Information cataloging

Getting up in the morning he yawns "it probably made it through all four of them". he gets up and walks towards the hatch Walking down he looks at the room turning the wheel he opens it as the stench of Sex blasts into his nose.

"HOLY FUCK!" he looks in and sees all 4 crying on the ground practically begging it to do it again the creature has no reaction continuing to read the book Akiyama gave him. "oh my god you really did a number on them".

the women turn towards the door seeing the guy standing there they turn their attention back to the beast waving their asses to get it to do them in again Akiyama slams the door looks in the shop and buys a mask.

Putting it on the filters blast out the sides before turning screwing in slowly before sealing airtight he walks into the room grabbing 1 by the hair he throws her out onto the hard concrete ground she moans.

He slams the door and walks towards her, he picks her up and put her in the chair locking her wrist she looks at him. "sex sex sex". Akiyama sighs "I'll let it do you if you answer my questions" the needle pricks her naked body.

"WH- What question" Akiyama backs up pulling out a clipboard" 1 do you know the location of any other arcane base" she blinks shivering "yes" before shutting her mouth "I won't let it fuck you if you don't answer".

She stops shutting her mouth opening it "ok, ok a brothel close to the edge of town it is the main base for arcane adventurers". Akiyama nods releasing the restraints he bluntly opens the door tossing her in he grabs another 1.

throwing her out "you read the book on how to satiate the Lust after the original incident" it nods "do it to her, she earned it deprive the other 2" dragging her out he slams the door sealing it. the tentacles initiate their given second objective.

the girl screams as she kicks and struggles "LET me go back" she grabs the arm digging her nails into it before turning her head in an attempt to bite getting smacked aside. before she was forced into the chair pricking her body from all parts in contact with it.

She shivers and struggles to escape digging them deeper into her soft flesh "you answer my questions and I let you go back to my little pet" she looks at him "WHAT DO you want to know!" she desperately states.

"simply do you know any issues with arcane Infighting or anything else" she Shivers again going silent "I'll let you suffer from the other 2 deprived well 1 in Ecstasy" She nods her head willing to answer anything "what do you know about arcane"

she shivers "they provide some protection for women as long as their human and had no prior contact with the current leader of the town well also allowing them limited freedom". Akiyama nods "what else".

"they also provide assistance as long as you pay them either with cash or your body" Akiyama nod again "Keep talking" She starts again "they dislike disobedience and often use collars to get rebellious girls to listen" Akiyama pressure her again asking how and what "I Don't Know they never explained it aside from it producing a very likeable scent for those wearing it".

he nods "very well Any bases you know" she shakes "the brothel close to the edge of the city it where they usually have adventures party up and exit regularly keeping stuff in a backroom for transport".

Akiyama nods taking her off the chair he rips her up blood leaking from the many deep holes from the needles. dragging her he opens the door yet again throwing her in and walking past her crawling figure.

grabbing another 1 he drags her out she screams attempting to escape "she also deserves it" the creature nods grabbing her and screwing her the other 1 passed out from such a good time" he slams the door shut.

the woman continues to struggle until she put on the chair "alright so-" She cuts him off "I'll answer them I just want to be fucked again" Akiyama looks at her taking her off the chair he put her on the rack tying her up.

"HUH!" stretching her body to a limit he runs his hands down her stomach "as I was about to say if you answer the question you get to have a good time". she nods repeatedly him spinning the leavers and loosening them.

"1 do you know of any Arcane bases" she remains silent until the things are rolled outstretching them more "their 1 a Warehouse in a market spot!" Akiyama looked interested "any more details you possible could know"

"it supplies Monster parts and Resources at a Fair Price I got in contact with them through it when grabbing some weapons they recruited me". Akiyama cracks his knuckles "I don't need your life story I just need details On Arcane".

She nods "OK, OK" Akiyama listens intently "they Usually have at least 1 high-class adventure usually around B+ and a group of lower ranks for patrol purposes" Akiyama Nods "is there any specifics I should be worried about"

"no aside from the high level of weapons and gear they have" Akiyama nods loosening the rack he unties her she sprints off the rack rushing towards the exit Akiyama grabs her by the leg and slams her against a wall.

knocking her out he drags the unconscious girl into the room "this 1 requires a large bit more breaking so focus some efforts on her once she wakes up" the creature nods continuing to read well playing with the rewarded 2.

he looks at the last 1 he looks at her long black hair and aqua blue eyes acting like a dog to the creature he grabs her hair and picks her up "time for questioning" leaving the room she scratches on the floor to stop damaging her hands.

before stopping after touching the hard concrete and getting put on the chair he locks the wrist braces "alright questioning be a good girl and answer would you" he looks at the clipboard "is there any particularly threatening people in arcane in the base I took you from I have more for him to break, so I'll find it out 1 way or another".

"The only 1 you should be remotely afraid of is the boss and his assistant she is a very loyal rabbit girl with a hefty kick having collapsed multiple people who approach her lungs in for no reason". Akiyama nods "A rabbit hmm I always wanted a pet rabbit"