Rather simple escape

Flames engulf his leg and arm, forming the Wendigos Strength and agility into his torso, Engulf by a mass of Crimsons Red.

Takes over his torso the regeneration of the Flesh golem taking it up. As a boney helm forms over his head, his eyes glowing. Gray,

He rolls his shoulders. "It's been a while since I've done this." the blood mist surrounds him. He stares at the City. the mist bursting out.

Outlining ever 1 of the millions of Zombies. "well this is going to be a little annoying." he walks into the City. Dragging the sceptre across the ground.

The Sparks ignite Red as it flickers into the air, a line of red behind him. The poleaxe expands as a Chaos axe blade forms above the original blade.

The creature's Reptilian as a tail wave sit to sit, their bodies covered in scales as the rotting scales barely hold on other having an abnormal Decay. Destroy their body.

other Stand with bones exposed as their body half rotted away. The Reptilian tongue licks out. of its mouth opening its mouth

Pointed teeth rest inside the tongue, licking around them of it. He rolls his eyes. "Their technically not human, so let's just killed them."

he reels the sceptre out from behind him, a red light engulfing it before he holds it, pointing forwards as the red aura crackles out.

the aura unstable and Chaotic. narrowing his eye, it expands off, connecting to the buildings as Rumbling Resounds from them.

The Chaos, Engulfing them "ever see a hell spire" the buildings, warping and changing as their windows are replaced with eyes, their doors Cannons the antenna at the top forming a whirlpool.

He smiles. "Blast them off the face of the planet" the Spires Start t crackle and Shift the volt streamlining off as they travel through the ground exploding directly under the Zombies.

Vast swaths caught up in the engulfing balls of Destructive Chaos. "I've never really tried to summon something this big from hell" "

He staggers back as the shock hit him. Grinning, he shrugs it off, slamming the sceptre against the ground again. He drags it behind him.

Flicking the switch on the poleaxe, it swirls and shifts into a wind torrent. hoisting it above him, he slams it angled into the ground.

The compress wind pulses through before bursting up into Tornados swinging the sceptre. He stops it in front of him. The Sundering volts fusing with the unstable Air.

As a chaotic hue engulfs them, the tornados connecting to the sky. As their spinning increases, the density of wind Increasing.

as the Tornados Rip the air swirling into a Hypercane as it reaches speeds of 678Kph the stumbling Walkers Dragged off the ground.

Tens of Chaotic Lightning bolts zigzagging across the sky before striking the ground, superheating it as an area of denial is formed from the constant hammering bolts.

The Almighty Booms Insistent in the sky, hammer into the ground it change the rock to Lava instantaneously the Creeping lava.

pooling out as tens of more strikes hit the ground hammer into the group of zombies, an Electric Arc Blast Spreading from the impact.

The zombies bursting into flame left and right. Their scale doing little against the burning flame as their flesh bubbles under the scales.

their water dried away, zombies dropping even outside the range of the explosion as they collapse breaking into dust.

Akiyama dodging the enormous fist of the T4 as he lands atop its arm. Sprinting up it, he slams the axe head into its body.

Tearing through it before ripping the axe blade out. Flipping it within seconds, he batters the Zombie's head, staggering it.

As it stumbles to the side. Akiyama nodding before jumping back a God rain shell hammering into the T4 as its torso bloats and bubbles up.

the blood mist forming a solid shield in front of him as the T4 body explodes into a mess of smoldering blood and burnt flesh, Akiyama tasting the stench from its density.

Stabbing the poleaxe into the building, he would stare down at the remains of the striking Lightning continent as the general area of concentrations is melted away from instant temperature Shock.

He blinks before lifting the Sceptre. Choking down on its head, he tightens his grip on the Sceptre again, igniting with a chaotic burst.

An Orb of it forms around the sceptre. He shakes his head tossing the sceptre up. He catches it by the end, flinging the Ball of Chaos into the Zombies.

Lightning Crackling off with pinpoint accurate. As molten holes are created in the centre of the zombie's chest.

Activating the Blackhole Cube, it sucks up the T5 and T4, the 3s evading everything. tearing the Axe blade out, he drops to the ground.

The God Rain Firing in rapid succession as the rounds plunge into the ground enhancing their capacity as it blows apart the horde the T3 Roaring.

Charging towards The Nearest human, Akiyama, he just smirks the Chaos orb striking the ground as a sphere of it engulfs the path in front of him.

The shell spanning over the duration of 10 minutes; the T3 Entering it as their body was disassembled in an instant.

Flipping the sceptre to its head, he stabs it straight into the ground as a circle forms under the sphere. The T3s' vitality drained as they slowed down before disappearing, said vitality added to Akiyama.

Another burst of god rain shells hit the ground with explosive might. The horde Utterly Decimated. "LET'S GO BOYS there ISN'T LONG BEFORE THE REST RUSH HERE!"

They nod, taking into a full sprint as they race towards the other side. "this is gonna take a bit" Lythinma nods, loading in hellfire rounds.

They hit down on the flanks, bursting up into fields of fire, blocking any flanks on the ground. Moving through the city, Akiyama's head darts from side to side.

Confirming any presences with blood mist flicking his hand, the sludge leaves his halberd engulfing his men in a layer of Slick Slime, maintaining the Natural body temperature

Their sprint Speed effectiveness increased, well they rush through the Streets towards the Cars parked. more hellfire rounds raining on the flank rounds.

Blockading any advances through those paths. The Things moving to cleared areas before Hounding after the Soldiers.

the Chaos spires dispersing as the buildings encased collapse after he reaches a certain distance, the enormous lightning Storm Slowly Fading out.

a single bolt launching through the City streets Chaining between building it hammers into the ground behind Akiyama as a last ditch effort by the spires to defend the Forgemasters

It's a tremendous force, like a compressed tsunami, as it pushes back from its impact towards the city back. Engulfing the Chasing hordes, reaching the outskirts again.

he waves them to get in the truck's Lythinma, landing on top of the jeep, a cluster round clip loaded in as the Cluster rounds boom out.

Exploding into tens of explosive projectiles, Mayham Following. Getting in the Jeep, He takes off the trucks, breaking into full speed.

Smiling, he looks at Lythinma; the girl lowering herself into the vehicle. Akiyama looking back before she moves up front.

He stares ahead, turning the wheel as they drive. "Not that serious, right?" a punch hits his shoulder, a crack Sounding out in the vehicle.

[Chapter end.]

(Just a lot of information on why he seems to use a new attack every time he fights.)

Instead of sticking to a move list, the methods he uses changes based on surroundings. Of course, some will always remain. They are basic attacks, but the more complex can't be done in certain areas.

You can't create monstrous dual spires of hell in an open field. Or on a bridge in seconds. It would take a few minutes to rise since it needs to make all the components.

So his abilities are based on the principle of being a Cabalist that uses Necromancy and occult/Madness powers. These 2 overlap with each other heavily. It's said to be a hell tower, but that only a short version,

it's a mix of the vitality stitching of Necromancy and the total madness of an Occultist. He used the building as a framed for a weapon, if you will. It's why he uses a Vessel to direct his power