100% Ascension Completed

NelMamolth magic shimmers enacting outwards, it's stopped by chains "Enough." the whispers of the world Silence NelMamolth.

It's magic cancelled as it's told merely to observe the clashing growing proportionately larger

The King so utterly tired of this fly facing him even within his entire cast of Power, The Undead God realizing very quickly what going on.

The Peaking divinity Subtly taking hold of the world as it is now "If it succeeds, I will not only lose my zombie king but the coordinates on the planet."

he Sigh "I will take your casualty onto myself slaughter that Maggot." the King pace doubles no triples.

Akiyama Falling behind as he's cut into a 100 pieces, the barrage not holding as the king quickly blurs to Akiyama part trying to Kill him entirely.

[critical state detected activating gem of vitality] A glow emerge on the king's chest resonating with the Rest of them.

[Gem of haste active.]

[Gem of wrath Active]

[Gem of perseverance active]

his hand reforms in an instant, clashing against the zombie king, trembling, rest on him a golem punching the king.

Throwing it back minimally "that where the Final Gem was." [gems of law are resonating with each other Cancelling out demonic influence.]

Lythima staring off into the distance from the Palace, the Massive aura's unmistakable.

"Renzo." she murmurs. [belief count achieved 95% god ascension interference with laws of casualty detected.]

He narrows his eyes [as you are the closest to God of the world; you are given the option to send disruption against the interloper.]

He confirms [assaults sending Siege of the God of the dead has begun.] the zombie king appear infront of him, Swing down his sword.

A boom reverberates, "It's about time to head back to their." He Roars swinging his blade the king is thrown back. Impaled on the large dragon blade.

The white world opens, hurling both through the summons hundreds of filled Quaser Cubes. His axe chain whips out, surpassing the speed of mach 90.

boom resound as constant trading of blade occurs Akiyama managing to push back the zombie king even well, his very muscle spasm and rip within his own arms.

Each flashing whip curving with in the air as a line from its sheer speed Rolling his arms to increase the pace of speed.

Creaking as occult energy overflows from his hands, tapping across the chain axe, it enhances its speed and sharpness. The chain passes up to Transonic.

going above the ranges into a blur of light as it flashes cleaving apart the zombie king's legs repetitive,

The quaser surrounds him. "What happens when you launch 8 quaser at the same target from different direction" never having had a target to test it on.

The quaser crackle bursting out as they surge across the blatant sky, crashing into each other as an implosion of collapsing, expanding erupts.

turning the zombie king into little more than particles of flesh, As it conditions, He pants falling down the Erupting Force of the quasars Clashing comparable to a supernova as even his own body Takes Consistent damage from the eruptions.

"I fear what would happen if these light speed masses congealed in the centre. He takes out a spear, lifting it as Mobius strips form.

Akin to magic circles, one at the tip, another towards the back of the guard and another halfway down the shaft.

These circle forming a clear Railgun Of fire that will hurl it with speed beyond light, "Ah I'm glad this has unbreakable."

The Halberd of Dreams, his most persistent weapon, having been buffed considerable, he exhales.

His hands trembling. The quaser End He hurls the Halberd. it cut through the Black matter left from the Quaser Collisions.

The spear breaking into Atoms as it ascends to the speed beyond Light, the King reforms only a quarter of his body, his head puncture by the Halberd turned Spear.

Akiyama disappears, his sword and chain vanishing as he punches the zombie King, "BOOM!" Each Fist reverberating with fury.

this the rage of being forced into a planet dying by the world Taken out on the King of zombies that cause the effect.

The impact behind each comparable to a white hole, disrupting light, "DIE, FUCKING DIE!" The God of Undead eyes widen.

He shatters the King's neck, paralyzing him as he stabs his hand into the Zombie king's chest, breaking the plated armour.

"WHY, JUST WHY DON'T YOU FUCKING DIE!" Tearing the Gem of vitality out of him, it crashes into the Dragon blade, moulding it.

