Unknowable count.

Akiyama's eyes widen staring at the growing number of outlines heading toward the gate. "Is this what the entrance the undead used was like?"

The outlines reaching the edge, stepping towards the very thin gap between the realms as the foot passes through easily the worn-out shoes followed by a behemoth of a man.

millions of people ranking in on the low side of the tribal system used by most natives there abilities minimal at best. the Varing appearances conformation to this.

He narrows his eyes. "Glad I capture this city. I'm not sure I could handle these people without it." Their numbers increasing the cold ghostly eyes of the Skeleton flaring up.

Rushing towards them. Their weapons drag along the ground. The refugees shocked. "I THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE HERE."

The skeletons. Drop their blade when getting within Range. Grabbing the heavy-looking stuff on their back, they slowly walk into the city.

Akiyama snickering "Establish them in Livable structures." the Skeletons increase their pace. Lumbering towards structures, the demons.

Gathering along the outskirts of the city. The refugees shocked by the number of abominations. Moving around. They follow the skeletons with their stuff.

The skeletal body taking their stuff into select buildings. The burly man walking towards Akiyama in the centre. Akiyama looking towards him.,

"hmm." sitting down, he looks at the larger redheaded man. "Bahaha," his boisterous voice bellowing out, "you must be the new lord we've heard so much about in the Netherworld."

The thunderous boom tone surprising Akiyama. "Oh, and who might you be, Mr Giant?" the redheaded man looks down at him.

"I merely saw those skeletons belonging to you. Their live line is you, right?" Akiyama's eyebrows rise. "Oh, you can see that." he nods, running his hand over air.

That line being connected to a skeleton. "ha I see. Pleasure to meet you. I take it you were the leader of these refugees?" The large man nods.

"I was, yes, but it seems you have since taken over that role completely." Akiyama stare at him. "How have I taken over that role? You all just got here. Trust isn't formed in a minute."

Akiyama angry at such a statement. "if it was, how would humanity have survived this long?" looking into the sky at the fading gap. "After all, if that was such a case, wouldn't you have lived normally?"

The Large man sighs "kekekeke" The man places a hand over his eyes. "Normally, huh? I'm pretty sure this is as normal as it gets." looking around "you see anything abnormal here."

Akiyama shakes his head. "Not at all, but this is a fair bit above Normal." the skeletons slowly make their way out before shuddering, collapsing the Numerous bones covering the ground.

Him looking around. "You cut all of them at once." he nods. "No reason to keep them. I was expecting a horde, not a 1 on 1 duel with an Overseer." the man backs up a little. "You fought an overseer. It took thousands of of tank in the books they even used Nuclear weapons against. Them you beat 1"

He nods. "Is that surprising?" the man shakes. "REALLY YOU THINK IT NO YOU KILLED. SOMETHING EVEN THE ANCESTOR FAILED TO KILL!" he shakes his head "That Insane my man!"

The burly man smiles. "If you can kill one, couldn't you kill them all?" he shrugs. "certainly but from what I've seen, it's not the smartest idea. Things seem to view these worlds."

The man narrows his eyes. "But you can kill them and then we can worry about those supposed things, couldn't you?" Akiyama sighs, walking away. "I'm not sure myself. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay."

The trillions of nomads leaving the gate Akiyama having confirmed them to be such. "I wonder what the bigger tribes will do now that 1 gate is open." the system calculates out a reward.

Finally deciding. [Granting user a bonus to Accension increasing by 5% additional information. The dueling system can be used even with Lesser undead around.] his body shudders pulsing glow emitting from him "Urgh" he feels his body being strengthen increased his vitality lengthening. Suppressing it.

He moves towards the jeep, getting in. "here let's go finish Regina." the overseers, having noted the death of 1 boosting defence, the overseer of Regina chews on her nails. '𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏, 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏, 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏,'

growling, "why did it have to be me right after I lost everything too?" he mumbles "in a bit of a pickle are you." the voice Not soothing at all "What the fuck do you want, you bloody hyaena?"

The thing grins, its teeth shining. "well aren't you, Seething?" The overseer press options "Wait, wait, wait" he's black listed sending him hurling back to his territory."

"well damn." he groans, annoyed at getting sent back. The Overseer of Regina rushing out Zombies through the ground from the. Gate. To keep him at bay. The Legions of his units approaching.

Seeing it uncleared "Didn't the lord clear this city well whatever." Charging in, they fire down everything mowing down Zombies. The overseer of Regina's eyes widen "HOW MANY OF THESE FUCKERS ARE THEIR!"

She slams her hand on the throne of her own Survival Impossible "I CAN ATLEAST MAKE IT DIFFICULT!" she spends her own mass to create Tier7s. "Hopefully they can evolve to 8s before he gets here"

Unaware of the true system of dueling. Akiyama approaches the enormous City seeing it flooding with Zombies. "I Suppose even Godlike beings can be desperate."

Rushing in, he swiftly moves through the massive horde. "It seems the world really wants them gone to tell me how dueling can be done even with zombies around." he mumbles, "at least as long as their uncorrupted land."

Looking at the slowly dying land of Regina, he snickers. Reaching the middle of the T7, unable to react in time. A flaming blade pierces into the ground. Darting back, it Wriggles on the ground.

The Overseer Smirking "their has to be no enemies around." smiling Akiyama roars, "I CHALLENGE THE OVERSEER OF REGINA TO A DUEL!" the rots Wriggle under the ground erupting into the air.

Her eyes widen. "What" the Tendrils Splitting open as another coliseum is opened. The Overseer Dragged into the combat as views pop in again "WHAT!" Akiyama forming opposite to the fairly Lean Overseer.

Her body dedicated to agility. And damage. "If she wasn't too much muscle with a lack of skin and proper flesh, she actually is pretty good. Perfect body seems focused entirely on effectiveness lacks some certain assets." he mumbles.

He snickers "A beauty obsessed Overseer Really!" she Growls. "certainly how would I not want it." he sigh "how can something that erased an entire world of living organism Want Beauty when nothing will admire it."

She flinches. "I mean seriously, how are you not T10" his words thrumming out surprising the spectators." She grinds her teeth, scoffing at him. "Why would I wish to be alive again just to die for the very things I created?"