
As the girls awaited the arrival of the chopper to carry their mother back home, Aiden also received a phone call from an old friend. 

"How dare you put my woman in danger?... You have really become so weak that you are unable to care for yourself huh?... You owe me an explanation when next I see your sorry ass… keep that in mind"

Aiden remained silent as he listened to his good friend ramble on and on about what he knew absolutely nothing about. He was in deep thought at the same time and couldn't help being a little worried. To the best of his knowledge, Adriana is as single as it gets, how then did he…? 

He let out a loud chuckle and said gloatingly, "she didn't only get exposed to danger for me, I'll say she willingly touched me in many different places… I think she also saw many different parts of my body…"