Start of a frenzy

3 days later, Akiyama looks at the 3 cylinder craft, looking it over as the drones lower it down onto the ground.

The 3 tips of the Drill bits pressing into the ground under it, the solid stone plates cracking .

the pillar itself retracted for easier transport a controller is a drop into Akiyama's hand.

having a switch to the side, well the other buttons face in up and down, pushing the up the retracted pillar rising into the air.

as the first cylinder clicks into place, the rest expanding up even further until it sits above the buildings.

He pushes a button on the side of the remote; the drills driving into the ground before bursting out to support.

He nods. "DEPLOYMENT COMPLETE ALL UNITS TO POSITION!" the Soldiers Bolt up the wall holstering their shield and spear before drawing their gun.

The 30 shot assault rifle mechanically clicking. as the muzzle moves out of the handguard the barrel, following shortly after.

a holographic front sight appearing over the hand guard, an orange sight pops up flicking on. it clicks into place tapping a button their helmets in sync, the target sight appears over their open eye.

Aiming carefully. "ENGAGE HEAVY MACHINE WEAPONRY" the wall ramparts split a soldier manning each 1 of the vulcan cannons.

"HOMING AMMO CORRIDINATED!" the other soldiers move to the front knelling they aim their weapons forward ready for anything.

the skeletons, equipped with similar gear as them stand guard on the sides and back. The Amber fang, sit in the towers, armed on the war and behind it, ready to mark priority targets.

Augustine slams down onto the bridge, his lighting blades flickering to life "in position" as the drone hovers behind him. "[Affirmative confirming Ebon position]"

the Ash born sprint up Laying stomach down they deploy the high calibre machine gun the barrel as wide as a pepsi can "heavy weapons deploy initializing pocket space ammo storage system.

The tripod is deploy digging in. the tank's elements active as the aerial forces fly over the city to keep crime in check. The wyverns.

Flying in a circle around the outside of the moat. A thick circle of monster positioned a few miles from the actual moat. "[Preparing for blood moon rising]"

Akiyama stares at the multiple screens in front of him. "[evac crew move civilians to the underground safe houses. Those willing to fight should be given basic weaponry."

A voice comes over from the bridge outside the gate. "[Shield wall in position igniting Flame spears]" he taps something, turning it clockwise as crystal rise on all the ramparts along the bridge.

"[engaging gas directive system]" a field appears from the pearl to behind the shield wall. Ready to release the lure of the zombies.

"[,we did extensive testing. The gas is harmless to the human. Body In fact, it rejuvenates the human body, restoring stamina, so do not Falter.]"

Augustine jumps down volts flickering off his weapons "[are your golems ready]" the minister responds "affirmatively." Akiyama confirms it. "[,what about the broadside wall?"

The Radio flickers to life the girl's voice passes over it. "[All automatic turrets deployed currently recovering Energy]" Akiyama sighs. "careful with your power, imaginations powerful but dangerous don't push it."

she nods, affirming his request as it passes in 1 ear and out the other she stands up after recovering enough stamina, bringing to life more turrets.

Setting them up in her heat resistant suit, she returns to the central palace; the air cooling rapidly around her as steam billows away the immense heat.

moving towards the wall, she walks up, her suit shifting to Armour. "at attention" she says the soldiers nodding before pointing out her position.

Akiyama organizes the troops thoroughly before moving to the room for Exo Adding 1. An exact copy appears next to the first 1 before he multiples it, a line forming for the direction they will appear in. Multiplying it, the Exo appears along the wall and next 1 before he turns towards the Merlin.

Multiplying it in the same way, he toggles on the inspection the merlin lighting up as the traits appear inside his vision. He nods.


[Grade: diamond]

[Description: The Merlin is a heavy missile platform with the capability of levelling entire cities or suppressing great hordes of enemys equitable with interchangeable weapons and an expandable arsenal. it the perfect fit for heavy bombardment.]

[Trait 1: manic safety bypass. The safety system on the merlin weapon delay systems has been bypassed, allowing for consecutive firing 1 after the other without a thrust delay.]

[Trait 2: Reload bypass. The Ammunition loading has been bypassed, allowing the Merlin to teleport ammunitions into its racks without the warning display or delay increasing fire rate.]

[Trait 3: Buster Shells. The Packed explosion within the Merlin missile has been increasing drastically, expanding the general area range of the Merlin missiles.]

[Trait 4: Shield Protocol. A little Tinkering within the merlin has allowed the shield to be bypassed by friendly ammo drastically levelling fire rate.]

[Trait 5: Explosive goodbye. The Merlin when destroy implodes into a nuclear scale of an explosion, engulfing everything new safety systems have been installed for the pilots.]

[Trait 6: friendly Fire. It's not actual friendly the merlins damaging missiles damage to allies has been reduced by approximately 50%.]

[innate magic. Rune spawn. The Merlin can summon runes within its line of sight. These runes employ a variety of effects onto allies and direct debuff to enemies within range of it.]

[Rune sockets X4 empty.]

He stares at it. "This is literally just a spammer's dream. Holy crap." he turns it off before moving towards the Exo suit. Walking towards it.

He nods. "Should be able to get it manned after this flood" he teleports to the surface, looking up at the blood moon before making his way back to the Palace.

He moves to his office looking out the Sniros(snipers) in position to snipe marked targets "[Deploy the Midgard]" the tanks warp into the city, spreading over the streets. They engage in artillery mode, Ebon himself ready to bomb the horde with volcanic death.

The ground rumbles as tremors break out. Rumbling even deeper as the crust splinters a massive frame rising from underground. The empty closed gates opening Akiyama flicking the switch, the pearl cracks as gas leaks out the Zombies, going mad with frenzy.

the hallowing cries Sending shivers down their spines as the zombie rush for the scent