
Looking at the outfit before him, Aiden could have hugged Adriana if he had been standing beside her. It was a release that got him trying all means to get a copy for himself, but never got the chance to. He finally had the clothes starting him in the face, and all he could do was have a shocked expression, as everything felt so surreal at the moment. 

Adriana coughed a few times, to draw Aiden's attention back to her. She wanted to know if he liked the outfit. However, he wasn't even listening to anything she said after presenting the clothes to him. He got a total of nine different designs for casual wear, and two out if it's for official wear. 

However, Adriana gave him the first casual outfit from kamsve that no one was able to buy with money. Her fake cough did the magic of bringing Aiden back to his senses, who looked her straight in the eyes and said, "babe!... I love this!"