Spear before remembering his innate ability conceptual construct. he walks out of the building and Towards a training yard breathing Out he activates it as if he is in a sandbox mode he creates Halbered Styles before Editing his He attaches a massive Axe blade to the 6-foot pole Before moulding them together succeeding to some extent before attaching a mallet-like Shape to the back of the axe blade moulding this he forms a handless thin short sword attaching it to the top he moulds them all together adding more components he decorates the original Pole with a swirling part that links to the head going down half a foot from the head of the weapon the handles going along all the weapon for a comfortable grip he finishes forming it the White tier item appears the atoms moving like lightning bolts towards it molten steel down pouring into the shapes of it Attach them together the Halberd appears In front of him grabbing it upgrades itself.


[description[ This weapon was forged by something Its unique style came from many cultures, are incorporated into it. The most notable, the common scene halberd of the Middle Ages nobody knows exactly who created it.]

[Grade diamond] [LV 5]

[trait{Diamond head this weapon's blade is completely made of diamond. The suspicious holes in the base made for socketing some form of ornament.} () {Unbreaking Loyalty no matter what it remains loyal to the first person to pick it up, even returning if forgotten.} () {Growth as its name employs, it grows stronger from its base form depending on the strength or weakness of the user, boosting their stats along with it.}

{Blood bond The weapon nature in itself binds it to the lineage of whoever the user recognizes as family, allowing for it to be passed on no matter whether the user is Dead or alive.} () {Unbreaking it will never break no matter the time weapon or forced use, even Time-space splitting blade will never break it Completely immortalized.} () {Strike true it implies the probability of missing reduced to 0% you will never miss no matter what as long as you hold malice towards the enemy, Lethality will always be essential. This does not apply when your enemy blocks or parries an attack, the act in itself is rare.} () {1000 Dreams. The weapon hold's the property of being connected to a spiritual plane, allowing the user to attack a Spectral Entity or create spectral entities. Themselves} () /]

[innate magic. Aberrant conjuring[

[description[ weapons with this magic go against all others, the aberrant of falsehoods the magic can conjure abominations of detestable nature 1 of the darkest forms of magic possible. ]

[Aberrant the effect of Cancelling all sense of Normalcy, any sentient Zombie may come under dominion before being Morph into despicable beings of indeterminable natures from as many origins to count it's a maybe so Sometimes]

"holy shit, what the fuck did I make, remind me not to make everything Diamond. Name, Name, Name fan-et-ass-CI-O Fanetascio"

holding the weapon in the air he admires its Properties Looking at the 4 holes forming a Plus at the Connection Point, the runes have a Circulatory loop that has been split into four by the 4 holes for the Rune. He looks at the sky the sun beginning to Set as Dusk Set in He smirks his armour Appearing all of his body still being Purple tier he walks out of the base ready to Deal with the Onslaught as Zombies spawn at an even higher Rate at night Tier 4 coming out of their hiding spot.