Reestablishment 3 Natives.

After The base upgrades, all the souls are drug towards the largest Platform Akiyama Stands on it opening his status.

(massive Information dump.)

[Username: Grim Dusk.]

[Renzo Akiyama.]

[STR: Protected]

[ST: Protected]

[AG: Protected.]

[INT: Unstable.]

[Experience 0/550000]

[innate skills. {Upgrade LV2} {Multiplication} {Conceptual Construction} {translator.} {Locked}

"hmm decent and protected"

[Protected status your body has something between it and damage likely armour of any format Producing layer of Damage mitigation. -80% of slash damage 20% of Blunt 10% of chemical 7.5% of Piercing damage. -100% of Radiation damage..]

(looking from a logical Standpoint this Makes sense slash can't normally deal with thick armour often Sliding off blunt would dent it Chemicals would corrode it and Peirce would pass through it well unless the suit possesses a Damage that goes through to the cockpit he safe from Radiation Hazard cause those zones to do exist.)

"oh so it's Broken against Slashes And weak to the Majority of other damage formats still reducing them through Interesting.." Akiyama Looks out into other swamplands or what remains of them after he completely Dominated the territory of the swamp he Looks at the native he has access to now.

[Native access level 4 Blue units acquired.]

[Ranger variant +4]

[Shield Guard Variant +1]


[Soldier Class 5]

[Knight class 5.]

[Halbradeen Hal-Bruh-Dean]

[miner variant 4 class 6.]

[Native labourer Class 3.]

[Anraks. An-Rak]

[Sniro. Sneer-O]


[specialist variant 3]

"hmm" He clicks the Anraks.


[A burly unit with a lack of intelligence possessing that of a trolls intelligence Level their size being around 12 feet as they have high regeneration Abilities as well as Immunity to infections their stupidity only making them a bigger meal for zombies often possessing humanoid features only notable difference being their dark Coal coloured hide and Fur they favour clubs mallets mauls and flails can be equipped with heavy armour without penalty to speed. 120 souls Per 3 weeks

"oh so a meat shield"

Pressing the Sniro the details pop up


[an extremely Long-range sniper unit often equipped with high-powered steam cannon useful in assassinations at distances as well as Focusing corpse Tide special Units. possessing a Long leather duster as well as jogging pants and a plated shirt their weapon requires high Maintenance. 60 souls per 2 weeks. Capable of being equipped with different equipment Semi-automatic Rifles Snipers Compound crossbows. ]

"hmmm focus unit, particularly for concentrated fire against single Target, Might be useful"

[Soldier class 5]

[is a basic soldier with the most basic of training often possessing an automatic scrap machine gun. capable of being equipped with much better machine guns Favourint

Favoring assault rifles SMG LMG and at times burst fire Rifles. Equipped with a scrap Vest And Armour often wearing a dark Green Long sleeve as well as black Pants.]

"A Basic Soldier for medium Range hmm:

[Specialist. Variant 3 +]

He clicks the plus sigh.


[Smith a capable Smith often dress In aye thick dusters as well as possessing black gloves Cargo Pants and leather Tunics equipped with Googles and a bandana Upgradeable equipment with better gear. Equipped with a hammer Often a claw hammer or a cross pen hammer. capable of making most thing requests if resources Are met. Payment 100 souls Per equipment made.


[a Medical profession no degrees Of note, however, having a vast amount of experience with human anatomy equipped with regular Black trench coat often possessing latex Gloves and Glasses Come equipped with a book that holds details of different human components. as well as disease effects and medicine 80 souls Per week.]

[grease boy.]

[Primarily Untrained mechanics often working around machinery without any form of protection aside from damaged Goggles having vast experience with vehicles and capable of creating simple scrap vehicles. have Long-sleeved shirts Of any colour and Cargo pants. having boots with a thicker front than back is often made from a mix of scrap and boots the Formation of scrap depends on the user. 1 soul per week vehicle parts 5 per month. Engine 1 per month wheels 4 per 4 weeks. ]

"oh, I see so they are Stupid or smart and ask according to their own personally the standard being what shown for the grease boy. vehicle parts should be easy enough. Hopefully" He looks at the rest of them.


[a secretive unit often equipped with a dagger and a multitude of throwing knives used for clearing buildings their agile build allowing them to bridge fairly large gaps Low chance of injury during structure Raiding often wearing al long trench coat with a multitude of pockets and leather boots their pants being black in colour their shirt the same have high capability of picking lo0cks as well not meant for assassination but will not refuse if the payments high enough 100 souls Per Operation.


[a Unit equipped with a halberd and A longbow On the back they are often very capable and masterful in both tools often used as a frontline unit behind Shield guard capable of 1v1 level 3s. equipped with Iron armour capable of being upgraded their halberd often being a level higher than themselves their bow possessing am multitude of modifications depending on the user equipped with thick pants and a puffy sweater or shirt.]

"their all good but what the variants"

[Variants are units often having a different primary than the original majority having an elemental affinity. To various their variants being a version of them that possess that affinity.]

[Shield guard 2+]

[Shield Guardian]

[shield Wall]

[shield guardian]

[Shield guardians are a far more advanced version of the shield Often being aligned to nature-oriented Elements passing a shield the same size as their body equipable with various weapons can restrict and suppress using their elements useful for narrowing a zombie hordes paths to a few set roots. their armour often being oriented to earth Vines tree or nature. their hair possess tips of a certain colour depending on the element a trait majority carry]

[Shield wall]

[unlike the funny names these Men are usally the frontline their shields being deployable as a wall or moved with them covering their entire body in it their size is often 10 feet with an extremely Large frame. their shields often depict entire fights in their lifetime or thing they've witnessed]

"I see makes Sense anyway I should start getting the labour up before getting Barracks and much h more surprisingly their a calvary native as well odd though It doesn't display the unit I've gotten Form chests."

he looks at his souls pulling a multitude out he starts multiplying them by random numbers as a mountain of souls slowly form the zombies killed last night Being tier 2 as if the Biome changes their tier or Level Akiyama wrote this down in a notebook kept in his private safe being built into a Create plat as A Multitude of larger Shelf hang around "I wonder what type of blueprints I Can get when I start collecting chests."