Another 1

Ebon sighs. "It doesn't have that. We just have to figure out how to make it so New Zombies can't spawn," he sighs, looking ahead "we should move onto Winnipeg."

His eyes glow red yet again. The Horde of demon mixes. Marches fourth towards Winnipeg. city, "Wonder what creature will be in Winnipeg city."

He Mumbles the marching horde. A dreadful terror. Of Enormous size. The Horizon blocked by the immense stature of the undead Dragon.

"should reach their in about half a night," he yawns. Putting his hand in the Holster he drags out a large sleeping bag, setting it on the dragon's back.

He pulls up 1 of the guy rope, placing a pointed peg into it. He stabs the undead dragons back. doing it 3 more times. He opens it, snuggling up into it.

Before he drifts off. Snoozes away before waking up the moment the city enters view, his eyes shot open. Sitting up, he looks at the city ahead.

Rubbing his eyes. "Well, it is enormous." he looks at the museum of human rights "and that is something else." he looks at the 200 - metre structure.

staring at the top before clenching his fist "disgusting", an enormous amalgamation of flesh covering over the Structure. 2 bone protrusions at the top.

Holding up a massive concentration of energy. He stare at the orb. his teeth grind together. Before forming a kinetic Rod beside him. It spins,

Building up Kinetic force. he shots his hand back the rod, stopping outside of Regina. his eyes bleeding slightly. "using that demon's sight is something else."

he swipes his hand forwards the Rod Screech past a second burst occurs the Atoms phasing from the speed as it carves through Air pressure.

pierces through the concentration of energy, it starts to violently tremble in the air. The Blackhole cube ticking as it opens up. Hundreds of lines Elongate.

and pull the energy into the black hole faster than light its size decreasing, massively all the lines meeting in the middle the single trace of the energy.

Trembles. Exploding into bits, it instantly consumed by the black hole's density, not even light escaping it as the black lines through the air expose the connection points.

Cutting it off, the cube shuts. A light glow forming around the edge of the simple "is it getting closer to being filled. He stares at it. "Ah, once that symbol completely lit up, it's full."

His glance at the city again. Red over coming his eyes as the hordes move "kill everything", he draws the enormous chain. it flowing around him.

The Dragon Roars. a clattering clink echos as if 8 legs are stepping against the Asphalt in sync. It scurries towards him. Coming into view. The 8 legged abomination hoisting a sizeable body.

Several tendrils pointed with a poison dripping tip are whipping around in the Air wildly. Its pointed fangs seeming to coated in something as it looks to be dragged across after piercing. Something.

It's abdomen replaced with a large gastric cannon that closed off. The Dragon Growls. its fangs clattering together. Scurrying forwards in a rush..

The gastric cannon whips up from the 16 metre tail. the length of a truck trailer it whips up, pointing towards them. Bursting open a beam of acid.

Screams through the air. A field of Poison Forming in front of him the liquids clashing with each other a Noxious Gas Bursting out. from it.

The creature closing off the beam. It skitters back. firing another beam as the Dragon approaches it. Growling as flames lick the ridges of its mouth.

It's cheeks bloating. lowers its jaw, a beam of pale flame. Blast through the air blitzing Forth as it impacts a barrier shield. the Creature Hissing.

Having lost its long range Advantage, it scurries towards them, the phasing speed blurring, It arrives in seconds in front of them. The Dragon's arm flicking up.

A Tendrils Is deflect the bladed Chain swipes across cutting 2 of them. it Screeches. lifting 1 of its leg, it stabs into the dragon, piercing it with its fang.

It flicks back, ripping a gash in its dead body. Pale fire building in its throat. A cone of it engulfs the Spiders, it pierces the ground. Dashing back.

It shakes its head like a Dog the Flame extinguishing. burns running across its torso, legs and compound eye lifting its gastric launcher another beam like stream. Of acid blurs through the air.

Another field of poison meshing with it, another wave of noxious gas imploding the creature hisses. Akiyama ignores it as the dragon injuries are repair it compound eye widens.

Chittering its teeth together, the dragon vanishes. its enormous claw crashing against the spider, sending it flying through buildings, the crumbling debris flying out.

It breathes out, closing its mouth. Another pale flame builds inside its mouth; the beam bursting forwards. into the spider. it Screeches again.

Akiyama drawing the wheel. The gauntlet glowing. As Madness engulfs it, Akiyama Grabs the wheel he hurls it towards the spider; the momentum forming a torrent.

As the wind barrels. through the rubble, picking it up and flinging it out. The wind slices into it, carving a path as Rubble Slams into the Spider like creatures.

The wind erasing its voice as not even a wheeze escapes its high winds, stripping all noise from the area. The wind breaks apart, the wheel returning.

Akiyama looks over his eyes, widening as a burst of Caustic Acid covers the Dragon's claw melting through it seamlessly. He grinds his teeth. "Fucking Durable are we?"

he summons the Flesh golem the thing melding together in front of him "well let's see your bloody limits. the creature's 7 legs creak, it straining itself.

Wobbling slightly, it hisses again. Scurrying swiftly across the ground, reaching them in seconds, the enormous flesh fist of the golem smashing into it.

Sends the spider flying above the buildings. It crashes into the ground, painfully bouncing across it as cracks spread over its hard Carapace.