Jumping Ships

Aiden gladly opened his mouth and swallowed whatever Adriana fed him without any discomfort. He was not repulsed by the way she was blowing on the hot food. Rather, Aiden never knew food could taste so good. He felt extremely delighted to have Adriana's attention. 

Aiden ate his food in silence as he watched Adriana lips part on and on to blow on he food for him. He noticed Calvin who opened he door and closed it back, as if he was chased by someone.

Aiden saw him open the door, so did Adriana who sat with her back toward the door. Adriana however felt nothing when she heard the door opening, but even though she didn't see who it was, she was sure it wouldn't be anyone aside Calvin. 

Adriana remained silent, as she fed Aiden and made sure he took everything in the bowl, after which she packed everything and excused herself. On her way out, she saw a dumbfounded Calvin who didn't know how to even address her.