
Walking through, he abruptly stops. His eyes widen as an iron like liquid leaks from his eyes. He rubs it, glancing at his hand as his vision blurs. "huh" everything dulls.

Collapsing to his knees, he coughs up a black liquid; the stuff leaking from his mouth. As his whole body feels as if it's twisting and churning, he clenches his teeth.

Collapsing to his stomach, the leaking confusing as his eyes flicker, pulling out the talisman shakily. whispering, he tightens his grip on the talisman, cracks forming over it "core."

His voice fades off as the talisman shattering, appearing rapidly in the core room. It shifts the room rapidly before putting Akiyama within 1 of the bed.

His body is stabilized. The system scans him "[he tried to use Occultist magic without a catalyst]"

Changing the treatment to assistance and support the core scans through the entire palace. "[enemies designated]" golems appear out of thin air, travelling through the structure towards them

the soldier type golems humanoid wielding a hefty gun. the hired hands glance around.

Reaching the blood. "hmm" they glance at it "doesn't look afflicted," 5 animal growls resound in the hallway.

Before agonizing moans follow them, "what the hell" they glance back seeing the gigantic wolves. Their flaming manes striking fear into them as the ruby like eyes glare at them, growling.

Stepping forward on the slick metallic black claws, its paws tapping against the ground. The amalgamation grins, its eye shrinking as a massive maw forms a smile on its face.

"the fuck are these? " The wolves split their black fur and hide, waving slightly. Separating the amalgamation, walks fourth before giggling a massive inflamed tongue.

Licking the edge of its lips. It charges them, laughing manically. They walk backwards unconsciously "RUN" Screaming, he bolts the opposite direction, all of them but a single following.

The creature stares at it, its arms stretching out and grasping the first guy, picking him up. It rips his limbs off eating the pieces by pieces as the grinding and crunching of bones occurs.

The sloppy and gluttonous devouring disgusting the others. It belches.

before sprinting down the hallway, the hounds bolting ahead of it the loud babbling giggles of the amalgamation.

Resounding through the hallway. The first assassin falls behind, reaching an. intersection they glance around.

*Boom* the thunderous shot rings out, hamming an assassin in the head, extinguishing it. The blood splatter everywhere's as the skull fragments "WHAT THE HELL!"

They look down the dark hallway. Thousands of blue artificial eyes ignite in the veil of darkness. From all the intersections, sparks flicker off *BOOM, BOOM* the rocks barrel through the air.

Dodging the attacks, they look for a way out. Ignoring everything else more and more drop like flies from the explosive firepower.

the last 1 spared the amalgamation, dispersing as the hounds remain taking on the appearance of a regular black dog.

Akiyama's body repairs itself. Sitting up, he sighs. "It feels like gears are grinding my brain"

he glances around, seeing the core and the chair Lythinma on "So that's the price of using the ability without a catalyst"

"It seems the Catalyst provides a pillar for the magic to manifest without damaging the host." He sighs, glancing at Lythinma sleeping. "readjust the structure to a bedroom"

It obeys with no hesitation changing the surroundings. He vanishes, appearing in front of the workshop door.

He opens it. "seems I'll need to make the Catalyst weapons first. " He glances into the store, buying all the materials.

before manifesting them from Conceptual Construction., the wheel appears

He buys the materials used in the atoms constructing the Mourning echo. He glances at the unwieldy wheel before using the necrotic energy to fill the orbs.

He holds his arm straight out the owl appearing from it entering the wheel. It spins. Floating above his head. "necrotic Catalyst done" he sighs. The wheel continues floating.

glancing over the blueprint for the occult catalyst he creates, if he blunt weapon housing multiple powerful circles.

he glances over it, buying the materials, yet again he creates the weapon.

The circle of light up instantly. He glance at the handle, not glowing, before pushing his thumb against the bottom.

blood leaks out the circle "Occult binding weapon sceptre of eye"

"resounding dead binding Mourning Echo" they gleam vibrating in excitement.

[The dead have filled mourning echo. insanity resonates with sceptre of eye.]

He smiles. "Well, isn't that something? " he glances over his body, the veins on his left gleaming red well those on his right purple.

Fading away, they return to normal he glance at the sceptre of eye. "I should upgrade my grades' ability."

He enters the shock. Having automatically been replicating all materials, he glances at the number buying a high grade upgrade. serum.

The regenerative green colouring surprising him. "wasn't it yellow originally? " He sighs, shaking his head. He places it against his throat, piercing it through his flesh.

He pushes down on the plunger. The liquid pressuring into his vein, the green hue enveloping his body.

[detecting serum displaying upgradable: engineering conceptual construct Devourer Upgrade mathematics]

'hmm Acid mastery and spirit master seemed maxed.' He glances over the upgradable mumbling "I figured mathematics would be maxed since it how I multiply things"

Shifting his vision to upgrade, he presses it [upgrade selected evolving skill] the system goes silent. Akiyama merely standing still [successful upgrade raised successfully unlocking additional grades displaying additional grade]

[Prismatic 1 Supreme Trait. 7 Traits. 1 innate magic 6 rune sockets]

[Apatite 8 traits 1 innate magic 7 rune sockets]

[Opal 6 traits 2 innate magic 5 rune sockets]

[Amethyst 7 Traits 1 innate magic 6 rune sockets]

[Tungsten 6 traits 1 innate magic 6 runes sockets]

[Titanium 6 traits 1 innate magic 5 runes sockets]

"hmm let me think" toggling it on Akiyama upgrades to Apatite, the bright neon Teal blinding his vision, the windows gleaming a sky blue. He glances at the mace, a slight aura of blue surrounding it. Glancing at his wheel, he grins.

The pale white silverish light engulfs it the edges of the bright aura. A rainbow web of colour shining even brighter. He smiles. "Good. now I have 1 catalyst with a single Innate magic in it." The holster appears, floating behind him.

He pushes his hand against it, upgrading the item to Opal, the bright rainbow constantly shifting like a gas around it. The holster floats steadily, inserting the staff and wheel inside it closes, spitting out the kid.

"I'll have to upgrade my sceptre to Prismatic since that mace is now Apatite. " He looks it over. "good to know how it affects them. That's an op mace. now he glance at his sceptre. A pale crystalline black enveloping it.

(and yes, he did just test it on a random mace than actually did it on the Sceptre.)

"[you forgot this, so I gave it life support and food]" he glance at the baby snuggling in his arm "seems we have 2 now" he smiles brightly "can't believe I forgot something so cute"