conception of the T9 counter program.

Having figured out the conditions for humanoid Tier 9 to become Undead he nods finding it worthwhile. Reaching back home, he moves underground.

Looking at the base's operation, "What is the Gaia System?" The System Goes silent. calculating before opening Archive.

Its mechanical voice resounds. "[Gaia System confirmed operational requesting information.] it goes silent for the information being sent to it.

"[Information fracture and incomplete. Would you like to receive incomplete information.]" he nods "tell me what we know about the Gaia system."

It rest "[Displaying system information]" the information is written out on the largest screen. [The Gaia system. Also know in a common tongue as the Gaia array. is a system of satellites in high orbit.]

He reads over it [The purpose of the Array was Priorly to limit the spread of Undead Corruption over the preserved Environments such Environments on a far larger scale than underground base D1O0. The Array operate non-stop, creating barriers the Zombies could not pass without at least the mass of Tier 3.]

it clicks out more words [The system effectively allowed humanity to rebuild in most situations when they Lost Pushing against the Unending horde.]

He stares at it. "How was it Destroyed" it Skips to the partial description [Information was destroyed or wiped, but it was said that a kinetic object with enormous force. Pierce 1 of the central processing satellites. having broken into fracture piece, it was theorized to have been thrown by the Zombie King as it was called back then now identified as an Alive zombie of the 3rd level.]

He narrows his eye. "Alright is this all the information we have." the drone display a text [Affirmative all other factors' operation functions and features were wiped in case of the Array being hacked after humanity fell to the netherworld.]

[its operation has restarted with the takeover of 2 territory Zones as it was only working at 20% of the total capacity previously it has begun repair of its central processing. And is currently 40% active.]

He nods the demon slowly floods in towards the Prior storage chambers. "Are the demon's energy invasive." the system regulates it "[no cabalist demon energy is directly under the authority of the user.]"

He shrugs '𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 π’Žπ’π’“π’† 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒐 π’ˆπ’†π’• π’Šπ’Žπ’Žπ’π’“π’•π’‚π’π’Šπ’•π’š 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 π’Šπ’‡ π’Šπ’• π’”π’–π’„π’Œπ’”.' turning away, he walked away. "Classify information regarding the Gaia system to the highest order."

[affirmative] the info is directly suppressed and secured, only accessible to the royalty of Vouya Uzae leaving the underground base.

He enters the palace, warping to his office a smaller stack of paper. "hmm" forming a blade in his hand. It ignites in fire.

He looks it over the blade imbued with the Imperial Rule. "I need to give 1 of these to every general and make them powerful enough to fight tier 9s."

He calls Augustine. the Major general walking in looking at the flaming blade, "I need you to make a program of the extremes for only those best suited." He narrows his eyes. "hooo?"

Akiyama glances at him. "We need people strong enough to fight T9s. I believe that the only option since I can't go to every territory. And demons domain would be different to mine."

He nods. "I see, but we have nothing to see if T9 is possible. You can't fight an alive zombie after all." Akiyama sighs "that not been confirmed as for something similar in power."

He smirks. "pale reaper or even 1 of my Eldritch. The royal guard captains might be comparable to T9 that unconfirmed for me" "

Augustine nods, agreeing with him. He responds, "I can arrange it, though. It's going to require funding since nothing's free and even though we are based on survival, that will have to change."

Sighing, Akiyama sits back in his seat, shutting his eyes. "Fair enough." Rubbing his temples, he leans towards the desk. Opening his eyes "I have to move again, possible further up north want to meet up with the Outpost in alaska."

he nods "what about the USA." Augustine says knowing its value "it will have to wait for a bit at least until we can get captains capable of fighting Tier9s since I'm guessing there a sizeable disparity between the Overseer of the 2."

Nodding again, Augustine slowly turns. "I'll see to making a Super captain program since tanks can't be used without a guard."

Akiyama nods. "their also the mech suits in the Underground base. We can use them." the lord narrows his eyes. "How would we hide their existence?"

Akiyama smirks "plate armour, just make it look like a super big knight." Raising an eyebrow, "how would that work isn't the engines and structure of machines only meant to hold a set amount."

Kim nods. "Who said we'd be using it completely? I'll make an entirely new mech for such a thing. We just need it to sync well with the super captain to use my Imperial rule."

Augustine break into a grin shaking his head "you are the devil I Swear." Akiyama looks at him closing his eyes again, an eerie smile running over his face "well my role does play into that doesn't it."

Shivering, Augustine step back. "Never do that again, Akiyama. It's bloody terrifying with your class." Augustine says, walking out of the room.

Akiyama confirming the funding fairly easily, the Noble having very little political influence over the Royal Family as of now. The Families still fairly new though gaining The Influence fast.

He sighs. "I really need to put somebody in charge of the political sphere. honestly even my sister better at it than I am."

Looking down at the sheets. He read over them, filling out the useful 1s well, removing the fairly disadvantage things.

Finishing it up, he sits back. The door opening Walter bringing in dinner. "I suppose you figured I wouldn't be attending yet again." he nods. "Your are a busy lord after all."

breaking into a smile, he sighs "very well Let's see what you brought today." the butler nodding strolling the cart towards him.

Akiyama moves all the paperwork and such aside. Walter lifts the cloche. 3 burgers sit with a side of wiped potatoes and fries the fries salted.

He looks at it. "Isn't this a little below what could be considered, Fancy." Walter Snickers "sir, we haven't been able to get a shipment of food supplies in the month you've been conquered. It's always delayed or halted."

Akyiama narrows his eyes. "Huh, trying to cut off the head of a snake is my guess." Water remains silent "what the delay and halt being for also we have personal gardens and entire Barns build into 1 of the Domes. their also the underground base."

Walter bows. "Sir, we literally can't access anything but the main building of the structure because of mismanagement of the royal guards. Order their set to guard and only guard everything."

Akyiama lifts an eyebrow. "what that have to deal with restricting access to set rooms in the entire palace? Walter sighs "they only guard, so everything is off limits because they are guarding it."

Akiyama signs Writing an order "bring this to the Captain. of the Royal guard and use this to get past the guards."

Walter Nods leaving the room, Akiyama licking his lips. "Well, let's Dig in, shall we?"