Chapter 4! They All Left Me Alone!

Sabrina faced no hindrance in moving the belongings of her sister. Checking out the room, she couldn't help praising her sister's aesthetic sense.

The bedroom was designed in a minimalist style but screamed elegance, giving testament to the designer's perfect taste. The peach and burnt orange colour combination gave the bedroom a very relaxed and comfy feeling.

The floor-to-ceiling window was definitely Emily's idea. It was her favourite since they were kids. She enjoys looking out the huge window for inspiration anytime she wants to paint or come up with any design draft. Sabrina spoke to no one in particular "just what is it about the window, Emily?" A sudden wind blew in the room and Sabrina could swear she felt her sister's presence there for a moment. 

She couldn't help her thoughts from trailing to how her sister used to be the best in her field but ended up wasting her dreams on a man who turned out to be a cowardly scumbag. 

She is currently looking at the wedding picture of her sister and the scumbag while contemplating whether to burn them all for good or not when a picture frame suddenly slipped from her hands. 

The glass screen broke into tiny shattered pieces. 

Luckily for Sabrina, she was wearing shoes or she might have been scrapped by the broken glass. She suddenly felt a sense of crisis and her heartbeat became faster with her breathing, laboured.

As if that's not enough, the discomfort was then accompanied by a stifling pain in her chest that threatened to suffocate her.

Sabrina took in deep laboured breaths as she lingered on the verge of unconsciousness, her mind blanks as she couldn't even understand why she was feeling this way.

She could not even as much as say a single word when breathing alone was already a difficult chore for her.

The next six minutes passed like sixty years for Sabrina who felt that she had just won a gamble against death.

Suddenly, everything felt better, Sabrina felt lighter and she would have been tempted to believe this was just a dream if she had not been standing in the bedroom of Emily and Gerald just a few seconds ago but woke up all of a sudden drenched in sweat on the woollen floor mat.

Although everything suddenly became normal again, she felt indescribably empty.

At the same time that Sabrina regained consciousness, felt lighter and fit again her sister, Emily, also breathed her last.

What Sabrina did not know was that the connection between her and her elder sister was broken forever. The process was what made her so tensed and terrified earlier.

Just like a premonition, she couldn't help thinking about her sister as she weakly muttered "Emily!... Oh Emily!...Emily! Please be alright".

Sabrina packed all the wedding pictures as the moving team had already moved the other belongings of her sister awaiting her instruction to depart.

Rushing to the hospital, she pushed open her sister's ward only to see Emily lying motionless on the bed with an agitated Dr Keith doing her all to revive her, but to no avail.

Earlier in the day, Dr Keith had the hospital ring Gerald who curtly told the nurse that she had a wrong number when they asked to confirm if he was Emily's husband. 

When Sabrina saw her sister's lifeless body in front of her, she couldn't process anything happening around her as she looked transfixed at the body.

A depressed Dr Keith placed her trembling hands on her shoulder and said in a heavy voice "so sorry Sabrina. We did everything we could but she had a sudden heart attack. We will process her for the morgue as arrangements are made for an autopsy. I'll leave you to have a moment with her if you wish."

Sabrina was overwhelmed with everything and couldn't take it anymore, so she passed out after taking a few steps towards Emily's bed for a clearer view. 

When she woke up again, Vicker was holding her hands firmly with his face buried in the mattress. Maybe he was scared she will disappear if he doesn't hold her firm enough or he may not even feel her presence if he doesn't hold her that way.

Immediately he felt her move, he got up with a start and was about to give her a glass of water when Sabrina suddenly shouted at the top of her voice " Emily!!!" Vicker locked onto Sabrina in an embrace so tight she couldn't make a single move.

After struggling enough, she continued her cries as a whimper. The sight really broke Vicker's heart as he had no words to console his bereaved wife. "It's okay! I'm right here Rina! It's okay" was all he could say.

Sabrina ceased her struggles and remained still in her husband's arms as the day's events replayed in her mind. One notable thing she couldn't get off her mind was how her sister bade farewell but she couldn't catch onto it 

"I'm so tired Rina. I really need a take care of the babies while I'm at it okay. You may want to name them for me as well."

She was over the moon when the opportunity to name the kids came to her. It was so sudden that she forgot to grasp the meaning behind her sister's words.

Now Sabrina regrets her decision of rushing to pack her sister's belongings from her matrimonial home.

What damn belongings! Gerald could keep them for all she cared if only she could have her sister with her right now.

Maybe she could have stayed and prevented the sudden demise of her sister as she felt strongly that it was not a natural death. 

Even if it's proven to be a natural death, she could have spent Emily's final moments with her. 

How could she have been away when Emily needed her the most! "Vicker!..." There was nothing else after the name but Vicker wasn't worried because he knew Sabrina would speak when she feels it was right. "I'm here my love. I'm right here" What she finally said made him terrified out of his wits "Vicker...I am all alone in this world" [Sobs] "They left me all alone in this world Vicker...I...want to join them...I need to join them, Vicker...I need to join could they do this to me?" [more sobs]

Vicker understood that for Sabrina who lost her parents through a plane crash and subsequently lost her sister in this manner, the only thing he could do was assure her of his presence and the fact that she is not alone as he was still with her. He held her even tighter "I'm right here Rina. Not going anywhere. I'm right here"

Sabrina could only muter weakly while she lay in her husband's arms "that's what you all say"

Following the death of Emily, the ever cheerful Sabrina became depressed and Vicker was beginning to get worried.

The foodie even went three whole days without a morsel of food. Even her bathing had to be facilitated by Vicker as she seemed to have given up on life as it was.

On this faithful day, Vicker had the triplets brought to their room by the nannies. Each of the three children had a separate nanny as Vicker believed they will have the best care if done that way. 

After they were placed on the bed where Sabrina lay, Vicker motioned for the nannies to excuse them.

He then moved to the guest room for a much-needed sleep he never had in these three consecutive days.

This is as a result of him resorting to watching Sabrina like a hawk, so she doesn't hurt herself.

After about thirty minutes, the youngest child started crying and Sabrina fixed her gaze on her like she was some sort of alien. 

As if the baby intentionally wanted to bring her back to her senses, she cried even louder when there was no response from Sabrina. Left with no choice Sabrina picked her up on impulse "don't cry, baby...I'm right here" The words just slipped out of her lips without her knowing.

As if on cue, the other two followed suit and Sabrina had to get the nannies to help her out.

She carried the three kids, one at a time.

After they were fed by the respective nannies, they all slept once again.

Sabrina then run into the bathroom where she cried her heart out.