
Aiden Rockerfeller asked about everything he needed to know from his father. He went straight to the point and asked his father everything that was bothering him. 

However, at the end of the phone call, he didn't know what to do. It is a fact that the Rockefeller clan did not order the hit on the Hastings royals. They didn't order the poisoning incident of Vicker Hastings. Also, they knew absolutely nothing about the death of Emily Fynn. 

Aiden listened to his father for a while and asked him a question that was totally unexpected, "why the specific events?"

Troy Rockerfeller was shocked at first and realized that he had spoken out of turn. Knowing Aiden for who he is, he knew for a fact that he couldn't avoid the topic after he brought it up.

Troy didn't want to speak about the very issue that led to a rift between him and his long time friend. He never reached out in all these years, but it does not mean that he has not tried to bridge the gap.