all consuming chaos

Ah Week into the colossal supernovae it fades into a Solidified Pulsar, the beams Projecting either side "the explosion was ridiculous,"

the ship glides towards the flowing alterative as it approaches, the residue of the God of undead, the Pulsar Pulling heavily on the ship but not nearly enough.

The Undead god still yet to be confirmed as dead as they reach the section he'd be at in accordance with the Super Nova, the torso ashen body.

The Enormous vitality spread, pushing his vitality out of him as Akiyama gaze at it before leaving the Force of the Pulsar once again coming into play, gaining into extreme levels.

but still not enough thrust on the side, pushing the ship away from the Pulsar evenly to stop any shifts in its position, approaching it.

The zombie king growls "you come to finish me." cracking Reverberates from it "DIE!" his vitality focused into an appendage.

That whips out, Akiyama catches it, as the vitality enters him instead of disappearing, "Have I come to finish you? No, I've come to Absorb, your authority."

Occult and Necromatic Flow out of him Clashing violently before Melting Chaos created, the purple Energy infusing the space around him as it burst with Power.

Snapping the space, the god of Undead empty sockets, "NO, NOOOOO!" The Chaos twist and thrash in the air, growing in size,

He jumps into the air. "ARRRGH, I WON'T BE KILLED!" however the Chilling voice of Chaos erupt. "You never had the option."

The enormous Purple Maw extends Razer Sharp, Teeth a large phantasmal tongue spit out forked as it Crunches Down

The king, the vitality Crystal destroyed as its teeth expands the crystal explode within the Mouth, bloating its cheeks before shrinking,

Crunching, reverberating as the God pushed barely against it with the authority under him, eating away at not only the stigmata's Of Syha'ahnah.

trying desperately as he claws at the demonic mouth of chaos as it eats him, Akiyama Groans controlling chaos unimaginable difficult.

Bursting and popping as he feels the stigmata's flood his mind and body [the branding of a new god has begun.] an enormous fleet surrounds him.

preventing any interruption as the chaos forms into a cocoon, Syha'ahnah Roars inside of it "NOOOOO!" his voice absorbed inside of Akiyama.

The system confirming the stigmata's presences, [stigma of Death acquired] crackling [Stigma of undeath acquired.] the message repeating everything that makes the God of Undead being devoured.

[stigma of corruption acquired.] consumption the word stigma reverberating endlessly in his mind, understanding it, he smiles.

"so this is how he manages to corrupt the Life on so many worlds" The corruption stigma allows the invasion of the mind, to break it down and erode it.

"He didn't have offspring even though he could find a goddess interested in him, I wonder why he didn't." Gazing at the sky [the authority of absolution is active,

His eyes flash [the authority over undead is active natural born undead beings will fear the user.] He groans as green coloured veins run up from the maw consuming him.

[interlopers are upon the user the Avatars of Gods are preparing Attack.] the white reapers forms within the sky, an army of bones dancing around him.

Shadow like In nature, Well trillions of Demons with thruster packs equipped to demonic Wings rushing forwards, as Akiyama mutters.

[language of the dead Aquired Rune Craft perfected.] his hand flinches, [runes akin to the karmic tattoo's] The bindings active already.

[chaos has begun effecting the host mind.] he winces as a black tattoo squirms its way up to his eyes, pulsing as his purple eye counter back.

[innate chaos detected user is immune to corruption because of the Stigma of corruption.] The Avatar's eyes widen. "That impulse, isn't it comparable to a god with the potential to reach a high lord?"

another one wielding a Chakram nods "we have to kill it before he completes his immortalization or else we'll have something worse than the god of undead."

"GO!" the bombardment barrage outwards, halting their advance [Interlopers are to be annihilated.] bastion states "that means." Take some of the occult energy "I GET TO FIGHT!"

Monarchs form particularly plasma and space, "I see, so these are our planet's enemies now?" The plasma monarch hand crackle the billions of Ion in space "But this is my Playground No annoying Resistances for the Ions to bind to.

The chaos enveloping his arm Crunching Stops, consuming a successful portion of the strength detailed, "GO!" with an explosive boom, the space monarch warps those fighting against the avatars.

An instantaneous exchange occurring as a blasting wave erupts of pure aura from the exchange, Akiyama, Slowly focuses once again.

The chaos disperses rapidly Vanishing nothing remaining of the God of Undead as the purple marks in his eyes Turn black, [authority garnered sigil of infinity Mobius Strip.]

The might of a trillion suns erupts, a supreme power comparable to high gods, such power ridiculous even to the White reaper and bastion.

[energy scans off charts, recalibrating off charts, recalibration energy substance peak high God.] Akiyama gaze outwards towards the Avatars.

However, he doesn't react [the law of casualty is now applied. Interference upon force outside the world will generate effective damage equal to the action taken.]

He ponder "what if every attack cuts casualty." he Push his hand out "Isolation Of chaos." The massive black goo oozes down akin to a curtain.

Functionally cutting all effects on the surrounding world off from the newly Generated, one he tilts his head toward the entire Fleet, floating subtly.

The avatars tremble. "Oh, don't worry, since I've cut off casualty, the effect inside of her is more or less akin to a game you just can't respawn until the end of said game after dying."

He smirks as he looks at them. "Barrage them." His voice holding much more authority as hundreds of Shell automatically load into the Ships..

bursting outwards explosion Ripple from the hits, "ARRGH HE CAN'T KNOW HOW TO USE HIS AUTHORITIES YET!" Akiyama snaps his finger [Authority of Craft active undead corpse wyrm generated.] it tear from the wall Slashing across one of them "ARGH!"

Akiyama infront of them. A single slash from the Avatar's eyes widen, its head detached in an instant as Akiyama disappears backwards, leaving the Rest to his force "ARGH!"

The fleet burst outwards with a rapid fire that explodes beside or on impact, Akiyama appearing on the mothership, "prepare to warp back to home. I've been away too long."

closing his eyes, missing Lythinma and Sonia,