
"aah bro didn't you say he was unarmed" 1 of them says to another the group of 20 guys looking towards him, "does it matter mate he's only 1 person compared to are 20." They finally look at Akiyama.

"and who do I owe the pleasure to" he says bluntly his eyes gleaming in the dark the guys backing up a few steps from intimidation. "I Just came here to figure out what that putrid scent was, and you just come from nowhere's".

The group remains silent as the 2 leaders whisper to each other "wait what do we ask him for again" The shorter 1 sighs "his belongings". The other 1 head lifts slight his mouth opening in awe "aah I see" looking at him, he points his bat towards Akiyama.

"GIVE US ALL YOUR BELONGINGS AND YOU GET TO LIVE!" Akiyama turns towards them the blade ejecting out as he looks at them "And who gave you the confidence to even approach a guy who has a mask on".

"Huh You cocky prick you're only 1 guy" Akiyama smiles as the Cerberus dog head appears behind him growling with a feral grin "Oh I see I'm cocky". He disappears Appearing in front of him slashing his throat cutting the windpipe and tendons of his neck Spewing out blood as he falls to his knees.

Before falling flat a puddle of blood forming under him Akiyama disappear again lighting whizzing off his body slashing another throat a massive flaming ball appears above lighting the area up. Bubbling in the air.

Akiyama appearing under it. "rupture sphere" the ball condenses darker spots as beams of molten Rock Fly off nailing others as they steam the light attracting the attention of more people in the slums.

those heat body calcifying under the temperature. The blood boiling over as the body temperature reach above 74 degrees hitting 140 degrees. Hypothermia sets in. Akiyama vanishes Pushing his cold blade against them.

slicing through them like butter their bodies melting on top 4 of them dying before the sphere vanishes those watching shocked. The remaining backing off even more sweating wonder just what they provoked.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HE!" Akiyama vanishes as Arcane men move into an observation radius to view the bright light bringing their attention. "Hmm interesting wonder what race he is to be able to use such a powerful magic". They continue observing.

Akiyama moves back "Wendigo field" the blades Retract as blue claws appear on his hands exactly like what happened before the corpse tide. Blue calf's cover over his as his entire body is covered in the blue matter.

opening his eyes the men get overtaken by a sudden instinctually fear as if being hunted by their owns pieces. Feeling as if they're being devoured just looking at him "What the Hell RUN!" they turn their backs towards him.

He vanishes the ground compressing before bursting apart behind him. He dashes towards them clawing at them before jumping between them their backs cut through falling down their spines sustaining damage the men panic even more than they no longer feel their legs.

Some using their fingers and hands to crawl away. "no I won't Die Not yet" a tentacle of goo flies towards them tangling around their leg and dragging them back before tossing them in the area the kinetic force driving them towards Akiyama.

his claw held in the air open slicing through their weak bodies. splitting them in 4. Akiyama smiles as 3 heads of the dog appear grinning. "fly my pet" The head's mouths open drooling before dashing out.

their spiritual Form Swarming towards the Guys "No, NO, NO PLEASE GOD AAa-!" The throat is clasped in the dog head's jaw severing all connection to the brain Akiyama smirks "there is no God for scum".

the People in the slums finally get knocked out of their stupor Sprinting away to escape Akiyama not giving chase as only the boss remains "please spare Me I can be useful" Akiyama smirks "how useful can you be compared to mind broken women enslaved to a sex drive".

he shuts his mouth "I CAN, I CAN EVADE CITY TAX!". Akiyama stops abruptly merely standing over him "oh you can evade taxes who the fuck can't". the claw stabbed into his heart he coughs up blood before dying seconds later.

The blood flows down his mouth to his body dripping off the corners. the claws disperse as he simply pulls a hood up walking away the arcane men following to observe. the dog head returning to the holster floating behind his back falsely attached.

observing him the Arcane ceases instead returning after gathering information on him Akiyama yawns. leaving he enters the main city again the street turning back to concrete bricks previously. Moving towards base.

"I need to leave town tomorrow to set up the teleporter at my City" he sighs reaching the now base park he moves towards the entrance Arcane sending in capture squads to catch this anomaly for future chimera".

"Do you come in squad A" a well-dressed commander states sitting on a pile of boxes as 6 other people stand around patrolling. "[indeed I do Squad A Closing in on the Target's current Location]" squad A captain smiles "Squad C?"

Mere static Responds until he hears a Voice "[Oh sorry I was enjoying the Slave I brought with me Ya where already closing in ready to engage]" squad Sighs "you and your libido really need a nerf".

"[Pff your Joking Captain It fine Closing in on Target]" Akiyama locks onto the Radio wave signatures finding out the location of all 3 squads he smiles before laughing "Ebon want to activate your swarm Drive".

Ebon at the base gets up grumbling slightly it speaks in a deep gruff voice coming out in the mental perception ''Readying Swarm driver'. Ebon forms a crazed smirk on his rocky face the volcanic smile scaring the others.

"damn what did Akiyama due to get it that excited" Ebon swarm driver exit the gate Akiyama disperse into goo. being absorbed by the ground as a net lands on his previous location The squad landing on the ground.

"huh where did it go" he pulls the radio-ready to report