Recovery 3 Complete.

Akiyama wakes up in the morning sitting up he moves his arm and grabs his head and rubs it. "I feel quite a bit better." He throws the covers Off before standing feeling the muscles in a tolerable amount of pain.

"why does it seem like it healed faster." He attempts to open stats.

[System rebooting status available.]

[Username: ]

Experience: null]

[Name: Renzo Akiyama ]

[Location Chinese Region]

[Int: Above Average Unstable.]

[Str: Weak. unstable ]

[AG: weak unstable ]

[ST: intermediate]

[Con: Brittle.. . ]

[Innate Abilities: Upgrade Multiply. Translator. Conceptual Constructs Innate Ability Locked.]

"hmm, that fairly low. And a fourth ability. When I get that." He sighs before Walking forwards Fairly Slow opening the door and walking down the stairs Running into a ranger walking up before he blinks.

"that for me?" he points at the food serving the ranger nods. "go back down I'll be there in a minute." she turns around and begins walking down the stair before exiting Akiyama following slowly behind her.

"Why did you bring it back down?" Augustine Looks at her Akiyama Walks out of the Door again "why you get her to bring food up I'm fine just a little too weak to survive on my own. "you're good how."

He shakes his head "no Idea." Quickly Sliding off the system from his System. he sits down at the bench and the foods placed in front of him a simple Meal having meat and vegetable. he Picks up the fork and stabs into the vegetable the ting of the plate on the other side of it she bits Into it taking it off the fork picking up the Knife he looks it over.

"good for killing good for eating" he places the sharp end of the knife on the slab of meat. cutting it and ate the quarter of it chewing it as he swallows "mm It's a good little dry but what much can you do in an apocalypse anyhow we should start moving."

Agustine nods and so do the rest. "but we have no vehicles." Akiyama shakes his head indeed I might have to get yall to kill some zombies to get the souls for a large enough vehicle transport trucks are in fact large enough for this many people.

They Nod as Akiyama Walks out too weak to fight On his own but still capable of supporting an avatar from his construct Ability. He closes his eyes and Kneels placing his hand on the ground as the plants and roots move up forming

a half-human thing it has = 2 tree-like antlers and hoofs for feet the arms being large claws and the mouth a Human 1 as well as the face being human the hair fades from black into a light green as the eye Gleam a light green,

Its body is plantlike and having hardened Bark all over it the claws being menacing as it walks Akiyama stands Absolutely Still only breathing as the avatar Moves. "I took over the avatar so I'm this thing now."

The avatar looks back at the well talking it walks towards them calming them down "I can only maintain this for an hour let's go kill some things. They Nod Agustine Look at them leaving the crumbling base they look around seeing quite a number of zombies.

"I thought they all be dead." Augustine Shakes his head. "no if anything they'll just increase Chen doesn't particularly care about people so he lets them get bitten. aye, lot" Akiyama Looks at him. "you mean he just lets somebody get bitten. That's morally disgusting." Augustine Shakes his head.

"he used drugs on the ranger that went with him turning them into Mindless addicts practically nymphomaniacs as well fucking them well drugging them it's disgusting." "It's not a surprise his decisions. Are corrupt.

"well, it's his own problem Possible his inflated ego or something making him do these terrible decisions he only gets hints not a guide to how to act." Augustine Nods as he splits a zombie in 2 falling to the ground as the old Zombie soul converter Operates and coughs out some souls more and more being produced as it coughs dust out.

"Should be enough" Akiyama moves back into the old base before placing a finger on all the souls.



[153000 T1 souls]

"well then let's look into the things I need." He pulls up the archives. immediately click on Vehicles and then Transport truck.

[Flatbed customizable]


[Cargo truck.]




"Hmm," he Presses the zenith.

[a large assault transport equipped with high Calibur laser machine gun this particularly vehicle having the space for 60 people in the back the reinforced Entrance is based on the somewhat square. Design because of this is often used as a common Troop transport. this particular vehicle can be equipped with heavy-duty tread in place of its wheels. The wheel is on high suspension. as they bounce up and down a lot of on the terrain the armour being medium-heavy grade as it a Fire lead this particular material has a very dark colour possess hues of hot orange throughout this being proof of its density. The wheels are Large suspending it fairly high as it is capable of travelling through 1 meter of snow with ease.]

"oh, so it's an armoured troop transport."


[Unlike its name this isn't a bay it is a very large hauler truck usually seen on hover fans said the truck is able to float up to 5 feet off the ground due to this it has 2 bars coming down right Around the start of the Fan. This Large Transport. is capable of transporting 36 people as it is not meant for high concentrations the speed Can reach up to 500 kilometres per hour. the speed corresponding with how many people are in the back and front this vehicle possesses a Truck Like the front and a large squared cargo box having 4 windows 2 on either side these merely being capable of supporting 1 gun in each said gun can be a high calibre Sniper or not. no weapons are pre-equipped and the fans are quite literally Razors with the speed they spin capable of shredding flesh into tiny Pieces of Mulch if left inside though this can Damage. The propeller. Recommend placing safety guards on them just in case.]