Playing pretend!

Aiden Rockerfeller began to feel a sense of crisis, as he only had a little over a week to stay at the hilltop villa. He had tried being slow and steady in his approach, it is not clear whether Adriana was just playing dumb or she was clearly at point zero when it comes to Emotional Quotient (EQ).

She never responded to his advances, and anytime he wants to be explicit with her, she always finds a way to get him tongue-tied. However, it wouldn't happen anymore. 

Adriana would not escape from him his time. He wants her for himself and himself only, no one else would have her in his lifetime. 

Adriana has a face that could make brothers fight each other, without caring for anything in the world. She is the type of person that could make nations fall to their knees. Emperors would go to war and gladly die for her if she were in the olden era.