Dead Men Tell no Tales!

Adriana stepped into her apartment and moved straight to her room without speaking to anyone in the sitting room. Melody kept her gaze on her boss until she was out of her sight. She then pretends to get some snacks from the convenience store downstairs and takes a stroll afterward.

To avoid raising any suspicions, she invited Kayla to join her, and unsurprisingly, she declined. Kayla Smith was trying everything possible to be strong. Melody had seen her crying in secret sometimes, and at other times she was strong sadly into space, and always looking moody. 

However, she always puts up a happy front when Adriana is around, thinking no one knows about her fears. Both Adriana and Melody could tell that the girl was apprehensive, and they know why. Kayla feels that she had stressed Adriana enough, but Adriana assured her that there was nothing to worry about.