Insurmountable Fury

He Watches in rage, arriving off just a second as Augustine is impaled and horrifically risen in a twisted Cancerous monster, thousands of feeling surging through Akyiama.

Light tears running down his eye as he rubs his hand against it, having never felt such an emotion for quite the time.

The Simmer of dusk dissipating the Tier ten just about to move. Struck down once more, as a morbid realization dawns.

The surge of Caustic energy boiling the very Ground around him Occult Energy corrupting Sprawls out, As Akiyama stands there.

Akiyama rubs his eyes, having not cried in quite some time, eyeing it as if Alien, his hand trembles as the Flashes of recollection erode him.

Augustine Shattering Ground as it Travels drooling without the composure of the Man, the Arising Snapping forming.

his hand drops, Losing Emotion once more '𝒘𝒉𝒚, 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒐𝒘.' he grabs his face, breaking down into howls of sorrow

Recalling it as the carcass approaches, "Don't concern yourself, Akiyama," he pats his shoulder. "I won't shoulder you with such things."

Flashing more, "We're on your side the hell Chen made isn't worth the stay." the Tears still spilling out "We'll do this"

he marks out how the unit will arrive on the siege against Chen, Augustine Carcass Closing in as it reels its Hand back.

the wide mouth smile erased the physical Prowess shattering the ground as a cannon of air erupts Against him Augustine Malignant body torn Apart,

Akiyama eyes wide with a madness Unkept, The tier Ten Steps back, [ALERT, ALERT MAXIUM THREAT DETECTED!]

The World System flashing across the players, warning them of the terrifying power about to Sunder the very continent they walk on.

Akiyama Instantly appearing in front of the Tier 10 A crack resounding from his leg the very ground on his path. Burned away from the sheer Velocity, His Fist Cracks against the Tier ten,

Hurling it back, as it is thrown across the ground, crashing through 30 metres of the Mountains behind it, Akiyama giving no Time As he blurs,

Flashing without pattern between position, the ground picks up winds comparable to a class three hurricane within the zigzag path,

The red Glow of Akiyama replaced with the unnatural purple, his Cabalist Skills activated in Full, holding his Hands out,

The Sky is Split as enormous Spires of Flesh lower Down covered in weaponry, the Gaia Array forced into maintenance to prevent bombardment.

The Fortress Ai reaction as it appears in front of lithium holding Ignis and Lilliana. With Sonia "[It appears the lord has engaged the Tier ten]"

A screen Show the devastation from his first Attack Lythinma responding "he's not holding back much." Akiyama fist crashing into the Tier 10s Skull.

The ground crumbling below it, its hisses kicking up Akiyama is Thrown Back, as it darts out "AKIYAMA!" she screams.

Recalling the humiliation afflicted by him, within Seconds Akiyama foot shots up Uppercutting the Zombies Jaw as it's Flung into the Air.

Akiyama Eyes chilling, as he draws out The Axe chain, whipping it upwards, it blurs gashing into the Tier Ten, stripping whole chunks of its body.

The Strikes repetitive from different Angles, Akiyama Hand bleeding from the lengthy usage of it, not caring for his body.

As Each Strike Sunders the air with blades invisible to the eye, he thrust his unarmed hand out, Warp Crystal form as Knight appears their entire body use as Conduits,

blood spurts from his mouth from his prior usage of the Occult without said conduits, the ground withers as the spectral Chain slithers out.

With Sentience, It thrusts up The tier ten Impale as its body begins to wither Akiyama, appearing above her, with utter Fury.

He Kicks it down, the spectral Chain expanding with her body as it slams against the ground, skidding across it. Akiyama Vanishes Again, his foot striking down.

Its jaw completely shatters as Akiyama Roars Out, Pressing Its Head down, Crunching Resounding as it swipes its claw,

Near cutting him as he kicks off her, whipping the hair back. It shortens, the Tier ten launched towards Akiyama.

It Claw forwards as it goes to pierce the enraged Mortal. the spires fully manifest, as its many eyes flash in random directions.

hollow Razor blades launched out of it, soaring towards the Tier ten as they Clash rending its flesh, as the Chain blade is pulled down, launching through the ground splitting it.

it hurls Up The Tier Ten barely avoiding the sky splitting Strike of the Chain axe as it Blurs past it with Razor Sharp wind blade trailing.

"hick." She lands on the ground, wailing out as it sprints away from Akiyama, the Man eyes tracing each movement.

Landing himself, he aims the Cube, holding it in his Hand, facing the zombie it Crackles, Oenning up "Quasar."

the Instant that word escapes, a horrible Energy felt across the world engulfs everything, the cube sprawling out like a plate.

A circle formed as the Zombie is Locked, No sound not even view as a Flash so blinding even a Nuclear bomb is nothing compared to it Launches forwards.

disintegrating Everything in its path, object are outright erased the Wind cannon around it, a Super disaster comparable to if the planet core was blown apart.

as a cylinder Shape is Carved across the world, wailing Agony, The Tier Ten Unable to outrun the Near instantaneous energy.

it horrible, Wailing incomprehensive, as it Tears apart the entire thing blowing a hole straight through every stage of the Atmosphere.

Any mountains blown to flats, as the Quasar Slowly Fades. the Cube Quickly Latching together, as Akiyama Hand drops, the searing destruction A sight to behold as the Ocean flows inwards.

at the portion obliterated by the Quasar, it streaks across the planet in a Flash so bright it near blinds anything seeing it,

Akiyama Collapses to His Knees sniffling as tears Run free, Cascading down his face, the Mere thought bringing wails as it dawns once more upon him.

"Augustine is really... DAMNIT!" *CRACK* what left of the ground shattered once more, tear spilling to the ground.

His face distorted in sobs, Once more, the joyous memories flash through his Mind recalling how he'll never even get to bury a body.