Looking over the entire Town the separate platforms holding large swaths of empty Territory "we can put some Amberfangs along the edges of the platforms facing the 1 way they should be able to aim their shots better than".
Augustine nods. "we can also put some on the outpost close to the edge of the 1 way the watch towers are spread about with at least 3 large trees between them. "Nodding, they look around for areas for the beasts.
"judging from how they have high regeneration and don't get along well with other melee units, I'd say we put the Beast at a point facing
the 1 way possible there." he points at an edge facing the 1 way "they can leap into the fray from there without disrupting the others Units".
Augustine narrows his eyes. "I'd say we put a quarter for the first portion of it, then send more to continue adding this will spread
them out reasonable throughout the duration of the Tide. There's also the possibility of a mini-boss we encounter them in small. Groups. They are quite Beefy. Took me and 2 Rangers to deal with 1 of them".
Akiyama nods. "the Techniks should be able to beef up the Exo knight enough to handle them speaking of that".
"We need to find a viable position for them." Augustine looks at him confused "what do you mean we can just make them the frontline".
Akiyama shakes his head. "that where you're wrong. The Exo knight aren't immune to the virus, just simply resistant because of their armour." Augustine shakes his head "I highly doubt the Zombies are smart enough to get through the armour".
Sighing, Akiyama walks towards the 1 way standing at the top "they aren't, but that doesn't mean their numbers won't allow it."
Augustine's eye narrow again "you mean their numbers are so many they'll accidental discover the weakness".
Akiyama nods. "However, they can learn. I figured that out. If 1 finds a weakness, those around them will copy that action and attack said weakness more than likely they'll accidentally find Kinks in the Exo Knight armour. It is still Plate armour, so Gaps are present".
"So I suggest putting them on the earlier lower portion." Augustine looks where he's pointing. "putting them there will probably allow the line behind the first cut down zombies providing much need stability to Morale".
"since the second line can cut over the first head, it allows for a more flexible rest between them, similar to Spartans, the frontline stabilized by the second line, allowing 2 people to attack".
"1 this is how they drop their enemies. I see the swords are long enough for that, however, they have no practise with that".
Akiyama nods. "We still have a few days before the Tide, so we can train them in that formation." Augustine nods
"phalanx formation on a curved upwards bend that allows the second line to strike targets close to the first from above".
"And are Original forces". Akiyama nods. "well most of them are rangers and workers. We can put up some semidefensive system with the workers. Well, the ranger can be placed on flotation devices constructed by me. I mean, I just need a way to secure their gravity. "
Augustine looks questioningly at him. "Their gravity?" Akiyama rolls his eyes. "All creatures possess gravity. A bipedal creature's gravity is upwards it the reason you fall down after jumping gravity exists on everything. As For The female body, it centres around their hips whereas is up by are shoulders.
Augustine nods. "So the flotation device has to be able to evidently provide the same stability as the centre of gravity. "Akiyama nods again. "Are the best option would be Jetpacks for them? It'd be flotation devices based on the sides of the Thighs and stopping at the knees. That would work for Aerial stability.
Augustine scratch his head "Argh, you're going to fry my head" Akiyama Laughs "Sorry about that anyway we require Jetpacks that attach to either side of their thighs. To provide stabilizing force in the air allowing them to be shot their bows without fear of falling to their death".
Augustine sighs. "What about giving them a different type of weapon?" Akiyama nods. "I can give them a repeating crossbow. I'd just have to apply elemental affinity to them." Augustine nods.
"Let's focus on getting them done for combat. We also need to allow them to control them easier".
Akiyama Laughs manically Augustine taking a few steps back "that's easy nerve capable that link into the spine making the Jetpack more of a pair of legs or wings. Then just an accessory.
I already did it with your armour. It is easy. I just have to connect it to the nervous system".
"who are you going to experiment on for that" Augustine ask Akiyama shaking his head "I'm not I'm just going to make a skin tight suit for them with the Jetpack attached to them that connect to a chip already in your necks".
Augustine rubs the back of his neck. "You mean the chip the world inputs at birth that you link mine to?" He nods.
"It is already there. The Suits are also easy. A Neuro suit customized which I can get a neuro suit from the shop"
He runs off towards the HQ Augustine, chasing him "HEY WAIT WHAT ABOUT US." entering it, he sits down in a chair, Augustine coming in shortly afterwards. "It is actually easier with guys. Since are centre of gravity is based on are shoulder.
Jump jets would work fine, we don't have the same complicated system as girls. After all, we are merely Braun and not brains".
Augustine's eyes widen "Ye I said that are system isn't as complicated as women we developed specifically with the purpose of being Braun strength and durability and other physical activity.
We even learn with our hands it's interesting how society loves to go against the very instinct of their race".
"though it is not bad to be different, there is a certain threshold that can't be crossed to be considered just different,". Augustine sighs
"I see you've made up your mind you're going to make these even if they are inefficient flying women doesn't sound too bad"