Piece of Cake!

With Adriana at Red Velvet, Aiden who was somewhere downtown knew she was onto him. Why else would she go to Red Velvet if not for the hard drive?

This goes to show that she is a step ahead of him and the feeling is so frustrating. 

The informant also fled after meeting two women, which was the information he got upon reaching downtown. 

However, their informant swore that there was someone at Red Velvet in possession of what they are looking for but just couldn't point out exactly who. 

He looked around him and for the first time felt like someone was trying to outsmart him. She went there at the same time he was leaving for the same place. "Such a coincidence!" was all he could say. 

Calvin was also getting worried because Adriana seemed to be a step ahead of them in this game of catch. He couldn't help looking at Aiden who walked past him after saying "Red Velvet."

Adriana tasked Melody to check the CCTV