Chapter 10! Robin Flynch!

"Miss Fynn, please come with me this way! Your workspace is just up ahead, when we turn the corner." 

Adriana took in the sight before her as she committed every single detail to memory. She needed to know her environment pretty well if she wants to succeed and avoid any unpleasant surprises. 

She really looked like a clueless country bumpkin, with the way she was taking in everything with undisguised interest.  

She had a task she couldn't rush at the moment. 

In order to keep herself busy, while doing something she really needed to, Adriana joined Flynch Corporation as Ana Fynn. 

It was not even worth mentioning to Matilda, as Adriana herself entered her fake birth certificate and other fake, well, not totally fake documents, to corroborate her identity.

Ana Fynn, then is a young genius from the number one university in country G, who was cultivated through numerous scholarships and grants. 

She lived with a single mother who earns just enough to feed and clothe both of them. As a result, their accommodation was nothing to talk about.

Her father absconded with another woman when he won a lottery worth 5 billion.

The only problem being that, her mother, Lily Fynn, was the real owner of the ticket which miraculously disappeared with her husband. 

A follow up visit to the lottery company, then revealed how the winner had claimed the price on the same day her husband disappeared. 

There wouldn't be need for a soothsayer to explain the situation, because even a toddler could connect the dots. 

When Anna finished fabricating her identity, she couldn't help 'awwing' at her own imaginations, as if she just realized how vivid her imagination could be.

Reaching her office, she spoke softly as if on impulse, "this is a really big company...hope I meet my idol soon enough" 

The colleague looked at Adriana cautiously before voicing her doubts in a dejected tone "you also like the boss?"

Adriana pretended to be lost in thought with an irritating infatuated look on her face. 

She needed to make the assistant her best friend when she finally finds out there is no competition between them both in the first place. 

The assistant actually thought Adriana also had a thing for Dylan Flynch, the dream man of virtually all female employees in the company and the country at large.

Adriana scrunched her nose in her head but maintained the silly smile as she approached the assistant and asked in a hushed voice while taking her hands into hers "does he still play golf on weekends?"

It took a few seconds for the assistant to recover her wits and give a smile that reached her ears "oh yes!...he still does...I mean, every Saturday"  

She was suddenly hit with the realization that the person before her is not a Dylan fanatic and even feels apologetic for misunderstanding her in the first place. "And that's what I call, mission accomplished!" adriana thought.

Adriana treated Kayla like she was her best friend from then on. Then again, Kayla is a lovely girl who wears her heart on her face and that was exactly what caught Adriana's attention.

The downside to such a bubbly character is that she is so gullible. Diana didn't mind making friends with such a person as she detests calculating girls so much. 

Adriana was able to get the position of deputy design team manager, by presenting few of her unfinished works that really caught the eyes of the design team manager. He felt like he really couldn't be her boss but there was nothing he could do about it.

Its not like he could just get up and resign from his job right!

As she got to work by arranging her office to her taste, Kayla, her assistant came rushing to the office with undisguised joy written all over her face "Miss Anna! I have good news..." 

She then stopped to pant a little as she had run from the pantry to Anna's office. "The boss is in. You are really in luck, Miss Anna" 

Adriana could not get how she was suddenly in luck just because the boss was in. Then she suddenly remembered her supposed wish of wanting to meet her idol and couldn't fathom how she happened to shoot herself in the foot on the very first day of work. 

Before Adriana could recover from her 'luck', Kayla dropped another bombshell "Manager Lim says the boss would like to see you in his office." 

Adriana's expression changed drastically because she was not ready to meet her scumbag of a father just yet. "Who wants to be in the same space with him anyway?" 

She had to cultivate enough self control so as to not punch him in the face. 

Adriana took in deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down. She definitely shouldn't stain her hands with the blood of her own father. Even though the man does not deserve to be anyone's father, it is the last thing she will ever do.

Kayla on the other hand watched Adriana take in deep breaths and concluded that she was overly nervous out of of over excitement. 

As a result, she took time to explain all the things Adriana should take note of when she meets Mr Flynch.

Upon the arrival of Manager Liam, Adriana followed him wordlessly to the boss' office as she kept looking around as though it was her first time in a place 'this big'. 


On Gerald's end, he was looking at Anna Fynn's resume and could plainly see a striking resemblance with his first wife, Emily. 

Even her surname happens to be the same as Emily's maiden name, but he couldn't help reassuring himself that it was just a beautiful coincidence. 

However, there was still this tiny little voice that kept telling him that Anna was his daughter with Emily Fynn. 

Gerald Flynch could not help being hopeful of finding out the whereabouts of his ex-wife, from Anna. He could not understand why Emily never reached out to him and even all records of her were wiped clean. There was not even a record of the brief marriage they both shared, within the short period of two years. 

The dude is still not aware that he had already killed his ex-wife, Emily. 

Suddenly, [knock!] [knock!] [knock!]

A knock on the door brought him out of his reverie.

"Come in"

"Good day sir!" Manager Liam greeted Gerald politely, as Anna remained silent with her head bowed, even though she could see Gerald's burning gaze on her. "Take a sit Mr Lim, Miss Fynn" He then motioned for the two to sit opposite him and began to probe "Mr Liam, how prepared are we for the fall fashion week?"

Manager Liam was not surprised to hear that the meeting was about his ongoing project and couldn't help feeling privileged as he responded enthusiastically "Everything is going smoothly boss. 

We couldn't be any more prepared at the moment. He then paused for a glass of water as he realized Gerald's attention all the while was on his deputy. "I'm glad to say that, with Miss Fynn on our team, only the famed designer, Adriana Hastings, could pose a threat to us right now boss. We are sure to win this one as she is our secret weapon at the moment."

Gerald raised an eyebrow in question, and the manager excitedly explained how her design concepts were out of this world and how he could never ever have even considered them personally. 

"Miss Fynn! Welcome to Flynch Apparel." Adriana raised her head with a blank expression as she responded in a flat tone without as much as a fake smile "the pleasure is all mine Mr Flynch"

Gerald Flynch swallowed all the questions he prepared beforehand and was deep in thought as he couldn't understand why the deputy manager of the clothing department seems to propel a hostile vibe towards him, even though she was only sitting down quietly at the moment.

The ringing of his cell phone suddenly brought him out of his reverie "Hello! Yes! This is Gerald...!" He stood up abruptly and called for his driver to ready the car as he headed straight towards C City Central Police station. 

Gerald dismissed the meeting the moment his phone call ended. He didn't want to delay even a minute.While stepping out, Gerald made his secretary clear all schedule for the whole afternoon. He was going to a police station after all, no one knows what to expect over there. 

Come to think of it, who would have thought that, Gerald Flynch would leave his company unattended, just to go for his son at the police station?

"Robin Flynch! You had better prepare a reasonable explanation for this. 

Why can't you just be as reasonable as your twin brother?" 

He subsequently rested his head on the 

headrest and closed his eyes for some much needed peace and quiet.