(Obsidian. 3 Supreme Traits 3 innate magic 8 Rune sockets) (Forced god Decent)
(Prismatic 1 Supreme Trait. 7 Traits. 2 Innate Magic. 6 Rune Sockets) (chest items 15) (1 guaranteed Supreme unit card summon
(Holocroma 8 traits 2 innate magics 6 rune sockets.) (unique summon)
(Apatite 8 traits 1 innate magic 7 rune sockets) (chest items 16. Magic granted 1. And 1 guaranteed rune.)
(Opal 6 traits 2 innate magic 5 rune sockets) (chest 12 guaranteed recruitment orders)
(Amethyst 7 Traits 1 innate magic 6 rune sockets) (chest items 14)
(Tungsten 6 traits 1 innate magic 6 runes sockets) (chest items 13)
(Titanium 6 traits 1 innate magic 5 runes sockets) (chest items 12)
(Diamond 6 trait 1 innate magic 4 runes sockets) (chest items 11)
(Gold 5 Traits 3 Rune sockets) (Chest items 8)
(Silver 4 traits 2 Rune sockets) (Chest items 7)
(bronze 3 traits 1 Rune socket) (chest item 4)
(Purple 3 Traits) (chest items 3)
(Blue 2 Traits) (chest items 2)
(Green 1 Trait) (chest items 1)
(White 0) (no chests exist)
(Additional information. For Creatures, any recruitment orders will change the Rune sockets to innate racial traits or blessing based on said races human equal blessing creature equal I.R.T,)
I.R.T Aka Innate Racial Traits can range from massive stat bonus to vast Arrays of Utility depending on said race.
Blessing only applies to human entity of the human race possessing humanity
(blessing is split into 3 Tiers: High Adept and Low. The blessing may possess more than 1 effect. This often breaks the Grade difference between. Units, as such it must be named accordingly)