Each punch collapsing more and more, the Zombie king Roars punching him off as he jumps back, his own life having flashed before his eyes,

Akiyama crashes against the ground, shattering his skull, he slams down, his eyes bloodshot, as the Zombie king's head is turned to a mulch of flesh and bone,

Akiyama breathing heavily, another punch reverberates, the King's body going limp. "Did the Vitality gem boost his regeneration?"

He jumps back as his arm tears up near severing his neck's major arteries. The Hands dis morphed Sharp claws the King of the Undead slam his fist against something.

"ARGH!" the Casualty he's taken slowly repays "my connection severed with him. Akiyama gaze at the reformed Zombie king. "My gem, Give back MY GEM!"

Blurring 'π’Šπ’” 𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒇𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 π’π’π’˜.' his eyes widen. The king infront of him in mere seconds as his nose is cleaved across the middle. "Ugh damn"

(this damn zombie king had more fucking changes to his total state than fucking Dragon ball villains's Godamn. I should've added martial technique just to have something to write about.)

"MY GEM!" hundreds of magic balls erupt, tearing towards him, the ground Erupts Into Spikes of Ice, right beneath Akiyama, and he launches repeated volcanic strikes.

Finally, using elemental magic, To block the Zombie king "I didn't think this would work before but it seems to now. The ground cracks as a snapping Surge of Chaotic Energy forms a cirlce around him Splinter into flailing tendrils, a Stormy Portal tear open above.

Striking Down on Akiyama as he's impaled to the ground, pressing a button as a barrage come in right on top "SEEK!" the King Screams out as hundreds of red arrows for known as revenge bullets homing towards the target of Vengeance.

Crackling with seeking lightning as it snaps towards him. "Why the hell is he only using these fucking spells now?" A wall of steel raises plasma ionizing them.

The king appears ahead of them, grabbing towards Akiyama's sword. Sweeping it upwards; he cuts the king's arm off, a wail of anguish erupting as blood spews into a tendril, rushing towards him like whips.

A Maw, a maw of blood encroaching around him rapidly as his time slow down 'π’•π’‰π’Šπ’” 𝒉𝒂𝒔 π’ˆπ’π’• 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒂 π’‹π’π’Œπ’† π’‰π’π’˜ π’‡π’–π’„π’Œπ’Šπ’π’ˆ π’“π’†π’”π’Šπ’π’Šπ’†π’π’• π’Šπ’” π’•π’‰π’Šπ’” 𝒃𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒕 π’”π’‘π’π’π’ˆπ’†!'

A 380 HE slams down between them, exploding Akiyama thrown back for miles as he summons more of the quaser cannon cubes,

buzzing with light, he fires them, the space cracking from the result, The beams leave nothing, not even residues of the Zombie king.

However, a hand inches from him "how." his head is cut clean off collapsing to the ground "my Gem!, MY GEM! MY GEM!" he shouts, his eyes just barely reforming. as he claws towards the blade.

however, the space Shatter me centimetres from it, Akiyama head still not even partially reform 'π’Šπ’‡ 𝒉𝒆 π’ˆπ’†π’• 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 π’”π’˜π’π’“π’… π’Š π’˜π’π’'𝒕 𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 π’•π’‰π’†π’Ž π’‚π’„π’•π’Šπ’—π’‚π’•π’Šπ’π’ˆ 𝒇𝒐𝒓 π’‰π’Šπ’Ž,'

The god of undead grins menacing "Yes my child YES EMPOWER YOUR SELF!" none of the generals, even their all those who could help told to protect the kingdom golems too far to stop it, the same for Demons,

Even the Generals to slow, the chant for the monarchs far to slow itself, holding tightly onto the blade [99%> God ascension complete]

The Shockwave throws the king backwards, the king of undead cut off entirely from the world as the zombie King, bones crunch down and shatter.

Crashing against every surface away from it, Akiyama gets up slowly, his eyes glowing with the Mobius Strip, [god ascension completed would you like to Mark world of Ash as home planet.]

He confirms "yes." The siege on the God of the undead also Occurring true siege can be enacted. Please select all deployed forces to the king of the undead.]

Suddenly a vast majority of the Demons disappear billions strong at this point "My gem, My GEM!" he appears once again from him Akiyama seeing him in slow motion.