final resolve.

Stepping on the bandit's head, he crushes it under his foot, killing him. "Oh, I got no Ability, guess it wasn't a player" he turns away Augustine following heading back to the capital.

Reaching a distance away, he pulls out binoculars. Putting them over his eyes, he stares at the bridge, the massive spinning death twisting around.

Blurring with its speed, cutting the bandits who approach, "what do you want to do, Lord Akiyama?" he simply stares at it. "I'll deal with it" acid forms around him.

Floating in the air. It expands out thousands of javelins, covering the sky behind him. Augustine's eyes widen. "What the hell? " He falls back with the rest.

As even more javelins form "fire," the javelins correct their trajectories. Spinning it blurs *BOOM*, breaking past the sound barrier.

It deafens those around. The thousands of spears rain down on the bandits, skewing them to the ground. The acid dissolves their bodies from the hit.

They scream in agony as their internal structures are dissolved. "Let's go." The battalions salute him.

Following behind, they approach the bridge. Akiyama, glancing at the carnage from his acid.

The ground under the dissolving bodies being eroded. "Why does my acid feel more toxic than Chen's didn't I replicate his ability?"

The system remains silent for a moment [because no potency limit was applied; they gained more the longer they floated in the air.]

He reads the message, "oh, I need to assign 1. I thought it was just based on the wisdom stat."

He writes it down in the notebook." If that's the case". He turns around. "All battalions return into the barracks"

The battalions disperse. Akiyama, glancing at the corpses of acid spreading out from his feet.

With low potency. It deals no damage to anything the acid connects to each body. He narrows his eyes.

The potency rising quickly, reaching the point of melting, the bodies are dissolved with the bones; the potency increasing again.

He nods, all the liquid being picked up. "I can form an acid core right now, since it is magic."

He retreats into the city, taking all the high efficacy acid with him. Entering, the gates shut behind him.

"Keep guard switch shifts every 5 hours!" he hollers. The soldiers nod, retreating into the palace. He enters his workshop.

Sitting in a meditative position, the efficacy acid slowly shifts into a compressed ball in front of him.

The Acid Launches a spire into him, piercing his body. He groans the acid, slowly shifting, forming rings around his heart.

4 rings form from the bottom to the top, shifting to blue. He howls, the acid digging through his entire body.

His veins shown a faint green veins forming beside his regular circulatory system. His entire body is engulfed by it, slowly fading again as it solidifies into the mana circuit. He pants.

[affirming results successfully, formation of a mana circuit confirmed adjusting stats]

[Nickname: Grim dusk]

[Name: Renzo Akiyama]

[Affinity innate talents]

[Elemental affinity]

[description: The elemental affinity grants an innate ability to use all elements.]

[physical pain Reduction 50%]

[Description: reduces the perception of pain by 50%]

[Immunity necklace]

[Description: The necklace grants an innate resistance to pathogens and a viable immunity to low-class viruses.]

[purifier Pill.]

[Description: a pill that purifies and potentially activates bloodlines dilated and hidden within the body, genetic code.]

[Engineering Talent.]

[Description: a high affinity for engineering expertises]

[Survival will.]

[Grants indomitable will and temporary invulnerability in last stand instances.]

[heightened Instincts.]

[Description: Your instincts are heightened to the absolute limit of the human brain processing, allowing for advance hearing sigh and sound in all scenarios]

'Full body status'

[healthy constitution, Steel flesh]

[Strength: Supernatural]

[Magic circuit: high]

[Agility: high]

[Stamina: monstrous]

[intelligence: high]

[Wisdom: unnatural]

[bloodline: none].

He nods. 'good I finally can use my affinity.' he pulls out the necklace. "There's also this thing. " He glances at the emerald amulet attach to a gold cover and chain string. He puts it on he notices a subtle increase in his immune capacity.

"Ah, that nice." pulling out the pill, he glances at the intricate golden patterns on it.

"So this can awaken bloodlines can't I just buy something from the shop" he shakes his head.

Inspecting it, he gets the statistics.

[high grade advanced pill]

[rank: ???]

[Grade: indeterminable]

He sighs, "of course it can't just simply tell me something for once" he chucks the pill dry swallowing it.

His eyes widen, his heartbeat seemingly becoming lethal as it echoes in his ears.

*Thump, thump,* the deafening sound scaring him, his veins slowly lighting up.

Glowing crimson through his skin, his heart beat explodes within his ear, he shuts his eyes painfully. Before opening them.

Collapsing onto his hands and knees, he endures it. The beating resounds insistently with a rhythmic pulsing.

The glowing spreading to the rest of his vein, his heart being engulfed by a fiery blood-red.

His eyes flicker between life and death, plummeting to the ground as blood leaks from his mouth, his circuit glowing green.

'So tired' his eyes fade slightly, shutting in, opening before staying shut, the crimson veins surrounding his eyes and head.

The butler knocks on the door. Hearing nothing, he remains quiet, attempting to listen *Thump, Thump, Thump,* his heart restarts.

Rapidly speeding up, filling his veins with fresh blood, his lineage overflows.

Akiyama's hand twitches, steam siphoning off his body, He gets up to 1 knee as he stands up, opening the door.

"What is it?" the butler glances with shock, the terrifying gaze freezing him briefly.

He unconsciously backs up. "what happened my lord?" opening the door he sighs.

"Nothing important." His skin a heated Red as steam continues to drift off his body.

"Get me a large glass of water and a large dinner" he nods disappearing shutting the door Akiyama sits down.

He dazedly uses his innate ability. The necrotic arts sifting off his hand. To his surprise, "what" innate red of blood and consumption engulfs the middle.

[bloodline of the Cabalist] the system read through the archives within seconds.

[Cabalist is a practitioner versed in the necrotic and occult arts catalyst required for proper use]

He sighs. "well this is going to get annoying. I know that sword isn't considered a forge weapon. no he told me it wasn't. Was this his head up?"

Sighs, a knock on the door resounding. "Come in" he enters, the prior scene of Akiyama burning up gone.

"Set it there," he points at a night desk. Setting the plate and water jug down, he bows. Before leaving, shutting the door, Akiyama approaches it, taking a chair with him. Stabbing the fork into the large slab of meat, he slices off a decent sized piece, devouring it.

He finishes the meal within 10 minutes, ringing the bell. "retrieve it. " taking the plate and empty jug out, he bows and leaves.

Sitting down, he presses his hand against his chin, "what kind of catalyst do I want for the Necrotic? The occultist weapon should be a melee weapon."