Chapter 18: Red Velvet!

Gerald stayed on working in his study for the rest of the day and when he realized that the clouds were gathering, he chose to go visit his usual place. 

As he passed the sitting room, he saw his wife seated and watching a comedy skit on television. He then remembered why he came home in the first place. 

So without any warning, he asked, "when last did you speak to Robin?"

Gerald only wanted to let his wife know about what happened to Robin and chose to start with a harmless question but little did he know that Dorothy didn't care much about the subject of his discussion.

She responded without breaking her gaze from the television "last time I saw that one was four days ago!"

It was like Dorothy spoke from her subconscious without a care for anything in the world. 

Every other thing Gerald wanted to say got stuck in his throat as he could see how disinterested Dorothy was in anything concerning Robin. She was always on and on about Dylan, the younger twin. How could a mother be so terrible? 

He couldn't be bothered to tell his wife anything anymore, as he says sarcastically while walking out "what a caring mother you are!"

Dorothy flinched at the comment but the culprit was already out of sight. 

It is obvious how biased she is about Dylan as Robin never makes it onto her to-do list, talking less of being a priority for her. 

Dorothy's expression at the moment could have scared Gerald if he had seen it. Such an expression should never have found its way onto the face of his simpleton of a wife who doesn't even dare to retort when he is being sarcastic in his speech towards her.

Dorothy watched the departing back of her husband with a knowing look on her face. She could swear the pig is on his way to that damned red velvet again.


Red Velvet

As the vehicle was about to zoom into the car park, Kelly nearly peed her pants because she just couldn't explain what she was feeling at the moment. How she hoped time could freeze right now.

She was going to be the plaything of all those hungry wolves out there. Funny enough, her knight in shining armour was going to declare her a misfit in this very organization.

Was there a gun somewhere for her to just end it all? Why was everyone treating her like it was all her fault? She couldn't understand it because she wasn't the only one to blame here. 

The rains were getting heavier and heavier as time went by. It was only drizzling when they left downtown but the rain at the moment was heavier than anyone could have imagined. 

Aiden had the car stopped at the back car park of Red Velvet. This place is available for only some selected staff and important personalities who wouldn't want to be seen entering Red Velvet. 

Aiden then gave a command that sealed Kelly's fate "let her out!" The command was communicated promptly by Calvin to the occupants of the other vehicle and they were all a little dumbfounded. 

Their boss doesn't want to go in but instead wants them to let the prisoner out into the rain. No one could guess what he was up to. Only Aiden knew the reason for his actions. 

Kelly was told to get out and she did so without any form of struggle. She was trembling all over but finally, she discovered how small she was before these people. It was better to comply than have her thrown out onto the floor. 

As she stepped out, she suddenly shivered due to the cold wind blowing against her almost naked body. What she had been through in these few days had made her so tired that she wouldn't dare complain about anything anymore. 

She lost her boyfriend, one she trusted with her life. Witnessing her father being shot with a bullet through his head was what broke the last thread of resistance in her. She couldn't even mourn for her father as she couldn't even dare to breathe too loud in the vehicle. She couldn't even be sure of what fate awaited her at Red Velvet.

Maybe her tears could land her a few slaps that would leave her unpresentable. She knew how things worked at Red Velvet and wouldn't dare risk being punished for neglecting her looks.

Now standing in front of Red Velvet, she felt so empty that she had nothing else to feel. Since death wouldn't come for her, she chose to accept anything that came her way.

Her nightmares could only continue at this place and there would be no end to them until she ended them herself. Kelly reckons that if she could behave herself, she just may get to become an escort to certain VIP clients. 

That means she will finally get access to something that could aid her in ending this miserable life of hers. Even a fruit knife would do. 

Kelly stood motionless in the rain as there was no other instruction given. She stood at attention and avoided the urge to sneeze as much as she could. There was no way she was not getting punished tonight as a severe cold awaits her upon stepping out of the rain. 

A few seconds after entering the rain, her teeth started cluttering and her body trembled more and more violently. Even in all the discomfort, Kelly only stood with her hands clasped in front of her. 

Finally, after about five minutes, the cars drove away, leaving Kayla standing in the middle of the road, drenched in the rain. 

Sky, the manager of Red Velvet stood at the balcony of his room and witnessed everything that happened to Kayla with no expression at all on his face. 

Unknown to everyone else, Rita was hiding in one of the upper rooms with binoculars in her hands. All she wanted was to catch a glimpse of the people outside but was shocked to see Kayla being treated like a stray dog. 

She felt so good, it was refreshing to her soul.