I miss you so much, Emily!

Gerald suddenly felt too hot all over his body, even though the air conditioner in the room was functioning properly. 

Without solving the mystery of his misplaced phone, Gerald had to battle with the heat all over his body. The feeling was not foreign to Gerald and coupled with his missing phone, he would have admitted a horse stepped on his brain easier than feigning oblivion at what was really happening. 

It was clear as day that his wife was out to get him, and Gerald couldn't explain his feelings at the moment. Looking at his little brother down there, he decided to rush into the bathroom for a cold bath. 

Even though it wouldn't solve anything, at least he would wait it out till his wife comes upstairs. It's not like he could dress up in this state and go looking for a woman at Red Velvet. He couldn't even barge into the dining room and demand she follows him to bed either, it would be too embarrassing to do such a thing before his son.