Seeing is believing!

"Oh that!... It's just a little something I was working on earlier this morning!

Rowan was shocked shitless. How on earth did the renowned wastrel become a sound engineer? He voices out his doubt without worrying about what Robin would say, "You wastrel! When did you become a sound engineer?" 

Robin playfully throws the spatula in his hands toward Rowan and shouts, "it's your whole generation that is wastrels!" Rowan swiftly dodges to the side and the spatula falls onto the floor with a loud clatter. 

There was no way Rowan was allowing that spatula to hit him at all. He then says in jest, as he runs out of the kitchen, "how do I have any generation at all when you wish to murder me right here?" Robin then chases his cousin with another spatula, as the two run around the house.