I Don't Even Know The Guy

Stacey's POV

"Superstar NFL player Nathan Lockwood has just been spotted on a romantic date at Laker's beach with actress Sheila Queens. The couple was seen being cozy during their picnic. Our inside source reported that the pair couldn't keep their hands off each other and we the fans are still shocked about this information. Barely a month ago Nathan was dating supermodel Diana Matthews and the two reportedly ended things on a bad note, after almost three years of dating, we certainly did not expect Nathan to move on that quickly, but I guess our favorite NFL player has a big heart and is always open to love. Don't forget to vote for him in the player of the year category on the NFL awards website. For more updates on Nathan Lockwood follow my YouTube page, subscribe, and register to be a fan to enjoy Lockwood family perks", said the reporter on the tv screen at the store I was shopping in. I rolled my eyes, you couldn't go anywhere without hearing about Nathan Lockwood. He was basically everywhere, on the radio, on billboards, and every front cover of any magazine. It was getting really annoying, hearing about him all the time, there was nothing special about him.

"I knew it", my friend, Trina exclaimed." I knew he was dating Sheila, it was so obvious. They weren't even discrete about it. Diana must be pissed, but she deserves it for cheating on Nathan".

With the way Trina talked about these people, you'd think she was best friends with them. I hated it when she started with her celebrity gossip, it was very exhilarating.

"Nope, don't even start, if I hear his name one more time, I'll literally kill myself", I groaned. "There's nothing special about a cocky womanizer who's a football player. The Diana girl should be happy that she doesn't have to deal with his tactics anymore".

Trina gave me a strange look like she couldn't believe I said those words. I'm sure she was used to my dislike by this time but I knew there was no way she was ever going to accept it.

"Okay, what's your deal with Nathan?", she asked as she picked some fresh vegetables and dropped them in her shopping basket.

"What do you mean", I asked as I examined the flour bag I was holding.

"You've always hated Nathan for no reason at all. I know it's not compulsory to like a celebrity but yours is different. It's like it's personal or something", she accused with a raised eyebrow.

We joined to pay in the queue, and I couldn't help but ponder on what she just said. She was right, I had a personal hatred towards Nathan ever since our secret night together. We had a one-night stand together and ever since then I just had this intense grudge over him. The fact that he was a football player made me so angry that I had fallen for his antics and gone to bed with him. I'm sure he didn't even remember that night, he was probably used to having different girls each night. The thought of that always riled me up and it made me feel easy.

I gave Trina a funny look, " I don't have anything personal against him, I've never even met the guy". We paid the cashier and left the store. "I just don't see what all the fuss is about, that's all", I added.

Trina gave me a doubtful look but she dropped the topic not wanting to drag it further. We said our goodbyes and entered our respective cars.

My car was very ancient, it was a blue beetle and the paint was half gone. I would have changed it but I had other responsibilities and the money just wasn't enough. I got in and drove to work.

I owned a small bakery in New York, it was called "Gilbert bakery". My grandmother used to own it but I took over the business after she had dementia. So it's a family business, that's why it's named after my family name. I never really envisioned myself as a baker, my dream was always to become a famous lawyer who'd put all the bad guys in jail and receive awards. That was the whole point of going to law school and getting my degree but at some point in my life all that didn't matter to me anymore.

When my grandma got sick and I had to come down and take care of her, the time I spent with her taught me a lot and I developed a different perspective of life, what being happy really is. I decided that I was going to take over the family business. So I took baking classes and now I'm doing pretty well for myself.

I got down from my car, locked it, and stepped into the bakery. It was already filled with some people and I went straight to the front desk and I was greeted by Anna, my worker.

" Hey Stacey", she greeted with a smile as she saw me.

"Hey Anna", I replied. " Did Bob come down to fix the pipe?", I asked as I took off my coat.

She nodded," He did, and he refused to take money for it".

"What, this is the third time he's fixing things for free"

"Well, he's clearly in love with you", she said wiggling her eyebrows.

" No he isn't, and that doesn't matter", I replied."I'll just see him and force him to accept the money", I added as I walked into my small office to keep the rest of my stuff.

"He's not gonna take it", I heard her say.

There were lots of mail on my desk when I sat down, most from the landlord. The rent of the bakery was long overdue, but due to the relationship the landlord had with my grandmother, he usually extended the time. I had approximately three months to pay up or we'll have to leave. Leaving wasn't even an option because the bakery wouldn't survive a new environment. We had long-standing customers here and I'm not sure we'll still have them if we relocated.

I gave a disgruntled sigh and rubbed my face in exhaustion. We needed a big miracle, if we didn't get a high-paying job, I don't know how we'll be able to pay the rent.

The sound of my ringtone filled the room, I looked down at my phone and saw that it was Trina calling.

" Hey", I answered with a tired voice.

"Hey girl, you are not going to believe the good news I have for you", she said with an excited voice.

" Well, are you going to tell me? I questioned. Trina was a bit of a drama queen so I won't be surprised if this"good news" wasn't a big deal, she did it all the time.

"You know my cousin Tiffany is getting married right?"

"Yes I do, to that millionaire guy that owns a tech company", I replied. Everybody knew about the wedding, it was on tabloids and newspapers. One of the most anticipated weddings in the city.

" I just booked you to be the pastry chef of the wedding", she squealed.

I leaned forward with shock on my face, "wait seriously?"

"Hell yes", she replied. " You better get your bags ready because we're going to Las Vegas"

"Las Vegas? I thought the wedding was in New York", I questioned. I couldn't go to Las Vegas, there was no money for that.

" Don't worry about the travel expenses, it's all covered", she immediately responded, I could imagine her rolling her eyes at my money-saving thought.

"Is this a prank?"

"It's not, look she's going to call you and probably want to meet you in person. So make sure you present yourself in the best way possible", she stated.

" Alright, thank you so much, Trina. This means a lot to me", I said, and it did. Sealing this deal was going to help pay the bakery's debt.

We talked for a little while and then we hung up. I got up and started giving instructions to Anna on how the shop will be cleaned.

The shop telephone rang and Anna picked it up, "Gilbert's bakery", she answered.

Her eyes widened and she handed me the phone, I knew exactly who was on the line.

" Hi, my name is Stacey Gilbert owner of Gilbert's bakery. How can we be of service to you", I answered in my most professional voice.

"I'm Tiffany, I got your number from my cousin Trina", she responded. " I heard you're a great pastry chef".

"Yes I am, we are excellent in what we do"

"I'd like to come by your bakery tomorrow. Is that okay with you?", she asked.

"Of course, is noon fine?"

"It is", she replied. With that, we ended the call.

Anna and I stayed longer than we usually did, to make sure everything was perfect for her visit. I hope it all goes well.