
The Spartok, much stared at by Akiyama, who silently lifts his hand Molten Lava Pouring over the whole creature as its mush body is burned to nothing.

He turns towards Ignis, blurring and kneeling beside him. The boy's eyes Hazy, Akiyama, turning his head and checking him over.

numerous internal injuries, "Explains the hazy Eyes." he gets up picking him up princess carry before getting on his dire wolf,

"go." They Rush between the Tress as Ignis Murmur. "Dad?" he pinches him, "Don't pass out." he scrunches his face, feeling the constant pinch.

"AW!" they continue to dash through the cloud of snow, shot out from under its claw, driving through the deep snow,

before bursting from the tree line before rushing the Manor, the Dire wolf skits to a halt, Akiyama Dashing off maintaining a desperate calm.

Before slamming through the door, "GET HIM MEDICAL ATTENTION!" Akiyama shouts, his voice booming as guards sprint out.

Well Akiyama continuous filtering the blood from his organs, internally bleeding a lethality, as he reorganizes the bones.

Using a spectral cage to put them back together. "AAAAAH!" Ignis Screams as it braces his bones, "Quiet Down!"

he says as Ignis squirms "HOLD HIM!" pinning down the boy as he contiunes to work, getting his ribs back in order, "his lung was punctured."

he inhales deeply, flinching as he transfers the permanent injuries to himself, "AAARGH!" maintaining himself awake.

Ignis breathing clear up the Akiyama, groans "get him to be, I'll be fine." he says stabilizing his lungs, as he calls Fortress Ai.

To check over them and fix some of the damage as his breathing catches, "Lord!" Akiyama gets up, panting "he'll live as for me, I'm stuck living."

he Growls walking away, as he enters his room, switching up his clothing, before laying in the bed, holding his chest, as he uses spectral aura to maintain a Solid Stability.

the Other injuries not much less severe, "Godamn laceration the gash Deep bleeding Readily "Argh I hate fucking, deep wounds."

He bandages his whole leg in a double layer of bandages. "I'll need a lot of them, tapping resounding as Sonia burst in "AKIYAMA!"

She jumps to the side of the bed, staring at the intricate bandages as she stares worriedly at him. "What happened?" Akiyama responds with a shrug.

"He tried to take a Spartok without even preparing the weapons required.' He says lightly, "and he didn't even get to use the weapon much because of the Spartok."

Sonia glance at him, "So he didn't prepare right." Sonia says as a maid bring in some apples and a knife, cutting the skin off the apple.

before cleaving in to wedges, "so how come you're this injured, If Ignis was the one to take damage." he Shrug at her again, Sonia not accepting it.

"tell me what happened." he shakes his head. "I really don't know, when I was hunting a herd of Onkclainve because they are easy and a good warm up."

She nods at him "and what of Ignis." he glances into the air "as far as I know he was at the house still managing the Trauma I afflicted on him."

Sonia glances at him, and his leg gashed to bits as Sonia rubs the mess of the leg bandaged up. "Ignis Lung was collapsed, well his body was lacerated too much to survive."

he closes his eyes, "I managed to assemble his rib cage and hold it together, so it can heal, but the more permanent damage, such as the collapse lung and lacerations well."

He goes silent, "I took the injuries onto myself to allow him to survive since wounds heal faster on me." he rubs it "though it's as extreme I should move soon.'

She feeds him another apple, "ya, I know we can't keep you down with obsidian chains, let alone paper weights." She put another piece in his mouth.

Chomping on it, he swallows it. "Did anybody even know he was in the woods?" Sonia, stop Cutting "Lythinma did but didn't think he could put himself in so much danger within such a short time."

Akiyama Scratch his head, "Well, he's a teenager. They are pretty good at making trouble, and he's not a particularly young one either."

he says, recalling how Ignis is closing on his coming of Age, something both Lilliana and Ignis consider culturally Insignificant ok with just him stating them as old enough.

he grumbles "That brat already making a move on Lilliana." he scratches his heads "my daughter slipping away Damn!"

he says, "CRACK!" she smacks him in the back of the head, her eye twitching "Lilliana is not slipping away also you seem to have lost too much blood."

He sighs, "Really, have I lost too much blood?" he closes his eyes. "Explain feeling Light headed," he lays down in the bed.

Closing his eyes as he lays in the bed, Sonia watches him close his eyes before leaving the room, and heading to Lythinma, watching over Ignis tirelessly.

as he puts a cold cloth on his head, Sonia leans against the wall, "How is he?" She strains another cloth, putting it on his head to cool him down.

"he just went to sleep. He apparently took most Of Ignis injuries." She Nods getting up. "I'll go stay with him." She shakes her head, "you should go talk to Lilliana. You can probably break the news to her better than me."

Closing her eyes, "and she's been left alone for a considerable amount of time." Sonia finishes Speaking Lythinma gets up..

she heads out of the room towards Lilliana, Sonia, Changing the cloth on Ignis' head "his fevers really bad," she murmurs.

Before getting up and paying a visit to Akiyama, pressing her hand against his head, she sighs, not response, before going back to Ignis.

breathing heavily, she puts another, Cloth on it before calling a butler to continue observing Akiyama, and another to grab ice packs and change the water.

with an ice tub full of it,