Uncharted territory.

Akiyama stands up "I'm going to go get more guards I'll be back in a few days that warehouse will draw attention to the syndicate who cause it and who controlled it". he goes to leave the demihuman Girl finally getting the guts to put the collar on.

She sighs walking out just as Akiyama is about to exit he looks at her. "She's my Property don't touch her" they all nod Diverting their Attention to things around the facility and planning to look at them Akiyama walks out.

the sludge beast coming out fully manifesting they look at it for a few seconds before returning their attention to their activities. the sludge turns into a sphere flying through the air without issue The demihuman girl's eye twitches.

Mumbling "I'm nobody's but my own property". Nobody hearing or listening Akiyama walks towards the town Exit Getting glances before they let him leave "why didn't we stop him bro" his bro remains silent for a moment.

"Are you mentally ill that person will kill us within seconds he doesn't care about backings" the guard shivers Akiyama leaving jump down onto the ground? landing he immediately Looks around "the area is quite barren"

"that an uncharted piece of the city" he walks towards the subway tunnel looking down it, he walks "Ebon" he calls upon him the flaming Humanoid appears looking at him "ok you're going to be my torch"

he growls before agreeing Walking in first he lights up the dark area slicing through the Darkness all around. entering the subway an alert pops up [Dungeon gate crystal discovery you've entered a dungeon please clear. to leave]

"oh, this sounds like a novel" he sighs rolling his shoulders he draws his halberd an aura of Diamond thrusts through the cave. Using its ability he strengthens his limbs with the flesh golems an aura of blue flame engulfing them as his veins bulge.

muscle mass increasing. taking off the blades he switches them toggling the Necro Numbing Tisax. on the blade taking on a black hue creating multiple antidotes he keeps them inside the containment.

walking through Ebon create torch drones on their tops a brazier lighting up the area in front of them and behind them. Moving through the dungeon he sees nothing "hmm judging from this design I'd say I'm not fighting Zombies in here".

look ahead a group of bears under the crystal control appear their eyes glowing red their claws as long as giant anteaters. their tail flicks out scratching the ceiling with the poisoned tip the ceiling rusting Rapidly. deep brown fur spotted in black coating their body.

'poison and giant claws' "Just fucking great" the bear growl moving their leg back they lunge forwards their mouth wide open claws ready to slice. side stepping he raises the halberd Slamming it down he cuts through the neck and bone detaching the head. Dodging the tail last response,

he jumps into the air landing on another 1 piercing its thick hide and steel fur with his poison-coated blade he launches off its body the bear's motor control misfiring as it shakes and rounds.

Dizzily before collapsing. Looking at the other 4, he snaps his finger nothing happens the bear look confused Slamming his foot on the ground he kicks off it flying through the air he impales 1 through the shoulder.

Slashing his blade along the leg he extracts it ducking a tail swipe. He slashes at it with his wrist blade Cutting off the tip and catching it he jumps back holding it like A javelin he throws it hitting another 1 the poison entering it.

The bear roars producing the antivenom he remains still taking advantage 100 wraiths appear rushing towards it, they start lacerating its body the bear helplessly swinging its claw to kill them.

the remaining rush at him using their tails they thrust them forwards moving to the side then forward he dodges them grabbing 1 he's pulled back. flipping his halberd he stabs it down into the bear's body.

letting go he dodges a tail spike slashing it off his other blade bolts out slamming both thrust through the hide into the body cutting down 2 large lacerations split down its side. One infected with poison touching the ground he vanishes appearing beside Ebon.

moving his arm he opens his palm using Ebon power he snaps his fingers creating spheres in the air numbering in the thousands opening his hand he pushes it forward the sphere flying in spirals the Bear Roaring.

getting hit their flesh is charred. their fur burning off as the flames engulf them. "fur and fire don't mix well". the first group dies falling to the ground "time to butcher them" walking forward a Sharp hunting knife appears in his hand.

the blade retracts reaching the bear with his halberd in it, he grabs it tearing it out he cuts into it drawing out the magic soul. "this 1 was close to evolving". his Expressionless face gains some worry to it.

"These things were bad enough now I got to deal with evolved 1s or The boss of this dungeon. At least I hope it is a boss to leave, or I'll be stuck here killing stragglers for months". he sighs getting up he walks down the tunnel.

"Alright let's go we still have to go further these souls seem to be worth more". The system activates by adjusting its currency it makes magic souls premium currency that can only be grabbed from the dungeon.

"so their premium currency makes sense I'll have to figure out what these souls are and get some more monsters" he finishes extracting the soul spheres before walking deep into the Subway Ebon following behind well his brazier drones move in front".

he comes to a fork in the paths looking at them "want to send some drones down those paths" Ebon nods agreeing he starts creating simple night-vision drones. the silent turbine power circular drones immediately dash through the paths.

"Seems like an underground mall".