Money everywhere!

Under the full glare of everyone, Kate moved to the manager's office and made her intention to see him, known to the secretary. After waiting impatiently for about a minute, the secretary returned to usher Kate into Manager Liam's office.

As soon as Kate was shown a seat, manager Liam didn't leave any time for her to think before bombarding her with one question after another. "I was informed that you gave orders to have Kayla Smith sidelined in the company." 

Kate was rendered speechless at the welcome message she was receiving from the manager, however, she decided to play dumb and feign oblivion. "I don't know what you are talking about sir!" 

Manager Liam was shocked at how easily she could lie and not even bat an eyelid. Such a scary creature the young lady was. He plays along and says in a neutral tone, "Really? I take it to mean you do not even know who Kayla Smith is!"