Grand entrance (1)

After testing the tanks out, he nods, "so I should make another type of bullet for both zombies and humans. Maybe a war crime wouldn't be so bad." he sketches it down before glancing at the rest.

"Oh, ya" he Yawns "I have to go back to Chen's Kingdom to destabilize it further, I think it about time to truly start waging a war on the inside" nodding he reappears on the surface, the Grease boys tinkering with their specific Tanks.

Sitting down in the office, Lythinma walks in. "what are you just always here" she grins "am I not allowed to be" she leers over her boobs bouncing "no you're allowed I never even implied that but don't you have other things to do you are a minister though only the minister of Central Affairs".

She snickers. "it seems you have to leave again. " He nods. "indeed, I still have a fortress city to destroy planning to start it off with an enormous entrance," he grins. ", so should I organize the tanks into companies and troops into battalions for a direct assault? ".

He sighs. "I'm a little ahead of you, Augustine, already organizing them. " She pouts, "hmph." Akiyama sighs, "don't you hmph me' he pats her head. "be careful right now, a very critical time Lythinma".

She rubs her expanding stomach. "I'm aware. " smiling, he kisses her cheek. "I have to go be back after destroying a city". he walks out the door, his face losing all expression as the gauntlet on his arm shifts in a slim 1.

Jumping down, he looks at Augustine. "I hope you up the external patrols now that you have tanks anyhow, equipped the grease boys with a dagger and pistol in case somebody gets into it. We can't have the crew dying now, can we? ".

Augustine nod Akiyama walks towards the teleporter structure. entering it, he shuts them. door standing on the device, he sent a message to the A.I. in the underground structure to make a gas mask to grant immunity against sleeping gases and such.

" I have to make sure nobody gets those tanks, they're too powerful right now" he teleports, vanishing into particles appearing back in the base as he glances around, all of them aiming their guns at him.

"it's me morons. " They're gone shift down hurriedly bowing "sorry boss!" he nods "alright we have a big entrance to make." 1 of the men passes him a newspaper. "hmm be alert terrorism on the rise," he grins, "well isn't that something good for us? Now we can place all the blame of attacks on the other terrorism groups".

He glances at his little pet. "oh my, look at you all dressed up" he approaches her, the girl taking a step back before turning her head down. Grabbing her chin gently, he shifts it to face him. "I suppose you missed me.

She growls lowly, "is that meant to be resistance?" her eyes widen, "because it sounds more like the whimper of a dog. " He lowers his head beside her neck, he nips it. She Flinches "ah~" covering her mouth she blushes.

"now what was that submission or something? " She blushes even worse. "I've been gone for a little while, and you're like this. " breathing beyond her shoulder, he whispers into her ear, she shivers. "alright, I have things to do. I'll question you later".

He turns back to his force. Glancing at the map, he plans out an assault path. "we're going to do a big hit on Chen's Production and. industry. You see this? factory they. all nod. This is 1 of them. larger ammunition factories, he has lots of smaller 1s. however, this is the primary".

They nod. "we take this out. We severely damage his capability, however." He points out the bridges. "because of Chen city's position on the tall, almost invulnerable structures, we need a method to get across the bridge and take it out".

The men nod. "so we will sneak into the facility in small fire teams since we don't have time to get somebody to head up the chain of command to get us a pass in, we only have 2 more options "set up a beacon close enough to get a fire team onto the other building".

"Or sneak into the union that supplies the raw materials for the ammo production. " The men nod again. "so those are the options we have as well as theirs. Also, this" he points at the arms factory "that the largest weapons factory here, it provides the swords and guns for the military".

"do you guys remember ow you're immortal? " They nod "so I was thinking set up remotely detonated bombs you'd set up in case you get caught, you'd detonate it." they nod again, slightly hesitant this time.

"my plan is to have you set up bombs in the ammunition factory and weapons factory and under 3 of the main barracks. " They nod. "do you understand the goals of this operation? " They nod, "very well, onto how we will organize it.

"we will send 2 platoons to the ammo factory and 2 platoons to the weapons 1 Section to each of the barracks and a company to set up large warp gates in secluded areas they all nod resolutely "I'll provide the bombs for it do no mind casualties for this 1 war is like this".

They slam their legs into the ground, saluting before running off to get equipment on. He grins, walking away from the table. It's shutting. down, heading to his room. He opens the door, walking in on the girl.

"so, my little Fox, what did you do? Well, I was gone. " He walks towards the fake sleeping Fox girl. grinning, he rubs her ear before scratching behind her ear. She attempts to resist, only to sigh in relief like a panting dog.

Growling, she sits up. Glancing at him, Akiyama having stopped the scratching groaning, she falls down again rolling away from him "oh my, did my Fox? Lose her little voice" she growls, "no I did not lose my voice".

He snickers, "but you don't seem to want to talk it's upsetting me" he pouts jokingly, misunderstanding. She quickly turns to him, a drop of sweat streaming down her face. "don-don't be s-s-sad".

He smirks. "I'm not sad. What do you mean sad' her eyes widen? "Huh? " laughing, Akiyama points at her. "I got you!"