Habitual study.

The Guards prediction almost on point as Lythinma storms out slightly blushing, dragging Akiyama behind her, clear intent resting in her eyes.

His appearance having already turned her drive on from just gazing at him, The Guard glances at the others. "You owe me $23"

Akiyama struggles against the Nymphomania inflicted on Lythinma, as they get closer, and closer to the castle, he pulls out a tranquilizer.

'𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒕.' Not wanting to have four kids, two of which are approaching adulthood, reaching it, the guards just allow them through.

the Tranquilizer thrust forwards as it Pierce her Artery, her eyes widen as she spasm to throw it out the injection floods her body.

A drowsiness overtaking her, as she collapse "oh boy, am I glad I start keeping two of those tranqs on me. It works damn well against these horny Vixens."

He picks her up in a Princess carry, taking her into the castle before entering the comfortable room he drank with the girls in, however, this time.

Packets rest on the table, He picks one up a pack of hot chocolate with marshmallows, something he purchased from the store.

Shaking it up some, he starts the kettle, Lythinma resting on the chair across from him, he pulls out a notebook. "I love my daughter."

he smiles gently, glancing at the blank sheets the notebook given to him to sketch out schematics, and idea he has since he doesn't express himself the best.

a pen hidden into the Flaps of a folded sheet, drawing it out, he starts to sketch as scratching breaks the air's silence.

Ignis dodging back, having been taught a considerable amount about hunting after he woke up from the incident a few days after.

having gotten quite the intensive regiment with Lythinma for hunting all kinds of beasts in the woods, especially the smaller creatures.

Since packs are worse to tolerate than most single big target fighting an intermediate creature, a Dragnikat. a fairly muscled creature.

With a surprising burst of speed blurring to the average eye, as Ignis dodge back, it whipping across like sound, its claws scratching against the tree's

Swinging itself around it, let's go flinging, Swiftly towards him, the dodge skimmed across the chest as three claw marks appear along his armour.

The Dragnikat Snarling at him, it's jaw akin to a crocodile with a force akin to a hippo, however, maintaining an agile, Finesse.

adorned with a mane of fur running across its whole body scales placed underneath it as its eyes a glaring representation of untapped fury.

blurring again a jab Rush towards Ignis, Smirking, he thrust the spear towards its claw at such an angle it would puncture the ground.

The claw connects as his legs go, an Agonized Wail erupts from it as its claw and leg impales itself on the spear piercing the ground.

Ignis Spins lightly on his feet, appearing beside it, he runs his blade throughout its side, lacerating its flesh as it yanks off the spear.

Swiping the large Serrated Tail towards him, the blade like edge, the whip near Cutting into Ignis, jumping into a tree, he stabs it with his blade.

"I'm still not good at fighting these fast monsters." He clenches his hand, flaming javelin forming around him, as a distraction.

he launches the explosive fire lance downwards, being Javelins it gazes up at them, avoiding them as a smokescreen arises from the ground.

they impact, leaving it blinded and confused by the intensity of the flame and smoke, he lands, grabbing the spear.

The Dragnikat, gazing into it, trying to locate the target as it begins to dissipate. A boom resounds the bellowing smoke, disperse instantly.

The Spear impaling the Dragnikat Eye as its blow through the tree, Hurling to several, before being pinned on a rock face.

having passed mere seconds ago, the Dispersed forced enough, he tears the spear out guards collecting the Dragnikat.

Ignis smirking as he can't wait to see what the Forge master comes up with for the army as he returns to the Manor.

Akiyama pressing the top of the pen against his chin pondering, well, he looks a schematic, a large light orb on a blue platform.

With floating rings around it glowing with unnatural blue light a Replicator, nucleus, capable of using his ability of mathematics priorly multiplication to multiply a resource.

to create more of it, using the total mana in the air, planning to leave one in a mana forest, to create a legacy of a divine miracle that can change one to two.

Sipping the hot chocolate, he flips the page with a cybernetical exo suit meant to scale human strength above a gorilla with cybernetical frames.

that react with human nervous systems, as a bone like support releasing most physical limiter and making prior hard task.

as simple as walking, with additional support to enhance human strength, working out possible kinks from fortress simulation.

Deciding to have the fortress on the spot creates an optical lens that can create a simulator for him to study the numerous possible ways to do it, making it seem simple.

The hardest part being the Neuron projection to animate the actual skeleton to support the bones of the human body and stop the pressure from pushing into the body.

Lythinma groans, waking up as he finishes his hot chocolate. "Oh, look who decided to wake up, good evening darling."

She scoffs at him. "your the one who shoves a tranquilizer into my neck," he casual scratch down schematics responding to her. "ya because I didn't want two toddlers running rampant.

he makes another two hot chocolates, passing one to Lythinma growls angrily at him, Akiyama glances up at her.

sipping the hot chocolate in Spite, "is that supposed to make me want to apologize?" he tilts his head genuinely concerned."

Lythinma groans "you're sleeping on the couch." he blurs appearing in front of her, "hmm I thought so." blurring he starts sketching again.

Lythinma gazing at him confused at that, Akiyama throwing the Sketch book to her, she catches it and turns it around.

Her eyes widening as she glance at her own depiction kneeling in a bed of white rose. "Didn't I say your beauty outshines any flower that the proof?"

focusing more on her own depiction in the centre of it, emphasised heavily, a blush running across her face, "I did want to make you sleeping but all the posture where awkward to draw."

he shrugs as she turns the page, another depiction of her resting against an aspen tree with Lilliana on her lap there, then she turns it again only to see a weapon schematic.

For a crab tank, he scratches his cheek. "I kind of drew you in the middle of my schematic sketch, since I only had that available."

She smiles at him genuinely , "I see where Lilliana gets her artistic side from now." he shakes his head. "that's all you darling, you're perfect at making calming reality. well I, on the other hand."

He sigh "am best at making the super weapons to defend such beauty." She closes it and hands it back to him. "You even drew some imagery dedicated to Sonia and her son."

he shrugs begrudgingly, recalling how he has to sleep on the couch tonight.