Chapter 2! Gerald Scumbag Flynch!

Emily woke up to the cries of her eldest child and realized she was still too weak to feed the crying baby. To top it all, her cries woke her other siblings who also joined in the crying spell. 

As Emily looked on in panic without the strength to attend to her kids, she pressed the call button for help and received a prompt response from a few nurses who arrived immediately to assist her in feeding the kids while taking the opportunity to admire the cute little ones. 

As she watched the nurses busy themselves preparing baby formula for the kids, Emily couldn't help wondering where Sabrina was. Even Gerald was nowhere in sight. The question was at the tip of her tongue but she forced it back and preferred asking them when they came around later. 

Maybe they went out together to sort out certain things for the babies. Therefore, even though Emily had a bad feeling about the whole situation, she encouraged herself to remain optimistic and push out all negative thoughts from her already tired head. 

Looking at the nurses busying themselves with the three little ones, Emily could not believe she actually gave birth to triplets, instead of twins. Three adorable beauties at that. She was actually the proudest mother at the moment. 

Checking their adorable faces, similar eyes, lips, forehead, she couldn't help imagining how identical they will grow to be as she started imagining them being mischievous enough to confuse others about their identities.

As Emily was enjoying the sight of her three children, Sabrina was having a faceoff with Gerald at the hospital cafeteria. 

A few minutes ago when Sabrina met Gerald who wanted to have a quick talk with her at the hospital car park, he promised her that both her sister and the kids were perfectly fit and sleeping at the moment. 

Sabrina felt nothing amiss as she had visited her sister in C city on several occasions and therefore had a cordial relationship with her sister's husband. 

Though they were not specifically friends, she gets along with him quite well. Who knows, maybe he's actually planning a surprise for Emily and needs her input.

Sabrina ordered water for herself and only took a small sip when Gerald reached into his bag for the divorce agreement. 

While he was at it, Sabrina asked joking around, "so who do the kids take after? You or my pretty sister? Gerald did not return her enthusiasm as he only shrugged his shoulders saying " I guess you'll know when you meet them later"

Sabrina immediately sensed something was wrong as she wiped the smile off her face and stood to exit the cafeteria in hurried steps to go see her sister and the kids immediately. 

She thought maybe something bad had happened to either or both of them. She further reckoned that was the reason she was feeling uneasy along the way to the hospital. 

Gerald didn't mind that she left him at the cafe as he also stood to follow her. Maybe this was for the best as no one could tell what the crazy woman before him with an explosive temper could do to him upon seeing the document in his hands. The fewer people around, the better.

Had it not been Connar who advised him to have the decency of handing the document to Emily personally he would have left it at her bedside so she signs immediately she wakes up. 

Gerald reckoned that giving it to Sabrina also counts as giving it to Emily personally.

He spoke from behind the woman who was the spitting image of his wife but had the exact opposite of everything his wife stood for.

Emily is mild-tempered as no one dares to mess with the quick-tempered Sabrina. Emily is very considerate and even makes so many compromises for him whereas Sabrina never bothers to put others before herself, her twin sister Emily and maybe her husband Vicker, being the only exceptions. Emily is always dressed simply as Sabrina's dressing always screams the name of designers. 

Emily is thrifty in handling money and other resources as Sabrina is especially extravagant. Gerald could remember once asking her superstar director husband how he copes with Sabrina's extravagant lifestyle, to which Vicker responded by saying "money is all I have to offer Sabrina and sincerely speaking, I'm glad she helps me spend it." 

Then he smiled and patted Gerald on the shoulder saying "makes me want to work harder to earn more. After all, money is meant to be spent." 

Gerald could never forget that response even if he wanted to because he couldn't understand then, how a man could be happy to have a wife who only knows how to spend his money. 

Up till this day, he still couldn't understand Vicker at all.

Gerald caught up to Sabrina saying "both Emily and her children are in perfect health and are currently resting. No need to be in such a rush." 

Gerald had Sabrina's attention who then turned around abruptly to face him "what did you just say? Did I hear you say Emily and her children?" 

Before she could continue with her outburst, Gerald presented the divorce agreement before her and said "kindly help me pass this to your sister. I need her to sign this ASAP" 

When Sabrina laid eyes on the document, everything became clearer to her all of a sudden. "Oh! So that's how it is huh!" She took a few unhurried steps towards Gerald and gave him a resounding slap on his left cheek followed by another to his right cheek. 

After that, she pointed her fingers to his nose and said in a hushed voice "Gerald scumbag Flynch, I hope you die a lonely death." She then grabbed the divorce agreement and stormed off before Gerald could say, Jack. 

Onlookers gave Gerald different looks of pity, curiosity, disdain and other looks he couldn't even explain nor did he bother to. Anyway, he had to give it to Sabrina, she really has so much strength in those weak arms of hers. 

Gerald never felt wronged or even the slightest need to retaliate for what Sabrina just did to him. After all, he is the one divorcing Emily on the day she delivered their children. 

Connar could have added another slap if he knew Gerald gave the divorce agreement to his wife's younger sister instead of handing it to her personally. 

There is actually no peaceful way of settling such a request and Gerald would rather take the easier way out.