The massive Spatial warp gate is completed being large enough for an entire Fleet, the enormous arm clashes against the God of undead, launching him backwards from the hit alone.
Syha'ahnah roars as he's flung backwards from the impact, put onto him by the cataclysm of end, "I have some forces coming!" Ebon roars, tearing across the empty vacuum,
The zombie king body withering, "anngh my lord~" Reaching up with its phantasmal hand, not actually having an arm to use the weather Ashen flesh left as it starts to fade.
The guard's gaze at him. "Is he dying, one guard kicks his head. The king Roars trying to snap the Soldier's foot to infect him and regenerated,
By absorbing the body, the many Zombies he called by Rising the Dead, already killed for the most part. The few he has left outside his range or are burned alive.
The zombie king as such fades slowly, Cataclysm Dodge backwards the Undead slinging a massive fist of rubble towards Cataclysm after missing It Shatters into him Knocking the Cataclysm backwards, It groans
Akiyama knocked off his balanced as the Cataclysms many tendril bolt forwards from its current location, each strike overwhelming.
Catching the arm of the cataclysm, the God of undead though weakened greatly, Punch back with his multiple hands launching it backward.
"ARGH!" a space Cutting blade forms within The god of undead hand "that won't do anything Right Akiyama?" the Lord Smiles Akiyama stands.
"Not anymore, the spatial gate ruptures An enormous fleet of ships escapes the spatial Distortion, "because we have our Safety net."
He gazes at the primary destroyer, the source of his massive fleet control Module, "cataclysm lift me up to the ship with a tendril."
it complies rushing up the tendril and the white reaper Flys up towards it, escaping into the ship The Cataclysm lets loose a rapid barrage of punches
Syha'ahnah returns as a rapid burst of shockwaves erupt, trading punches majorly, the Cataclysm fling it arm up from below Uppercutting a god.
its jaw is ground ot dust as it's slung backwards, Akiyama coughs out a little bit of blood the Cataclysm of ending Taking its Toll on his immortal body.
The King of zombie's eyes fade "I have failed." evaporating into Ash [vitality drained.] it flops to the ground, clanging against it,
Akiyama sense the change, lifting his hand and starts to shake the blue gem actived [space Contortion executed] The blade vanishes,
Akiyama smiles as it appears within his hand, wielding the halberd and the blade, his eyes glow, The cataclysm of end realizing it "it seems it's the end well then." He impales the god of Undead's body, ripping a chunk off as it fades out,
each mutant returning to his halberd, "activated Nuclear barrage." the billions of ships all around Syha'ahnah, start the barrage massive explosion.
Devastating his body as he roars and flails helpless from the Impact of the Weapons at hand, eventually curling, he hardens a difficult shell of hardened Chitin Around him.
The barrage blocked. however some smiles [gem of wrath active] the blade is enveloped in a furious red energy, The semi transparent Shape of flame spurting from the blade taking hold.
the white reapers Stare "you're going ot act." he nods Summoning the Monarch of space, it appears behind him "Link sense and thought you'll understand what I want to do at that point."
The monarch nods, linking the two requested things; he disappears, the ship floats further backward, still having a great view of the fight,
Akiyama blade grows appearing along a vertical angle, he slashes the blade down "that won't go through." the blade sinks down in space without limit to Speed.
"Light as a feather, it chinks off the Difficult Carapace, however the armour blade glows Red, the monarch of space teleport him as his blade is warped into the shell partially Submerge in it,
Cracking Reverberates "I WILL END YOU!" The shell cracks massively. Tearing the blade out, he pushes his hands completely enveloped by occult and necromantic energy,
"URGH!" the crink of the shell spread as glass as break marks appear throughout it, Tearing it Apart it shatters into bits, "I WILL NOT BE STOP-"
His eye widen a massive beam of energy focused. "Oh, fuck." it exposes outwards as a quaser shot bursts towards the beam as he's teleported out of the way.
Appearing Underneath the mess of hands and fleshy chunks. [vitality Drain active] He sweeps it across the lower Abdomen.
"RAWRGH!" It Tear through the flesh Akiyama smacked as he's Flung "I FINALLY HIT YOU!" Syha'ahnah eyes wide as his hand is slashed off.
"good for you." he kicks Syha'ahnah, the forced unable to be disputed as he's paced a few metres back, a vertical slash Carve up his torso.
"CRUSH YOU I WILL!" His hands slap together indeed crushing Akiyama to a meat paste leaving the function of the cataclysmic plasma barrage erupts.
spitting billions of Nuclear like balls of plasma, the smaller vessel launching enormous chains of plasma ionized it tear into his dead flesh he roars.
unable to be set ablaze but charred section appear over his body, the mush Rapidly Reforms as a string of muscle cleaves off the arm.
Teleported once again. Akiyama's arm retracts, slamming back onto his body as he swings the halberd, reflecting the oncoming shock of sub light rocks.
Before teleporting again, impaling the god of undead with the halberd, he ruptures the internals. A bubble of super-heat gases forming beneath the weather pale skin.
He disappears again as it explodes the ionized material. All flare backwards before slamming him from all angles, "ARGH!"
Reaching forwards a beam of green energy launch forth towards Akiyama splintering into thousands of smaller projectiles in a pulse unable to avoid them all, he's hit a feaster infection cuts his arm off function,
he winces, well the nanomachine starts to regenerate "HAHA!" the infected arm draws the sword towards Syha'ahnah so he can use its Vitality gem to restore himself even if only minorly.