
his chatter ends in the late hours of Night, Having experience that and seeing the Vitality gem, he gazes upon it without much thought.


"I should prepare the hidden mountain," the area in which he will go to stay with Lythinma and Sonia, not much to keep the fox and rabbit bound to his enslavement.


Both having the most of the uses in spec ops, "giving them a Chance won't harm their well being." He clenches his fist, a string forming.


Between breaking, Iku the fox and Selena the white rabbit feel their neck, "it's gone." Gazing at the sky, Wonder What was going through Renzo's head.


Akiyama turns away, blurring away from the Manor, and the area as a whole he follows the Crater across the Land , arriving at split mountains.


his eyes glowing as advancing Elemental magic Cascades across the numerous Mountain hiding it from sight in the form of a regular Mountain.


he gazing through the list of entity he may use to assist with the construction of this housing, wanting to go with an interesting style of wood.


However, maintaining the slickness of a house. "Maybe some rural architecture for it, wanting a homey big structure that contains all the necessities for living.


and can be extended For Storage, entering the top, he starts to break down the Mountain, to create a plateau digging into the already carved overlook.


He digs out the top rather rapidly, panting. "Well, I haven't quite done this much styling before, after all." Usually only fighting.



The dwarfs testing muscle as they to dig the great stairwell off the mountain. Something hidden in the eyes through an immense maze of path, making it an endless system of caverns.


The Dwarfs laughing as he supplied them everything they need. "Do be aware you'll be free after this. I mean that literally I send you all to a random, uninhabited area.


that contain the prospect for life, and allow you to create your own Power Dwarfs demihumans humans elfs I don't know what's next for this invigorating planet."


He smirks. NelMamolth Sleep disrupted the ratio reaching a state of 85% [your status as a judge of the world has been Reinvigorated.]


The bellowing Might of Divinity arising with Akiyama, the unique systems developing throughout His body, his eyes pulse "haaa."


Erupting out the sigil is create "The seal of a divine being." the god of the undead Staring in horror, the King Narrowing his eyes.


The sky blooming with magic; the circles appearing in the sky. Apocalyptical degrees, "URGH!" people and player alike collapsing [System Restore active]


The Calibrating matrix raising into the sky, streaming along the world, it many pixels forming into true magics [A contract has been devised.]


[user: Renzo Akiyama dealing lord oversight Will Trexus Observer Defining.] NelMamolth smirking at the Ratio of percentage, not doing much.


Until it reaches the breaking point, especially with Renzo being overwhelmingly powerful already. A mark forming over his hand.


[Mark of dominion: Inactive. Upon reaching 100% of the Ascension ratio, the user will unlock a true dominion. A title of god Name will be perpetually hidden allowing user to choose his nickname for universal use.]


"Trexus, huh?" The name unsuitable for what he imagined the world will would be "Trexia." he murmurs the Will finally calibrating "WOW!" he vanishes.


Dragged down further into a sub-dimension of the core of the planet, he slams down in a gracious white garden; he looks around the expanse of the room.


"You're here." Gazing towards the voice's source, his eyes widen "you did that on purpose, didn't you Trexus." a beautiful woman with glimmering green hair and blue eyes.


Not a reduction to accent her assets, Trexus Snickers, at the dumbfounded look on his face. "You thought I was a man? No, no no"


She says, breaking a smile. "their worlds are awesome but very unstable. I mean, serious one has a massive land of floating islands with monster hunters and stuff. They make crazy. Stuff, another has a world that heavy rock gives power. Every decibel of a guitar does some kind of spell."


He nods at her. "Then theirs your world, a corpse." Trexus points at him. "Not anymore. The planet is akin to this garden of life."


She Says lightly, pointing at the garden to the side of her. "Though I am surprised it was this short." Pointing at the great deal of hidden pieces he created.


"such as that Mountain, is it really necessary to have it be so complex?" he nods to her. "I mean, you've seen how advanced humans can get without magic. Can you imagine what they will learn from it?"


Trexus shakes her head. "After your ascend, then descend to take up your mortal form and live with your wives. What will you do then?


he responds to her, "Create somebody to take my roll, then finish off the Undead Scourge that continues to propagate the universe by killing its source."


Trexus Stare at him for a moment of hesitation present. "You will kill the God of the Undead." He shakes his head. "No, that somebody else's job. I Just need to kill the Zombie king."


Trexus nodding "that a fair assessment since once the king is dead he'll lose track of our world, but who will kill him?" Akiyama responds to her curiosity.


"probably a Player. Likely from another human world that isn't nearly as restricted as this Earth." he points outwards "likely the earth I know from Manga."


Recalling one containing a protagonist gifted Infinite Mana. "the thing the planet comes up with to defend themself truly is creative Trexus. You are one of the more down to Earth, if I could say of them."


Trexus sighs, shaking her head. "No, it was because my power was drained by stupid humans taking it every time they wanted to force contact with me to learn something."


He nods realizing what that mean "mana had to come from somewheres and yours just so happens to be pretty large." She nods at his deduction.


Glancing down. "But how will you repopulate the oceans? The Endemic life there is as gone as it is for the planet, though I am seeing a rise?"


He responds "A Comet, of course it created oceans once it can do it again, though I'll have to restrict its range and I have to do it myself. I probably have to ascend to do that."